Creepypasta Boyfriend Scenarios

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(A/N:I don't know how to start off exept to say this includeds slender,Eyeless Jack, Jeff, BEN and also imma start with how you meet. Feel free to leave sugestions)

How you met



You walked through the woods and stepped on a paper (A/N: You know where this going. i tried xc ). Of course you picked it up.

"Always watches no eyes..." You read aloud. You kinda thought this was a prank not believing in this stuff. You laughed after you fount all 8 pages but you stopped as you started to be lifted from behind. You began to flail you arms. "PUT ME DOWN I HAVE PAPER ILL CUT YOU WITH IT!!" You yelled trying to turn. The thing turned you, that thing, was slender. "Oh my, my I shall see you soon my dear (Y/N)." Slender put you down and teleported away. "Strange" You thought aloud. You just walked home quickly.


Eyeless Jack

You woke up but still had your eyes closed. Someone or something opened your window.


the man pounced onto your bed. You gripped the knife under your pillow remembering what almost happened in your last house.

"Don't be a fangirl....Please don't be a fangirl" He said softly. He crawled towards you pulling down the covers lifting your shirt and you stabbed him in the leg. "ARGH!" he fell and you pounced on him. You held the knife to his throat. "Why are you here." You tried not to sound afraid but you squeaked on the last word and he chuckled throwing you off and the knife had plunged into your arm. "OW!" you screamed. He rushed to you tending your wounds.

"Its Eyeless Jack." he said as he was finishing tending your wounds. "Hmm?" you asked, somehow calmed by the intruder! The intruder! You kinda laughed while he was explaining about himself, the name, low selfesteem. He growled. "S-Sorry i had a funny thought..." He just nodded. He jumped out the window but not before saying "Bye (Y/N)..."


Jeff The Killer

(A/N: Okai this is pretty much the most perverted one Hehe. Boys! Jeff:HEY! Me:Imma run from the PERVERT! *Runs from Jeff* DARKNESS HELP!! Dark Link:CANT ALMOST KILLED LINK! COME BACK LINK! Me: OKAY * stops in front of Smile petting him whispering in his ear giving Jeff a glare* ATTACK JEFFERY! Smile:*Chases Jeff* Jeff: NO SMILE NOOOOO! Me: Here is the story now. Sorry i forgot!)

You walked on the street and a guy walked up to you.

"Heey Sexy," he hid his face in a hoodie not letting you see his face. you kept walking he kept following. "now let me say i want to do so much to that ass!Mmm!" You started to get mad but decided that you would ignore him. "Hey dont ignore me!" He frowned. Do not ignore me!" he grabbed your waist and pulled you close to him and you were fed up! He pretened to fuck you. you turned around, slapped him, and his hoodie fell down. You stared you just slapped the infamous Jeff the Killer and he was pissed! "Bi-" You cut him off. "Hello Jeffery! Have my babies!" You tried to sound like a fangirl trying to scare him off but he wasnt buying it.

"Okay beautiful." you pushed him away and ran home to find him on your bed and you growled. Your window was open. "GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!" He grinned his smile that made all the fangirls faint, you just gave him a 'FUCK OFF!!' look. "No now lemme help you with that wish!" you sighed and told him to fuck off and pushed him out the window he yelled before limping away: "BYE (Y/N)!"


BEN drowned

You headed to sleep and forgot to turn off your Game Majoras Mask. You went to do so but Link was playing his own game?! you rubbed you eyes and you were awake alright! "U-Um, Li-" He cut you off. "Its BEN! haha that proves your not a fangirl!" You stood in confusion. "B-Ben?" he nodded. "Have anything else or?" You nodded and handed him about 2 tubs of video games and went to bed. (A/N:Ran out of ideas sowwie :c )

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