A New Beginning

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Sora had returned with his father and brought him over to Riku and the girl. "Another one? There was a girl found here just two nights ago." Sora's father sighed and picked the young girl up before taking her, Riku, and Sora back to the main island.

The woman who lived next to Riku's house decided to take the h/c girl in, and the mayor took in the other girl who was found two nights before. Riku and Sora went to visit the girl who first came. They learned her name was Kairi. Kairi had red hair and deep blue eyes. She didn't really remember a lot of where she was from, but she knew a few thing. Fortunately, she knew her name, her birthday, and how to write and so on. After their visit with Kairi, Riku insisted on going to see the other girl. Sora agreed and the both of them ran until they made it to Riku's neighbors house. The woman opened the door and gave them a warm smile "Why hello you two." "Hello Miss. Aki!" (Get its? Like misaki? Sksksk ok..sorry) Sora greeted "We wanted to see the new girl." Riku explained as Sora seemed to bob up and down with excitement "I wanna be her first friend!" Mrs. Aki stepped aside to let the boys in. "She's in the room upstairs, third door to the left." They thanked her before rushing up the stairs, they got to the room and barged in, falling on top of each other. Sitting on a bed by the window, was the girl with h/c hair. When she looked over and caught Sora's gaze he got a tingling feeling in his chest. He felt so happy but also so sad..he didn't understand it. The two boys got up and walked over to the girl who just stared blankly at them. "I'm Riku." The silver haired boy said as the brunet bounced closer "and I'm Sora! We're your friends!" The girl stared in silence before a small smile formed on her face "okay. Nice to meet you." She seemed to relax and now turned to completely face her new friends. "What's your name?" Sora asked, causing the girl to frown "hm...I don't know.." the boys looked shocked, Riku easily returning back to his calm state as Sora openly voiced his shock. "You don't know? You mean you don't remember?!" She nodded as her frown deepened. She seemed like she could start crying at any second. "Hey that's okay." Riku spoke up as he placed a hand on her shoulder, causing her to look up at him. "But I don't know who I am..." he gave her a smile "Don't worry, we can give you a name. And you'll make plenty of new memories with us." He said and Sora nodded eagerly in agreement. "Hm..okay!" She smiled and nodded as the two boys began to think of a name for their new friend "how about..Sara! Because im Sora!" The brunet grinned and Riku shoved him "You're not naming her after yourself." He sighed before he clenched his fists in excitement. "I got it!" He took her hands in his. "Welcome to Destiny Islands, Hisa."

A few days later Sora and Riku took Hisa to meet Kairi. The two girls instantly bonded, both having no memory of their life before. The four grew to be fast friends, always visiting each other and playing together. After a few weeks, Riku and Sora invited the girls to go to the little island to play with them, with Sora's dad watching over them, of course. And so the four spent their days playing in the sea, running through the sand and climbing the trees. Days turned to weeks, weeks to months, and months to years. As the years began to pass they began to go to school together, and they were all in the same class, making the time they spent together near the twenty four hour mark. As the years continued to roll by, their bond only got stronger. One day the boys insisted on playing a game of knights and princess— an idea the girls loved, until Hisa was told she had to be a princess. She actually tackled Sora and pinned him down before making him eat a fistful of sand while saying that he needed to be the princess. At that moment they agreed Hisa was allowed to be a knight. Kairi was much more girly than Hisa was, Kairi liked to make crafts while Hisa played with the boys, mostly it was them fighting each other with wooden swords. She wasn't as good as Sora and Riku but she had heart, and that made her an equal in their eyes. Riku began to get eager about adventure and the Island just wasn't enough for him. Sora, Kairi, and Hisa were open to the idea of an adventure, but expressed how they did want to come back someday. As the years turned to a decade, the four finally decided to prepare for their adventure. How would they get to a new world? Well, by building a raft of course.
Yay book two! 🎊 I chose Hisa because it means "sun". Sora means "sky" Riku meaning "sea" and kairi meaning "village by the sea" so i was thinking Hisa was a fitting name. As the description says there will be some minor tweaks to the plot and I may not follow it line by line as I did with book one. I hope you enjoyed! Until next time❤️

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