Chap 12: missing

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Jimin arrives on the scene, police already cordoned off the area. Jimin flashes his detective budge, bowing to the officer as he walks into the little cafe. Hoseok is already there, talking to one of the officers. Jimin walks up to them, scanning the room.

"What have we got Hoseok?" Jimin glances at him, turning back to the book nearly placed on the table.

"Well his name is Ben Spencer, he's twenty four years old. He lives with his girlfriend Jennie, and he owns this cafe here." Hoseok reads through his notes.

"Who reported him missing?" Jimin moves around the scene, noticing that everything was still in place, indicating there was no struggle.

"His girlfriend. He didn't return home last night after he finished work. She woke up to find he still wasn't home, having called him several times. She decided to come down here and discovered it like this." Hoseok puts to a destroat women, sitting at one of the far away tables with an officer.

"How'd she get in?" Jimin looks over at the women, seeing how upset she was.

"Ben keeps a spare key at their place." Hoseok puts his notepad away.

"Any sign of a break in, or how the suspect got inside." Jimin walks around, heading towards the back.

"No sighs of forced entry, but the wires to the electrical box have been cut." Hoseok follows him into the back.

Jimin nods, walking to the fuse box. Noticing the wires were perfectly cut. The suspect clearly knew what they were doing.

"They obviously knew what to cut, the wires were cut with persuasion. Is there anything missing?" Jimin turns to Hoseok.

"Not that we know of. Nothing was taken or disturbed. Only thing out of the ordinary was the book placed on the table. But it did appear that Ben was in the middle of cleaning, due to some cleaning supplies having been left out." Hoseok looks at him.

Jimin nods, taking in everything that he has been told. He walks around, noticing a back door. He reaches it, putting on a set of gloves he opens the door. Seeing it leads out to an alleyway. It was big enough for a car to fit down. Deciding this must of been how the killer got Ben out without being noticed.

"Get Tae and his forensic team to check out here. See if they can discover any tire marks or any indication of the killer being here. Maybe we might catch a break, the killer may of slipped up." Jimin nods the the alleyway.

"Sure Jimin." Hoseok goes back into the cafe, getting some forensics out to search the alleyway.

Jimin looks through the alleyway, kneeling down to look at the ground. The sun was only just coming up, so he was still struggling to see the full alleyway.

"Heard you wanted us to search here." Tae comes from inside, wearing white scrubs and a face mask.

"Yeah, I think this is where the killer must of parked his car. This is wide enough for a car to fit down. It's the only way the killer could've taken Ben without being noticed. The front of the cafe leads into a busy street, plus there were cameras. So the killer obviously knew were to hide to avoid the cameras." Jimin gets up, walking towards Tae.

"Sounds plausible. I was thinking the same thing. I noticed cameras in the front of the building but not in the back. I'll get some of my men to come help." Tae signals for a few of his men to follow.

Jimin bows, walking back inside. He's hoseok coming towards him.

"Jimin. Would you like to talk to the girlfriend now. She wants to talk to the person in charge." Jimin nods, following Hoseok to the girl.

She was crying into a officers arms, sitting at one of the tables. Jimin and Hoseok walk towards her, they bow.

"Jennie. I'm sorry to have to ask you this, at a difficult time. But are you up to answering a few of our questions." Jimin smiles at him, sitting down in front of her.

"'s fine. I'm happy to help. Anything to help find Ben." Jennie wipes her tears away.

"Thank you. When was the last time you saw Ben?" Jimin asks, looking at Hoseok who grabs out his notepad.

"Yesterday morning, he was heading out to work. He seemed fine, it was like any other day." She sniffles sadly.

"Okay, so you didn't have any contact with him after that?"

"No. He was supposed to come home after work. We were going to go out for dinner." She looks at him, eyes filled with worry.

"Do you know of anyone who might've wanted to hurt him or has he been in trouble with anyone." Jimin leans forward on his chair.

"No! He was the nicest man I've ever meet. He never hurt anyone. Everyone who knew him loved him." She cries harder, clinging onto the female officer.

"I think that's enough sir, she needs to be taken home." The officer looks at him, Jennie crying harder.

"Just one more question. Where does Ben keep his security tapes. I noticed cameras outside the front of the building." Jimin points to outside.

"They're connected to his phone and laptop. His laptop is at home, I don't know where is phone is. I've been trying to call it all night." She chokes out, crying onto the officers shoulder.

"Thank you miss, here's my number if you can think of anything else." Jimin hands her his card, as she gets up and leaves with the officer.

"Get an officer to go to his house, get that laptop so we can going over the security footage. Let's go see his family, find out if they know anything more about Ben." Jimin gets up, walking out of the cafe.

Hoseok follows him, informing an officer to go get the laptop from Ben's apartment. Jimin goes to his car, unlocking it. Hoseok and him get in the car, Jimin starts the engine. He sighs, knowing they're not going to get much else from his parents. The killer seems to know his victims but the victims don't seem to know him.

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