Chap 48: just us

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Hoseok laid on the table, his wrists stinging from how tightly they were bound. He writhes around as Jungkook places the wires on his chest. He tries to scream but it comes out muffled due to the gag in his mouth. He looks over to his side, seeing Ethan laying on the floor limp.

"You know Hoseok, this place here means a lot to me, almost sentimental. It was where I killed for the first time, watched as my parents choked on their own blood." Jungkook smiles, switching on the machine.

Hoseok's eyes widen at what he's just been told, beginning to thrash around more. Jungkook licks his lips, flipping the switch. Hoseok's back lifts off the table, fists clenching as pain pulsates through him. His eyes roll into the back of his head, muscles tensing. Jungkook chuckles, flipping the switch which causes Hoseok to collapse back on the table. Chest heaving up and down, hot tears falling down his cheeks.

"Already had enough Hoseok? Thought you were stronger than this." Jungkook traces his fingers over his bare chest, noticing how he flinches.

Hoseok shakes his head, body still slightly twitching from the shock. His mind was foggy, the pain worse than anything he could've imagined. He sobs into the gag, biting down hard on it. He feels Jungkook's fingers push down on his burns causing him to cry out.

"So sensitive Hoseok, think I'm going to enjoy this more than I thought." He smirks, flipping the switch once again.

Hosoek's head falls back, wrists beginning to sting due to how hard he was pulling on his restraints. His muscles ache, body in agony as electricity surges through him. Jungkook's gaze shifts to the screen in above him, noticing a car pull up to the hospital. He smiles when he realises it was Jimin, excitement starts to bubble inside him. He turns off the machine, Hoseok's body falls back down, eyes struggling to stay open.

"Looks like we've got some company Hoseok, I should go help show them in." He pats Hoseok's cheek before moving away.

Jimin heads towards the entrance, finding the door already open. Carefully making his way inside, making sure not to cut himself on the broken glass. He looks around, squinting his eyes as it was hard to see.

"Hoseok? Hoseok?" Jimin slowly walks further in, finding he had two directions he could go.

He looks to his left, then right, deciding on going left first. The hallway was dark, his footsteps echoed with each step he took. He makes it to the end of the hallway, choosing to go right he continues to walk. It was eerily quiet, only the sound of him breathing and footsteps could be heard. He ventured deeper into the hospital, it beginning to get harder to see. He cursed himself for not bringing a torch with him.  As he keeps walking, no longer able to properly see. He gets to a door, pushing it open to reveal another hallway which was lowly lit. He walks further in, but stops when he hears the sound of Tae's voice is heard through the radio.

"Jimin! Jimin, you there?" Jimin quickly grabs the radio, pressing the button.

"Yes, yes I'm here. Tae, I've found Hoseok's car at the hospital. I need you to come here, get the others as well." Jimin keeps walking as he talks to Tae.

"Shit! Okay, we're on our way. We'll be about half an hour, stay in your car Jimin, don't go inside until we get there." Tae's voice was laced with worry.

Jimin sucks in a breath, he was already inside, there was no point in going back out just to wait thirty minutes for them to get here.

"Tae, I'm already inside. But don't worry, I know what I'm doing." Jimin reassured him.

"What! No Jimin, get out now. Wait for backup, we'll be there soon." Tae screams through the radio, angry at how careless Jimin is being.

Jimin was about to speak when he heard a loud bang, the small bit of light which lit the room suddenly blew causing Jimin to drop the radio in surprise.

"Shit!" Jimin hears the radio shatter as it hits the floor.

He kneels down, trying to find it when the door behind him closes. Glancing over his shoulder, trying to see if he can see anything but nothings there.

"Hello?" He carefully stands up, picking up the pieces of the radio.

He walks back to the door, trying to open it but finding it was now locked.

"Fuck! Come on." Jimin groans, pushing at the door but it not budging.

He turns back around, deciding he had no choice but to keep walking. He clearly couldn't go back the way he came anymore. Dropping the radio as there was not put carrying it he continues to walk, pulling out his gun just in case. He stops at a door, carefully opening it to find it lead to a lowly light hallway. As he steps he feels something wet underneath him. Glancing down he sees a puddle of blood, it looked fresh. He kneels down to inspect it when he hears what sounded like muffled cries coming from in front of him. Quickly standing up, he raises his gun, walking towards the noise. He stops at a door, pulling at the handle to open it.

"Oh my god! Hoseok." Hoseok was laying strapped to a table, a gag in his mouth.

He runs towards him, stupidly putting his gun on the table beside him

"Shit Hoseok! Are you okay?" Jimin attempts to break him out of his restraints but stops when he hears the haunting sound of him laughing.

"Jimin, it's so good for you to join us. You're just in time, the fun's about to start." He turns to see Jungkook standing by the door, a knife to Ethan's throat who has tears in his eyes, pleading to Jimin.

"Jungkook! Don't do this please, just let him go. Let Ethan go." Jimin holds his hand out, other resting protectively on the table.

"Now why would I do that Jimin? It's much funnier to just kill him." He presses the knife harder against his throat, causing Ethan to whimper.

"No! Please Jungkook, you don't want to do this. The police are coming, they'll be here soon." Jimin's eyes shift to the gun beside him

"Hmm that won't matter Jimin, not for what I have planned for us." He tilts his head, smiling at him.

"Jungkook please, just stop this! You're fucking insane!" Jimin screams out of anger, body shivering slightly in fear.

"I'm insane huh!." Jungkook growls, slitting Ethan's throat.

"No! You fucking bastard." Jimin screams, reaching for his gun on the table.

He fires it quickly, missing Jungkook as he moved to fast. Running towards him, before he has time to fire again Jungkook is on him, pushing him to the floor. Jimin's head hits the side of the the table as he falls to the floor. He cries out in pain, blood oozing from the side of his head. Jungkook grips his throat, squeezing with all the force he can muster. Jimin claws at his arms, legs failing about. Hoseok thrashed around, trying to break free to stop Jungkook from hurting Jimin.

"Stop struggling Jimin, just give in." Jungkook lifts his body up, slamming his head back down hard against the floor.

Jimin winces in pain, vision going blurry, lungs begging for air. He keeps kicking, attempting to escape from his grip. His throat muscles tense, head pounding. He stares up at Jungkook, eyes pleading with him to stop. But Jungkook was to lost, blinded by rage, excitement at finally be able to have Jimin all to himself. Hoseok bangs his body against the table, trying anything to stop Jungkook. Jimin begins to fade, legs slowly stop moving, hands starting to go limp, no longer clawing at Jungkook. Jungkook licks his lips, squeezing harder until Jimin stops moving, the darkness now consuming him. Last thing he remembers is hearing Jungkook whisper in his ear.

"It's time for us to play Jimin, just us."

Love you 😘 hope you liked the chapter!! It just keeps getting more intense xx

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