Chap 71: deserves it

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Hoseok walks out the hospital, immediately calling Namjoon. He needed to inform him on what Jihyun just told him. Jungkook had Jimin, and there had to be only one place he took him.

Namjoon gets out his car, ordering his men to get to their positions. They had police cars blocking either side of the road, two cars in front of the house. He was wearing a bulletproof vest, gun on his belt, loud speaker in his hand. An officer comes up, holding a tablet in his hand.

"There's two body signatures in the house, it appears there might be a body siting in a chair." The officer shows him the screen, seeing to orange figures standing right next to each other.

"Namjoon!" He turns his head to see Hoseok running to him, getting past the police tape.

"Why aren't you inside? Jimin's in there! We need to move now." Hoseok screams, needing to know if Jimin is safe.

"No. We need to be careful here. Don't you remember what happened last time we just stormed in. We have the house surround, there's no way he can escape." Namjoon dismisses him, going to another officer.

"Namjoon! We need to get in there." Hoseok follows him, staring back at the house.

"I've got this covered Hoseok, you should go back. You're no help here, you'll just get in the way." Namjoon signals for two officers to escort Hoseok away.

"What! No. I'm staying, I need to see this through." Hoseok tries pushing away the two shoulders but keeps getting dragged away.

Namjoon sighs, not having time to deal with another emotionally unstable detective. He brings the speaker to his mouth.

"Jungkook! This is the police, we have you surrounded. We know you are in there, come out with your hands up and no one will get hurt." Namjoon speaks firmly, glancing to see Hoseok screaming at the officers holding back behind the tape.

As Hoseok is about to force his way back in, the sound of an explosion is heard. His body is flung backwards, landing on the hard ground with a painful thud. His ears rung, head pounds as his vision blurs. Smoke is everywhere, making it impossible to see. He coughs as his lungs fill with smoke. He blinks to try and clear his vision. He sees bodies laying everywhere, a car which was parked in front of Jimin's house on fire, completing damaged. Fire was all around him, cop cars flipped over. Glass, metal parts scattered across the ground. As he looks around, his heart stops when he sees Namjoon's body has been flung across the street. Blood covering his body, surrounding him.

"N-Namjoon!" Hoseok screams, struggling to get up off the floor.

He hears the faint sound of sirens, it muffled in his ears. People everywhere moving around in shock, several officers unmoving on the ground. Hoseok didn't know what to do, they weren't prepared for this.

"What the fuck Jungkook!" Jimin pushes Jungkook away as they are in some house in the middle of nowhere.

"Jimin calm down, I had too. They didn't give me a choice." Jungkook goes towards him but Jimin steps back.

"No fuck you! You fucking killed him." Jimin screams at him, body shaking with anger.

"What did you want me to do Jimin? Did you want us to get caught? Hmm be separated." Jungkook's jaw clenches, struggling to keep calm.

"You didn't have to fucking blow them up! God. What am I doing? How could I let this happen?" Jimin pulls at the side of his head, looking down shaking his head.

"Jimin, let me show you something." Jungkook lifts Jimin's head up, wiping away his tears.

Jungkook takes Jimin into a small room, it was dark, could barely see. That was until Jungkook flicks the lights on, it blinding at first. Jimin squints his eyes, letting them adjust to the sudden brightness. Then that's when he noticed a man strapped to table, gag in his mouth. The all to familiar wires stuck to his skin, the machine beside him. Jungkook lets go of Jimin's hand, going to the man laying on the table. He plays with his hair, it messy and sticky from the sweat forming on his skin. He looked older, had to be at least in his mid forties maybe even older.

"Do you recognise him Jimishi?" Jungkook tilts his head to the side, tugging at the man's hair.

"Who's this? I-I don't know them." Jimin frowns, looking at the man terrified on the table.

"Don't you remember Jimin, remember how he touched you." Jimin snaps his gaze to Jungkook, eyes wide as he takes in what he said.

"He was a junior officer at the police station where you were taken after you lost your mother. While they were sorting out what to do with you. He looked after you, well was supposed to. Took you to a small room, told you not to make a sound." Jungkook yanks his hair harder, causing muffled cries to escape the man.

Jimin chokes on air, shaking his head. He takes a small step back, not wanting to listen to what he was saying. His words were causing flashbacks in his mind, memories of that night coming back. Images of being at the police station, an officer bringing him to a room. Telling him to stay quiet, let him do everything.

"Remember how you cried, begged him to stop but all he did was slap you. Threatened to kill you and your little brother if you told anyone." Jungkook can see Jimin starting to remember, noticing him fighting with the memories.

Jimin's head begins to hurt, flashes of him groping him, pulling his pants down. How he cried, pleaded with him to stop, let him see his mum. But the man never listened, continued to do what he liked.

"No! No. Stop! Stop it." Jimin hunches over, holding his head to try and stop the memories that he so desperately blocked out.

"Remember the pain you felt Jimin, you just lost your mother then he does that to you. Remember the nightmares he caused you, how you'd wake up screaming for him to stop. You were only ten years old. How could he do that to someone so young, he deserves this Jimin. Deserves to feel the pain you felt when he touched you." Jungkook moves away from the man, walking over to Jimin.

"He needs to know the pain you felt, the pain he caused you. Think about how you begged him, cried for him to stop but he didn't. Didn't give you any thought, didn't care about what it would do you. He got to touch you Jimin without any consequences. Was able to live a perfect life, get married, have his own children." Jimin flicks his gaze to Jungkook, snapping from his thoughts when he hears this monster has kids, own personal victims he can do what he likes with.

"He does the same to his own children Jimin, did exactly what he did to you. How can he be allowed to live? Live when all he does is bring pain to those he's supposed to love, protect." Jungkook keeps pushing him, wanting him to embrace these feelings he has.

Jimin stares at the man, fists clenching as he imagined all the things he's done to his poor kids. His eyes glass over, turning cold, empty as he moves towards him. Going to the machine, flipping it on.

"You hurt me, you wouldn't stop even when I begged you. Why do you deserve to have a life, be allowed to be happy after everything you've done! Your kids don't deserve to feel the way I did, they'd be better off without you." Jimin turns the switch, the man's body immediately starts to convulse.

Jungkook smiles from the sidelines, admiring how beautiful Jimin looks. Utterly gorgeous torturing this man, sexy as he looks so dominating, cold. Jimin doesn't stop, the man's skin begins to burn, smell of burning flesh filling the air. Jimin was to lost in his own pain, dark memories he pushed back now forcing their way to the front of his mind. The memories of the pain he's constantly been in by others because he was to weak were causing him to hate himself. If he wasn't so weak none of this would of happened. His mother wouldn't of died, he'd wouldn't of been molested, almost killed several times. If he had just been strong, stopped those hurting him before they had the chance, he wouldn't be like this. So this, seeing this man whose haunted his nightmares writhing around in pain like he used to somehow made him feel better. Brought him comfort to know they knew how it felt, knew the agonising pain he's been in.

"You're doing so well Jimishi, you truly are perfect." Jungkook comes from behind, wrapping his arms around his waist as they watch the man's body continue to spasm.

Thank you all so much for all the love!!! I'm starting to enjoy writing this book again, it's getting crazy exciting😱 hope you liked the chapter and I love you all so much.

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