Chap 85: over my dead body

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Hoseok grabbed the knife off the floor, hand trembling as he holds it. He scans the room, trying to gain his bearings. He walks to the door, painfully slowly opening the door. He looks to either side of him, seeing the hallway was empty. He creeps down it, keeping a watchful eye out for anyone, more particularly Jungkook. He was prepared to kill, coat his hands with more blood if that meant he could free Jimin from his claws. His footsteps echoed through the silent hallway, ringing in his ears. His shoulder ached, blood soaking his shirt. He makes it to another door, he listens in, resting his ear against it. He doesn't hear anything, indicating to him it was safe to go in.

"What the fuck!" Hoseok stares in shock, seeing hanging from the walls various letters, more piled on the table in centre.

He walked further into the room, taking in everything he sees. He goes to the table, picking up a letter folded neatly.

It's our anniversary Jimishi, one year today since we meet. Isn't it just magical?

Everyday without you has been the worst of my life, I miss you with every fibre of my being. Sleepless nights of dreaming of having you back in my arms is the only thing keeping me sane.

I love you Jimin, happy anniversary.


Hoseok rereads the letter, Jungkook truly was insane, fucked in the head. He really believed him and Jimin had some sort of loving relationship, that they were a couple. Hosoek looks around the room, Jungkook had clearly written hundreds. Hoseok laughs, Jungkook was obsessed, Hoseok had to get Jimin away from him. And he knew one way to do that, all he had to do was find the fuse box.

Jungkook strides down the hallway, a knife spinning in his hand. He was heading towards where Hoseok was being held, excitement bubbles up inside him. He glances to his side, smiling at Jimin who looks to him, doing the same. Jungkook squeezes his hand, bringing it up to kiss tenderly.

"I hope you'll like the surprise Jimishi, I got it specially for you." Jungkook pushes him against the wall, trapping him in between his strong arms.

"Why can't you tell me what it is? I'm dying to know what you're hiding." Jimin licks his lips, still high from the orgasmic sex and killing they just did.

"If I did that it would ruin the surprise baby, I don't want to spoil the fun." Jungkook touches his chin, holding it in place as he connected their lips.

Jimin moans into it, savouring the taste of his sweetness mixed with the blood still lingering. They break away, Jungkook pulling him along. They arrive at the door, Jungkook opens it, expression souring when he finds Fin laying on the floor, in a dark pool of his own blood. Jimin gasps in shock, not expecting to be greeted with a dead body.

"Is this the surprise Jungkook?" Jimin asked, raising his eyebrow as he looked between the body and Jungkook.

As Jungkook is about to reply, the lights go out, them being surrounded by darkness. Jungkook laughs silently, Hoseok was smarter than he thought, had to give him that. Didn't think he had it in him to kill someone, but apparently everyone was a killer at heart.

"Seems as though your surprise has escaped baby, we'll need to go find it." Jungkook spoke through the dark, smiling at the excitement of the chase.

"Escaped? What escaped?" Jimin stares at what he assumed to be Jungkook, confused as to what the surprise was.

"Our new play toy Jimin, we better find it before it gets away." Jungkook laughs as he walks out the room, not caring that his so called friend was dead, only reason he kept him around was to drive him about, wasn't significant to him in anyway.

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