Chap 13: all I have

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Jimin drove them to Ben's father house, having ask the girlfriend for his address. Jimin's mind was racing, trying to figure out why the killer chose Ben. If this was like the last victim, neither of them knew each other. Well at least the victims clearly didn't. Once he discovered the pattern, the link between the victims. He would be able to figure out his next step, for once get ahead of the killer. But it appeared neither of his victims had anything in common. Adrien was a lawyer, originally from Incheon, no girlfriend or partner.

Where Ben was born in Seoul, worked and owned a cafe, both went to different universities. It was unlikely that they ever crossed paths. Unless Adrien had visit his cafe. Jimin needed to find that out, see if they've ever meet. His head began to ache again, most probably due to the lack of sleep and stress he's been under these past few days. And not to mention he hasn't been eating, been to caught up in finding this killer. But he couldn't stop, not when now another persons life was a stack. He needed to focus, couldn't distract himself. The killer wasn't going to stop unless he did. He knew that. He knew the killer wasn't done, not with the effort he's put into capturing and murdering his victims. Jimin knew the only we to ensure everyone's safety, was to catch him.

Jimin and Hoseok arrive at Ben's parents home. It was  small home connection on either side by similar homes. Jimin knocks on the door, noticing another one of their police cars driving up. The door swings open, revealing a exhausted looking middle aged man.

"Can I help you?" He looks at them questionably, finding it strange to get a visitor so early in the morning.

"Morning sir, my name is Park Jimin, this is Jung Hoseok. We are detectives from the Seoul police department. Are you Mr. Spencer? The father of Ben spencer." Jimin politely asks, bowing.

"Yes. What is this about? Is my son in some kind of trouble?" His father's tiredness begins to fade, becoming more alert.

"Sir, may we come inside?" Jimin gives him a small smile.

His father nods, opening the door wider. Jimin and Hoseok walk into the house, seeing several pictures of Ben hanging along the walls. He leads them to the lounge, gesturing for them to sit down.

"So, what is this exactly about? What has my son done?" Mr. Spencer looks at them in concern.

"I'm very sorry to have to inform you Mr. Spencer, but your son has been reported missing." Jimin looks at him apologetically.

"What? No my son is not missing, I just talked to him yesterday." His looks at them in panic, not believing what they've told him.

"I'm sorry sir, we believe he is. There is prove that he has been kidnapped." Jimin tries to speak calmly.

"That's not possible! He's my only son, he's all I've got. He can't be missing." His father gets up, growing more distressed.

He begins to hyperventilate, clutching his just in pain. His breathing becomes erratic, he starts gasping for air.

"H-he's...all..I have." His breathing quickens, he tries grabbing the couch for support.

"Sir, you need to calm down." He struggles to stand, collapsing to the floor.

Jimin runs over to him, checking his pulse. It was barley there, he listens to his breathing, it was becoming slow.

"Call an ambulance, now." Jimin orders Hoseok, who immediately grabs out his phone.

They arrived at the hospital, the ambulance having arrived and taken Mr Spencer away. Jimin and Hoseok were standing outside his room, waiting to here about Mr. Lee's state. A doctor comes out, walking towards him.

"Doctor. How is he?" Jimin stops leaning on the wall, giving the doctor his full attention.

"He suffered a panic attack which caused him to have a mild stroke. He's been having heart problems for over a year, this has just set back his progress by a third." The doctor explains, looking at them with irritation.

"He's had previous heart problems?" Jimin turns his head to the side.

"Yes, it was triggered after his wife died. He found it extremely hard to cope. His son found him collapsed in the kitchen. He's had a weak hard ever since. And finding out his only son, the last bit of his family has gone missing. That was just the tip of the iceberg, I'm not sure how much more his heart can take." The doctor flips through his chart.

"Would we be able to go in, ask him a few more questions?" Jimin looks at the door, hoping he could go in, he needed some more information about Ben.

"I'm sorry but I can't allow that, he's far to unstable. I'd be worried that if you do go in there, you'll only cause another panic attack. He can't handle it right now, his heart is struggling as it is. You'll have to come back when he's more stable. You can ask your questions then. I'm sorry, but I have other patients to see." The doctor bows walking away from them.

"Damn it." Jimin punches the wall, realising they won't be able to talk to him anytime soon.

"What should we do now?" Hoseok looks at him, eyes looking at him for answers.

He knew how much Ben meant to this man, he was all that he had left. He needed to go everything he could to find his son. He couldn't stand here and lose two more innocent people. His father seemed like a good man, been through so much already. And losing his son wasn't right. No parent should out live their child. Jimin regains his composer, turning on his heels, heading to the exit.

"Where are you going Jimin?" Hoseok chases after him.

"We're going to find his son. Bring him back to his father. He is not losing another person he loves. Not if I can help it." Jimin looks at him with determination, he wasn't going to let the killer win.

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