Chap 26: mistake

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Jungkook strokes Jimin's cheek, brushing his hair out of his face. It takes all of his will not to take Jimin, watch him as his body convulses in pain. Jungkook knew if he didn't leave now, there would be no holding back. So he gets off the bed, swiftly getting dressed. Glancing at Jimin one last time before he leaves.

"Wakey wakey. I want to play Daewon." Jungkook slaps his cheek, Daewon winces at the impact.

Daewon's eyes flutter open, immediately struggling with the restraints. His eyes dart around, finding himself in a white room. He whimpers when he sees Jungkook smirking at him.

"Who the fuck are you?! Let me go." Daewon pulls on the restraints, lifting his body off the table.

"Now why would I do that Daewon. After all, I've just got you. I must give it to you, you put up quite a fight. I'm very impressed, you're that first one I had to be firm with. I can tell we are going to have so much fun together." Jungkook trails his hand downs his bare chest, Daewon wriggles around.

"You're fucking insane! Fucked in the head!" Daewon writhes around, spitting in his face.

Jungkook chuckles, hand snaking around his throat, squeezing firmly. Daewon gasps for air, face growing bright red.

"I warned you about not making me angry Daewon, you're lucky I'm in a good mood." Jungkook releases his grip, going to grab the wires, placing them on his chest.

Daewon coughs, chest heaving up and down as he takes deep breathes. He feels Jungkook stick wires on his chest, he squirms around only to be held down in place.

"You're not making this easy on yourself Daewon, it's only going to make things worse for you." Jungkook turns on the machine, switching it to level six.

"Because you seem to love disobeying me, I'm going to enjoy watching you convulse in pain." Jungkook grabs the gag, putting in his mouth.

"Fuck you-." Daewon is silenced by the gag being forced into his mouth.

Jungkook licks his lips, pressing the switch. Daewon's body twitches, head falling back as he lifts himself off the table. He bites down hard on the gag, his screams being muffled. Tears brim in his eyes from the searing pain, his body pulsing in agony. His eyes glance at Jungkook, pleading for him to stop. Jungkook sucks at his lip, tilting his head in amusement. Daewon looked so beautiful, his muscles tensing as electricity surges through him. His mind goes to imagining Jimin on this table, naked, body jolting in pain. He closes his eyes, pleasure running through him. He slams his fist against the table beside him, frustrated that even when he's not with Jimin, he can't stop wishing he was here. He switches off the machine, Daewon collapses on the table. He struggles for air, body still slightly twitching. Jungkook runs his fingers up his chest, his skin glistening with sweat. Daewon whimpers in fear, his eyes struggling to stay open. Jungkook tugs at his hair, forcing his head back.

"We're not done Daewon, you haven't pleased me yet." Jungkook stokes his cheek, wiping away his tears.

Jimin wakes up to a throbbing pain in his head, his throat sore and dry. He tries to focus his vision, looking around his bedroom. It was still dark, indicating it is still early in the morning. He struggles to remember what happened, his memory being clouded from the amount of alcohol he consumed. He realises he is naked, his bed sheet the only thing keeping him covered. He winces when he attempts to sit up, pain shooting up his backside. Imagines of last night flash through his brain, remembering bringing Jungkook back to his house. Then being thrown onto the bed, Jungkook ripping his shirt open. He touches his neck, flinching slightly at his tender it was. He began to remember Jungkook choking, thrusting into him ruthlessly.

"Fuck!" Jimin runs his fingers through his hair, realising he had sex with Jungkook.

He quickly looks around the room, checking to see if he was still here.

"Jungkook?" Nothing but silence answered him, telling him Jungkook was no longer here.

He groans when he gets up, limping as he makes his way to the bathroom. He looks through the mirror, turning his head to get a better view of his bruises.

"God! How rough was Jungkook last night." His hands graze over his neck, wincing when he presses down.

He grabs some pills from his draw, popping two in his mouth. He turns on the shower, deciding to clean off the smell of sex and cum. He savours the warm feeling the water dripping down his body, his ass slightly sore. He gets out, drying himself off with one of his soft towels. He wraps a towel around his waist, grabbing out some makeup to cover his bruises. Once he's done he walks back into his room, putting on a pair of black jeans with a black top. He grabs his phone, seeing a few missed calls from Hoseok and Taehyung. Sighing he presses Hoseok's number, bringing it to his ear. It rings several times before a groggy Hoseok answers.

"Jimin? Why are you calling so early." His voice was laced with tiredness.

"Sorry, I couldn't sleep. What did you call me for last night?" Jimin heads to his kitchen, making himself a large cup of black coffee.

"I talked to Daewon's family, I was able to get some blood from his parents. Tae compared it with the blood he had, it was a match. The dna is from Daewon. But, there was another set of dna found on the bed. A small drop of blood was found, Tae has run it through the database but found nothing."

"Shit! That means it could potentially be the killers, we might actually have a chance to find him." Jimin smiles, taking a large sip of his coffee.

"Yup, looks like it. And, Jin came back with a autopsy. Chan was killed around four in the morning. The blanket wrapped around him was freshly cleaned. Indicating it was new, brought recently. The killer is smart, using a blanket he hasn't used. Meaning there will be no dna or evidence linking back to him." Hoseok's voice was cracking, still trying to wake himself up.

"Okay, well at least we might have something from Daewon's home." Jimin runs his fingers through his hair, sighing in frustration. "Thanks Hoseok, sorry I wasn't around. I lost track of time." Jimin takes a sip of his coffee, hissing at the bitter taste.

"It's okay, I just hope you got some good sleep. I know you needed it. You need to look after yourself Jimin, I don't want you burning out." Hoseok's voice sounded sincere.

"I know Hoseok, don't worry about me, I'm fine. I'm not going to stop until I catch this son of a bitch. I'll meet you at the precinct, we'll go over the evidence we have." Jimin goes to his couch, finding the files he brought home the other night.

"Sure Jimin, I'll see you there." Hoseok ends the call, Jimin picks up his files, pouting the rest of his coffee in a takeaway cup. He grabs his keys, walking out his front door.

Love you so much!! I'll do more Jikook soon. It's going to get more exciting now XX

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