Joining Forces

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Y/n's POV

"Thanks." I mumbled,sipping on the hot tea.

"Idiot." he spat.

I frowned but didn't say anything.

"Are you willing to give up and cry like this every time?''

A lump had formed in my throat. I was hurting. Why can't I change?

"Y/n Grow up. You have to stand up for yourself. You have to change."

''Help me then."

"First up. Stop crying or I'll have to find that douche and beat the out of him."

I laughed at how he always tried to contain himself from cursing in my presence.

"Flowers? Seriously Jimin?😂😂😂''

"You don't have a job,right? Work for Park's industry then." " Dad will be happy to see you."

"I don't wanna be a burden."

"You're never a burden piggy~" He smiled,eyes disappearing.

"Fine. Just don't flash me that eye smile of yours."

"Ah Y/n! I've heard about grandma. Don't blame yourself. Grandma wouldn't want you to ruin your life. Be confident and amazing like me."

 I snorted as he winked.

"Sure Diminie."

"Yah! Don't call me that you PIG!''

Yep. Again. We ended up having a pillow fight and cuddling. I woke up,my head on his shoulder. Aish he's so cute when asleep. I'll have to ruin that sleep though. I bent down near his ear and screamed.


His eyes shot open and he pushed me with so much force that I fell from the bed.


"Sorry. You shouldn't have screamed like that."

"Whatever. Get ready. You're the CEO. You have to be earlier than anyone else."

"Who said that?" he laughed.

"Me. Now chop chop."
He rolled his eyes and got up. After getting dressed he dropped me at my house so I could get changed too and we headed straight to the company. I was nervous. My body showed that clearly as I wiped my sweaty hands on my skirt.

"Woah daebak! Princess piggy is nervous? I'm blessed o witness this.''

I stopped my actions and shot him a glare.

"Come on Y/n~ It's not  like you have to impress dad. He'll give you the job in no time.''

"No. I wanna pass a fair interview."

"Sure. I wasn't saying you won't."

I chuckled,embarrassed.

Jimin parked the car outside and we went in. No one was paying attention to me. Everyone was busy admiring Jimin and drooling over at how handsome he was.(not my words.)

We stopped in front of a door. There was a panel on the door. ''Mr.Park's office"

"Good luck." Jimin winked and went away.

"Shoot. Here goes nothing."


Two months. That's how much time has past since I've started working here. Jimin wasn't the CEO yet. He was like the second one. Today's the day he will finally become the head of this company.

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