Chapter One

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Time jump: 1 week later.

"Mommy!!!" I get woken up by my two adorable children, Rose and Hugo, knocking at the door.

I sit straight up, and so does my husband, with the blanket over me and quickly get clothed.

Once me and Ron got into our pajamas, I hop once again in the bed pretending I've been there all along and Ron opens the door.

"Daddy!!" I hear my two adorable children say.

I sit up and they instantly saw me.

"Mommy!" they exclaim as they run up to me, "Hey!" I greet happily hugging them.

I look to my side table and see the invitation to the reunion and my parents' letter.

"kids, why dont you go with daddy in your rooms and help you pack?" I say smiling.

They look confused and after a few moments, Rose asked, "Why? Are we moving?" I chuckle and so does Ron, who is now siting at the edge of our bed.

"No sweetheart, we're not moving."

"Then why do we need to pack?" Now Hugo asks me.

"Well, do you still remember auntie Mia and uncle Mark?" I say to them and they nod, "well, we're going to meet them again." I say.

Thier faces light up then looked confused again. I chuckle once more.

"We're going to the reunion with mummy's family again." I finally say and they instantly light up.

"Yay!!" they said clapping thier hands.

Me and Ron laugh and I look at the time and so does Ron, "c'mon kids, lets have breakfast." he said standing up. Rose and Hugo shortly behind him.

He stoped and went back to me and kissed my forehead.

"Thanks for last night." he whispered in my ear, "well, you weren't so bad yorself." I said chuckling.

He left the room and started to make breakfast for Rose and Hugo.

I go to my desk and write a letter to mum and dad saying we'll be going to the reunion.

I head out of our room and go to the kitchen, there I see my children sitting on the island eating pancakes and on the tablet.

I roll my eyes, "Rose, Hugo. What did we say about using electronics while eating?" I say taking the electronics from them. "Not to use them." Said Hugo giving me his own tablet.

I take the tablet and put it in the near by coffee table.

I go back to the kitchen and see my children finished with thier breakfast.

"Kids, why don't you go pack your stuff for tomorrow?" I say and both of them race to thier rooms at the other side of the house.

"Isn't it a bit early to pack?" Asked Ron as he put a plate of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and toast with a side of orange juice infront of me, "thank you." I said with a tune. And Ron smiles at my silliness.

"Isn't the reunion happening at Hotel Griffin?" Ron asked me, half way in our breakfast. "Yeah," I said to him after I swallowed my food. "I know what you're going to say. And yes. It is the one I own." Ron just chuckles

"Well that's a coincidence. Its just like last time." I nod my head at his response, "I know. It's sort of annoying if you ask me." I say to him taking the last bite of my breakfast.

After talking for minutes we decided that it was probably time to check on the kids.

Me on Rose's room and Ron in Hugo's.

And when I got there, I see that Rose was playing with her dolls and on the floor.

"Hello, darling." I said leaning on the door door frame. Her head went to my direction and a smile was creeping on her face.

"Mommy!" she said running towards me. For an eight year old, her room is quite big.

"Hi sweetheart. Didn't I tell you to try to pack?" I say lifting her up. And she just giggles in response. "C'mon. Lets go get packing, shall we?" I say and she nods.

It took us two whole hours to pack all the things she may have needed.

We ended up with two carry-on luggages. God what did I get my daughter?

After we were done, we went to check on the boys.

When we entered the room we saw a very messy room and two boys sword fighting. And the worst part was Hugo's things weren't even packed.

I let out a loud cough to signal that we were there. The boys instantly stopped playing and just stared at us.

"So, where's the things that were needed to be packed?" I ask with an eye brow raised. "A monster took my things so its gone." Higo quickly stated. I let out a chuckle.

"Silly, Hugo. A monster didnt take your things. You just didn't pack!" said Rose, arms crossed.

"did too!"

"did, not!"

"did, too!"

"did, not!"

"Okay, stop with the arguments!" said Ron. "C'mon, Hugo lets start packing." Rose stuck out her tongue at Hugo and Hugo did the same. "Kids, daddy said stop the arguing." I said sternly. Both of them looked at the ground.

Rose looked at Hugo and started walking to her room angrily. I look at ron and He looks at me. "I'll talk to her." I said to him. And he nods.

I walk towards Rose's room and knocked at the door before opening the door slightly. "Hi, Rosie." I said slowly entering the room.

She doesn't respond execpt she just folds her arms. I sigh.

She never likes being scolded. She simply hates it.

"Rosie, please don't be mad. Mummy and daddy just don't want to see you and your brother fight." I say, "or for that fact, arguing."

She looks at me with her beautiful glassy blue eyes, "I'm not mad mummy." she got off her bed and hugged me tightly.

"Good. Now, lets go to your brother's room and apologize." I say, she nods and we go to the room one door apart from her room.

I knock on the door and open it slightly. There I see a slightly mad Hugo with his face scrunched up and arms folded while Ron packs his stuff.

The porocess of talking to Hugo and letting the kids apologize to each other almost took three hours.

Right now, I'm just glad they got together again.

Goodness. Parenting is one hell of a job.

Authors note:
Hello my wonderful readers! Thanks for reading this one excuse for a chapter! I really hope you liked it. I did try my best to not fuck up... And next chapter will be out shortly after! And if you haven't noticed, I edited the last chapter of book one... Just to spice up the chapter a bit.. Anyway, that's it for now!


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