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I let out a chuckle when I knew the password of the Slytherin's dormitory was 'poisonous flower'. Yeah, quite offensive to people who has flower names. Like me. Even so, I wasn't offended, instead agreed. I was a poisonous human being, after all.

I shared rooms with Daphne and Lily Moon.

All of us were friends and I realised something changed into Lily. Her hair was long, she fixed it into a high ponytail. Her skin was tanned.

She looked...different. Her appearance changed drastically than Daphne.

'Well, damn, Lils,' Daphne exclaimed, 'you look different!'

She scoffed. 'Everyone's keep saying that.'

'No shit, Moon,' I said, chuckling, 'you really look different. Like a whole new person on the outside.'

'Huh. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?'

'Good thing, I guess,' I said.

She smiled as she chucked a sock at me. 'Thanks for that compliment.'

Lily was always an odd one in Slytherin. She was mysterious, like the Luna Lovegood of Slytherin. Except Luna's kinder. Lily's favorite line to haters and her nemesis was, 'just shut your pretty little mouth and please cry in a hole. Thank you very much.'

The line was a little bit too soft. For me, anyways.

The day ended, finally. It seemed so short.

I was in bed when my heart started to throb against my chest, thinking about tomorrow.

'Lessons, haters, more haters,' I whispered to myself softly.

I was counting imaginary stars when I fell asleep.


I woke up nicely in the morning. I opened my eyes gently and eventually saw Daphne, brushing her hair.

As soon as she saw me awake, she raised her left brow.

' Finally, you're awake. I was about to aguamenti you,' she said harshly.

I rolled my eyes, yawned and asked her, 'is it already late?'

'You think?' she scoffed. 'Hurry up, breakfast is ending.'

With that, she walked out from the dorm. I sighed and immediately started my day.

After getting dressed and all, I rushed towards the Great Hall, my robes a mess. I was fixing my green tie when I slipped beside Lily.

'Oh, thank Merlin you're here!' she exclaimed, her face relieved. 'Thought you'd miss breakfast.'

'I wouldn't dare miss Hogwarts's breakfast,' I said sarcastically. Blaise snorted.

I ate fast, I was hungry and really needed energy for the long day ahead.

Blaise, Daphne, Lily and I walked to Potions- the first thing in our schedule. I was about to gbe happy when I thought Snape was going to teach us again- but when I remembered he was dead, I wilted.

It was the new professor Headmistress had talked about. Professor Herfued, his name was. He was a decent middle aged man with incredibly long white hair and no beard. His eyes were gray.

The Slytherins were sharing classes with Gryffindors, which was not okay. Totally not okay. Thanks a lot, whoever who set up our schedule.

'Nice day, right everyone?' Professor Herfued was saying. Nobody said anything except Nevillie Longbottom who- I didn't think it was on purpose- coughed.

'Aight that. First things first, I'm Professor Herfued as you lot know. Let's start with the lesson. Does anyone of you knows...'

I zoned out after that. Pretty sure there was loads of time Hermione Granger shot her hand up. I was looking at the walls, the brand new floors, the desks and all sort of things when-

'Have you ever heard of Amortentia?'

I didn't know why I perked up at that. Then again, the whole class seemed to. Amortentia is something that no one would ever dare to talk about.

Some giggled at this. I sctunched up my nose while Lily, who was beside me snorted.

'I know you have learned this, but it is the first thing we'll revise.-'

On our first day? Gotta be kidding me, mate.

'So, I want you all al to partner up-'

A hand rushed up in the air. Granger, again. 'Can we choose our own partner?'

'Sadly, no. I have gotten all your names and already partnered up. Everyone keep calm as I read the names.'

'Arin Grande and Frank Gillan...'

More names. I waited  patiently for my name.

'... Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, Draco Malfoy and Parvati Patil, Daphne Greeengrass and Blaise Zabini-'

I looked at Daphne and Blaise who was sitting beside Lily. They tried high-fiving each other but missed. They both blinked but then Daphne grinned except for Blaise, who still had a confused expression on his face.

And finally, 'Harry Potter and Pansy Parkinson.'

Oh Merlin.

Lily, who got with Neville Longbottom, winced at me. 'Good luck.'

We went to our partners and as I settled with Potter, he said nothing but 'hi'.

Potter hadn't change except for the fact he was quite tall and his shaggy banks were more shaggier.

He must expected for me to say something nasty back but all I said was, 'hi yourself, Potter.'

We started doing the potion.

It was awfully quiet between the two of us. I was not planning to start a conversation, but he said, 'so, how are you doing?'

'Uh,' I muttered. 'Fine, I guess.'

'Pretty bold of professor to set Gryffindor and Slytherin together, eh?' he said and smiled awkwardly.

'Oh Merlin, exactly what I'm thinking,' I muttered.

'Uh, um, yeah.'

We worked in silence.

'So, Harry Potter talking to the vicious Pansy Parkinson, huh?' I blurted out.

He laughed awkwardly. 'Mmyeah.'

Silence hung between us as we did our work until the result of our potion.

'Well, what do you smell?' Harry asked me surprisingly, making me jump.

'U-uh, not sure yet, maybe a few more sniffs I would assume,' I stammered. 'How about you?'

He sniffed at the potion. 'um...I smell...shampoo..a really familiar one...oh...and a piece of parchment...and....wait...' He turned very red.

'Ginny Weasley, I reckon, ' I said, smiling.

'Got that right,' he blushed. 'What about you?'

'Um.' I took a sniff. Another.

'It smells like...the sea. And paint. And peppermint.'

Harry- oh, I mean Potter- scrunched his nose. 'Well, that's kind of hard for you to figure out.'

'No duh.'

After the class ended, everyone was hurrying to next class. Before Potter and I separated ways, he waved at me and bid me goodbye.

I waved back.

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