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five months later

I was hopeless in Richmond Marvess. I begged to go back to Hogwarts- can you believe it? Me, the girl who hated Hogwarts with all her dark, evil and bruised heart wanted to go back there? The old Pansy must have fret for it was outrageous. Hogwarts was outrageous. Maybe because the old Pansy didn't have real friends. For five months in Richmond Marvess, I've been missing Daphne, Lily and Blaise a lot. Madam Pomfrey visited me once a week and told everything about them and whatever's happening in Hogwarts so I don't miss it too much.

Honestly, I rather be the hopeless, unmotivated Pansy than the old ruthless witch I once was. The stupid, ignorant and...did i mention stupid?

I rather be the dying, Pansy.

The Pansy which I am now.

I wasn't not sure whether I was really dying or not. Greta said I still had hope if I took medications seriously and all the chemotherapy and shit by Winona. She said I wasn't dying. But I felt like I was slowly dying, crumbling into pieces.

Every time when I was left alone, I felt scared. I felt hopeless, like I had to one to clung to. Which was true at the moment, if I didn't include Carter.

Carter was nice, at least. He was caring, funny, charming, annoying and illogical at the same time.

'Put on the glasses, Pansy.'

I looked wearily at the pair of glasses. Its frame was yellow in color, bright yellow with hints of pink. 'Can't you at least pick a nicer one?'

'It was the only color that suits you,' he grinned, pushing up his own black rimmed glasses. 'It's also the cheapest one. Come on, try it.'

I broke my old glasses a few days ago due to my clumsiness. I had a mental breakdown- how could I see perfectly without those? Carter calmed me down and said that he'll buy a new one for me (God knows where) and he did, but he just had to choose the hideous one.

And he said it suited me.

I grimaced, plopping back on my bed. 'I'm not wearing th-'

Carter snatched the glasses off the table and slid them over my eyes casually. He did it so fast, I didn't even blink.

'There!' he exclaimed, looking pleased with himself. 'You look like an angel!'

I glared at him, then at the mirror ahead. My pale face looked solemn, my body was hunched over like I could curl up into a ball and die anytime but the glasses over my eyes surprisingly made them go unnoticed. My eyes looked normal underneath the lenses. It made the bags under them invisible. Maybe because the yellow-pinkish matched my eyes.

'I do look quite nice,' I mumbled, clear enough for him to hear, 'but definitely not like an angel.'

Carter smirked. 'You don't have to look like an angel to be an angel, Parkinson.'

I looked at him, my lips stretching into a grudging smile. 'And you have to step up your game.'

'I'm pretty sure I had you flustered there.'

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