Minor Preparations

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Adam picked up the packet of protein bars off the decayed shelf and brought them outside where Georgie was standing with the girl.
"Georgie is it really necessary to keep a gun to her head?" Georgie put the gun in his pocket. "Not really." He replied. Adam took out two bars and gave them to Georgie and the girl.
Georgie bit into the bar and then asked, "What's your name then sunshine?" "Rachael," Georgie smiled "My guinea pig was called Rachael." Adam laughed "And you said the people in your college were douches."
Georgie then finished his protein bar and dropped his wrapper on the ground. "Let's go!" he shouted as he got in the passenger seat.
Rachael was about to get in the back when Adam stopped her. "Let me cut those ropes that are tied around you." Adam pulled out his knife and chopped them off. "It might be easier to eat that protein bar now," smiled Adam. Rachael thanked him and got in the van.
Adam got in the passenger seat and Georgie began driving.
Adam took some painkillers out of his pocket and gave them to Rachael. "That might help the pain," Rachael examined the packet carefully. "Don't worry there not 'Extra Numb' painkillers, I checked."
Rachael stopped checking the packet and took out two pills and swallowed them.
"Thanks" she added afterward. "No problem." Adam looked out the window and saw five sinners all surrounding a dead child. He looked away quickly.
"Shit did you just see that kid over there?" Georgie looked unmoved "Yeah I did." "What kid?" Asked Rachael. "Never mind."
"We're off the fucking motorway!" Cheered Georgie. Adam pulled the map out of the duffel bag. "It's only a 250 miles away!" Adam revealed. "Does that mean will be there by sundown?" Asked Rachael. "Hopefully" said Georgie joyfully. Adam looked at his watch only to find that a blue butterfly was covering it. "Hey look at this butterfly!" Adam exclaimed. Rachael looked at his wrist and replied "What butterfly?" Adam pointed to the butterfly that stood firmly to his wrist. Georgie looked over. "I think your turning into a mutant Adam because there's no fucking butterfly!" Laughed Georgie.
Adam was confused and just decided to ignore.
" So what did you do for a living?" Georgie asked Rachael. "I was a cashier at 'Walmart'." "Good for you," Georgie responded. The road they were following soon brought them into a town. Georgie pulled the car over. "Come on we gotta get some supplies for the lake house. They all got out of the van. Georgie took Rachael's assault rifle out of his van and handed it to her. "You earned my trust." Georgie told her. "Thank you Georgie."
"Alright this town has two points of interest, the grocery store and the pharmacy." Georgie then loaded his shotgun. "I'll raid the pharmacy and you two loot the grocery store." Adam nodded. "Well meet here in twenty minutes." Georgie announced.
And with that they both went in opposite directions.
Adam and Rachael walked along the road. "So what did you work as then?" She asked. "I was a lawyer." Responded Adam. "You must be loaded then," Adam laughed. "Nah I didn't have much money."
Rachael then pointed over to the right "There it is!" Adam looked over and saw it. It was huge but the door was torn off. "Somebody must've looted it," said Adam. "They couldn't of taken everything there gotta be something left over."
Adam went in first with his gun aimed forward. It looked empty. Adam scanned his eyes through the aisles. "It's safe," Rachael then walked through the door. "Let's get scavenging then." Rachael said.
They started walking through the aisles and taking random foods off the shelves. "Well didn't take everything," smiled Rachael. "Suppose your right then." "I'm always right." Confirmed Rachael.
"So do you have any brothers or sisters?" Asked Rachael. Adam looked at the ground and said "I used to have a brother." Rachael frowned "Sorry that was a stupid question because nearly everyone's a sinner. "Well not exactly, he took his life about three weeks ago before the sinners came." Rachael responded "I'm sorry to hear about that." "It's alright, what about you?" Rachael shook her head "No I was an only child."
"What did your..... Adam then lunged forward and pushed Rachael out of the way of a falling shelf. Adam clutched his shoulder in pain. Rachael got up and shouted "Over there that guy pushed it over!" She then started chasing him. Adam got up and aimed his gun at the guy. He shot once and the bullet went into his side.
Rachael ran over to the guy and rolled him over to see his face. She put the barrel of her assault rifle in his face. "Don't move!" She shouted. Adam ran over and aimed his gun at him.
"You kill me my group will fuck you up!" The man shouted. Adam squatted down and looked him in the eye. "Listen man we got a group of twenty five army soldiers roaming around and they will kill your group." The man then whimpered "I'm not afraid of you!"
Adam stood up and said "You should be." Adam then walked over to one of the the registers and took a lighter off one of the shelves. He walked back over and squatted down next to him again. He light the lighter and put it next to the man's cheek. "Are you afraid of me now?" The man looked at the lighter and cried "Please don't hurt me please!"
Adam turned off the lighter and threw it on the ground. "I'm not gonna do that to you but I'm gonna walk out that door and your gonna stay in here for exactly 10 minutes before you leave, understand?" The man nodded and looked at his face. He had a big scar on his cheek and he was wearing a purple hat.
Adam and Rachael then left the store and began walking back. "Thanks for saving me from that falling shelf." Said Rachael. Adam smiled "No prob........ Rachael then leaned over and kissed Adam. "Like I said I appreciated it." She added.
Georgie was sitting of the hood of the van by the time they got back. "Took you long enough!" Whined Georgie. "Well we got supplies." "Good,come on were close to the lake house."
The trio got inside the van and drove off and as they were driving Adam looked at his wrist and once again saw a blue butterfly sitting on it. He sighed and then closed his eyes hoping for it to disappear by the time he woke up.

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