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Taylor could remember it so perfectly. Everything was still so vibrant, full on color still splashed through her memory along with the heavy feeling in her chest.

As she stared down at the picture; a wave of images came playing into her mind. Replaying the moments they shared together, that last day she seemed to love her.


The sand was warm underneath her feet, she felt the small grains as she ran through them, smiling.

Soon she also felt warmth radiate onto her bare skin, it was Karlie's own pressed to hers.

The taller girl was giggling along with her, saying secretive things that only belonged to each other.

She left a trail of soft kisses on her neck, which immediately triggered a rush of warmth to Taylor's cheeks.

The soft waves of the water against them tickled, occasionally it rose all the way to their ankles as the silent tide continued.

Karlie's arms around her bare waist made her feel safe.

Their skin touching, she felt intimate and very romantic as everything around them seemed to be just the way she always dreamed of.

The heat of the summer was warm and strong, the rays reflected of her light skin and her ocean colored eyes. And Karlie loved the way she looked, in her white shirt, and wet jeans.

As the sea soaked clothing clung on her skin, Karlie ran her fingers across it, suddenly feeling fire touches wherever she pressed her hands.

Desire pulsed through her at the thought of removing Taylor's shirt and making love to her on the warm sand. To love every inch of her as both of them kissed until their lips couldn't handle it anymore. To leave the sand imprinted with their traces of passion and sweetness.

Before she could tempt Taylor further, Karlie rung out with a perfect idea. Removing her hold from Taylor, she gave her a questioning look.

"What are you doing?"

The blue eyed girl questioned, meanwhile Karlie ran to the place where they've left their things, not denying to herself that she enjoyed watching Karlie's small shorts cling to her perfect behind, and exquisite view of her backside and legs as she bent down to grab something.

"I have a perfect idea, just pose for me lovely."

Karlie smiled as she found what she'd been looking for; a Polaroid camera.

Taylor always bought it along when they took trips together, claiming the vintage style captured only the best memories with thought and specialty.

And Karlie took this as an opportunity to catch the love of her life in her simple candid form, as she was natural beauty.

She took the camera in her hands, winked at Taylor, that set cue for her to let out a laugh, finally getting to what Karlie wished to do. Like she was born to pose just for her, Taylor stood before Karlie and the camera, making a variety of faces for her, as the brunette cheered her on with the best compliments she could think of.

They both giggled and threw multiple love sayings at each other as fun enclosed them. But at the last shot, Karlie adverted that she wanted her to make a pose that she'd never done.

Out of the blue, Taylor held a towel that was nearby, holding it together and looked shyly into the old lens.

Stunning beauty reflected off as her searing blue ponds made an honest look.

Pink lips parted and wet hair; tousled from Karlie's hands which enjoyed messing it around as they shared a kiss previously before.

As Karlie held the freshly printed Polaroid frame in her hands, Taylor walked next to her and kissed her cheek. Looking at the picture, Karlie seemed to find the beauty in Taylor so enhanced. The way she looked effortlessly beautiful, amazed her.

Interrupting her thoughts, Taylor spoke.

"I love you."

Karlie met her gaze and watched her lips say the same phrase that made so hearts skip beats. They easily echoed from her sweet voice, she was perfect.

Without another thought, Karlie replied with the word Taylor never thought would one day hurt her so much to hear.

But in the moment, made her feel like she was at the top of the world.



A single tear fell onto her sleeve, followed by another that carefully stroked her lips.

Pursing them together, she tasted her own sadness, which had a salty and sweet taste. Her heart felt so empty, she felt so alone. Betrayed.

The Polaroid from that day in her hand, as it shook slightly, still had Karlie's essence.

On the bottom right corner the word; "Always", marked in black Sharpie. It was Karlie's handwriting. Karlie's words. Karlie.

Her fingertips traced over it, feeling almost as if she could touch the other girls skin. It hurt so much.

But there wasn't a day where she didn't look at it. Every day she shattered her own heart further with the memory.

Sometimes even keeping it under her pillow, wishing that maybe, in her dreams Karlie would come back.

But that never was.

Not able to keep herself together any longer, she put the capture carefully on her new bed.

Her silent sobs sounded quietly through the big new apartment as she did an attempt at unpacking.

Not even a small noise from the little white cat Olivia could keep her thoughts away, and settling in wasn't either.

But she was determined and hopeful that New York promised so many things for her. The golden city never failed anyone.

She wondered why Karlie never came back. It was like after that always, came the day she stopped loving her.

Disappearing from her life out of nowhere was the most cowardly thing she could ever do to Taylor. The last thing in her mind was falling asleep in her arms, the next, an empty bed. She was left alone, with no clue, no idea. Nothing.

Just a small note that read;

"I'm sorry."

She didn't keep it, she burned it that same night. As she shivered from the cold in the old living room floor, staring at the crackling fire, as she cried like she'd never done before.

But now, everything was different, it was time for her to start over. It was the entire reason why she moved to New York, to start a new, successful and a different Taylor.

After finishing her unpacking and having everything in order, again that empty feeling crept inside her.

The giant living room made her feel so small and vulnerable.

But her sadness turned inside when she rested her tired blue eyes on the single picture on her bed.

With a heart aching to burst, her voice breaking at the end of the words. An empty echo sounded all around her.

"I miss you."


a/n: hii. i hope you enjoyed the very first chapter! thank you soo much for reading this story and giving it a chance. I'm really exited for it because I just fell in love with the idea and I had to write it down soo, thoughts are very much appreciated as if I should continue the story or not, i love youu guys. (: xxx

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