Chapter 6 - Tickles And Raspberries

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Your P.O.V

I awoke and opened my eyes slowly, my eyelids still felt heavy from exhaustion. I tried lifting my hand to rub my eyes when something prevented it, there was a soft blanket wrapped snugly round my body. I started to panic as I remembered what happened earlier today so I squirmed to be let free. I need to get out of here. That's when I felt his arms hold my waist tight. "Don't you dare,"Light hissed in my ear. I swallowed at his tone. I don't know how long I passed out for but I'm back in his bedroom now. It made me far beyond uncomfortable when I realised how close we were, I was curled up on his lap in bed. What was he going to do to me now? Would I get this 'punishment'? I had an idea of what it would be. I guessed he was either going to kill a family member or touch me, but I cared about my family more of course. My eyes pricked with tears then I blurted out,"Please don't kill my parents!"

Light's eyes narrowed a little, his lips pulled into a grimace. "Why should I spare them? You've been a very naughty girl,"he said. Tears were now spilling down my face, my forehead was burning from crying so much yet my body was shaking from the cold and fear. "! Please don't kill them, they've done nothing wrong, please I'm begging you!"I shouted, my voice sounding hoarse. I started howling again, my eyes blurred from all the tears. My sobs didn't die down until after a full five minutes and my eyes were desperately sore from crying. I blinked hard a few times to return my vision, I looked up at Light who no longer had an angry expression. His eyes looked rather sad and pitiful.

                             *  *  *
I awoke yet again but this time feeling warm and rested, I hadn't even realised I fell asleep again. I haven't had the energy to do anything recently. I was propped up against several plump pillows with Light sitting beside me, he wasn't doing anything, he must have been watching me. "Are you okay now?"he asked gently. Despite his soft tone I flinched at the sound of his voice all the same. I looked down and whispered,"Please don't kill them.." I felt my eyes tearing up again until he sighed. "Don't cry, I'm not going to kill them,"Light said calmly.

My sobbing instantly stopped and my heart rate slowly returned to a normal pulse. "Y-You're not?"I asked. He shook his head. I felt a tiny bit better from that. I tried relaxing a little and took the blanket off my shoulders, it was freezing in his room but I've warmed up. I realised I wasn't even wearing my clothes anymore, well, I suppose they did get dirty from the chase. I was wearing one of Light's grey jackets, the sleeves were so long they covered my hands. I had some sweatpants on too which hung loosely from my hips - again, entirely too big for me. Light noticed how comfortable I was getting. "But don't think you're getting away with this just like that. That was your last chance so you better start showing obedience and respect. You're still being punished for running away,"Light said, now smirking. He grabbed one of my legs and dragged me further down the bed so I was lying flat on my back. I felt my heart thumping fast again. What is he doing?

He crawled towards me and straddled me quick before I could get up and run. Light gave a devilish grin while looking down at my vulnerable form, I tensed up when he leaned in closer to me. One of his hands started lifting the jacket and shirt I was wearing, his other hand resting on my waist. It confused me when he only revealed my stomach. He bent his face nearer while pouting his lips a little. I was about to push him away, thinking he was going to kiss my stomach - but instead he started blowing raspberries on my skin causing me to burst out laughing.

"No! L-Light that tickles!"I squealed. He pulled his face away after a minute or so only to then start tickling me around the waist. It was the most sensitive area for me, I'm very ticklish. He sat on my hips so I couldn't escape, showing no mercy. I kicked my legs underneath him in excitement, desperate for him to stop. Light smiled at this whole scene while I tried to push his hands away. "Light! Light, I can't take it a-anymore!"I screamed, still laughing my head off. He finally stopped and rolled off me, leaving me panting from laughter. Light smiled then lifted me by the armpits and positioned me back against the pillows again. "Learned your lesson now? I'll go get you a drink, wait here,"Light said. I nodded, still red in the face and smiling.

When he left the room I go over what he just said. Wait, was that it? Was he just going to tickle me to death? I was a bit confused from why he let me off so easily but I wasn't complaining. His attitude has changed within these past few hours, why is he being sweet? He returned with a mug of hot chocolate, perfect since I was starting to feel cold again. I pulled the blanket back over my legs and accepted the drink from him. I licked my lips when I found several mini marshmallows floating on top. I drank all of it within a minute or two, Light sat cross-legged next to me the whole time, observing me as I took my time. When the mug was empty, I held it to my chest, wondering where to put it. He's still not letting me out of his room of course, so I can't take it down to the kitchen. There's the bedside table beside Light. I reach over him to set the mug down quickly, not wanting to linger near him for too long.

Light's P.O.V

That single moment she leaned over me made me blush. I wish she'd sit on my lap again, she smelled nice. It's cute seeing her wear my clothes, it shows how small she is. I like her being small, being weak. Although it felt great when she begged me to spare her parents, I couldn't help but feel something then. I felt...sorry? Seeing her cry is adorable but heart breaking at the same time. I like seeing her smile the best, and hearing her laugh is amazing.

I fetched the TV remote from my desk and held it out to her. "Here, watch whatever you like,"I said. She held out her hand hesitantly, how cute.

Your P.O.V

He hands me the remote so I ponder on what to watch. Finally, some entertainment here. Being the childish person I am, I switched the channel to watch SpongeBob SquarePants, of all things. I always felt quite embarrassed whenever my friends would catch me watching this but I needed the comfort right now. Light didn't seem to mind anyway. "Uhh, nice choice, I guess?"he chuckled. I blushed, feeling like a baby, but he was kind about it. I stayed silent at first but eventually I let the show sink in. We both laughed at the appropriate times, I forgot how scared I was before.

After watching the first episode he scooted closer to me silently, I got a little anxious but he didn't try anything. His right leg was leaning against my left one and his shoulder grazed my own, when I took a quick glance at him his eyes were still locked on the TV screen. I turned my attention back to the show. After I laughed hysterically at one scene, I noticed how close Light's face was to mine. I was confused as to why he was just staring. "Wh-What?"I asked nervously. His blank face turned into a smile. "Your laugh is adorable (Y/N),"he stated. I blushed.

We watched countless episodes the rest of the evening, my cheeks were starting to hurt from how much I was smiling of laughter. I usually hated it when my face would ache but I didn't mind it this time, everything felt a little more normal now. When my stomach started rumbling quietly, I shifted in my place feeling utterly embarrassed in case he heard. He laughed at that. "Did you want me to make you something for dinner?"he asked. I turned to him and nodded shyly, that's when I realised his hand was sitting on top of mine. When did that get there?

He grinned then released my hand and jumped off his bed. When he shut the door behind himself I curled up in my position and held my knees. I looked at my own hand, remembering his touch from just a few seconds ago. I flopped back so I was lying on the bed and sighed. Today started off so hectic but seems so calm now. I was desperate for an escape just a few hours ago but now I'm watching pointless television, what is wrong with me? It was still a little chilly in here, why didn't he turn the radiator on? I pulled up the collar of his jacket so I could bury my face into it for warmth, I had a secret whiff of it too. It smelled nice, boys cologne.

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