Chapter 46 - Concern

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Your P.O.V

Light sighed as I produced the shirt to him. "You're supposed to buy something for yourself (Y/N),"he said. I looked down a little when he said that. He realised he upset me then quickly took the shirt and gave me a gentle hug,"But thank you anyway, it's very nice of you." He got to work on writing in the death note again, using the pen I gave him for his birthday. He still has Mikami doing it for him but he wants to do it anyway. He sent Mikami a letter earlier when I was out, praising him for his good work and encouraging him to keep going, he's waiting for the perfect time to kill L. Light beckoned me to sit with him, I sat on his lap obediently while reading my new manga.

He wrote for a whole hour, I had no idea how he could stay in the same position for so long. I tried getting off his lap to stretch since my back was aching but his grip on my waist tightened a little, telling me not to move. I sighed quietly but stayed where I was. When I felt a buzz in my pocket I took my phone out excitedly, Light narrowed his eyes a little again but said nothing. I texted Claire for a while, Light's eyes would flicker down at the screen every now and then. After talking to her for ten minutes Light gently took my phone away,"No more screen time (Y/N)." He placed it on his desk making me frown in disappointment, he's been treating me even more like a child since L released him from interrogation, since he found my scar.

Light leaned his head against mine as he continued writing, I didn't feel like reading anymore so I left my manga where it was. Light's left hand would occasionally reach up to my head, giving me a little pat or stroking my hair numerous times while his right hand scribbled down criminal's names. He finally let me go when Mrs Yagami called us for lunch, I didn't need Light's assistance for eating anymore.

                            *  *  *
When it was time to sleep I found Light still writing in the notebook, it was a wonder how his hand hasn't cramped yet. I changed into my pyjamas then gave his shoulder a little poke,"Light, it's getting late." He only nodded to that, not even turning to look at me. I tried to gather the courage to persuade him to come to bed but couldn't bring myself to it, once he's set on doing something you can't stop him.

I waited for him for the first fifteen minutes in bed, but he didn't come. I watched for a while as he just stared intently at the notebook, his hand never stopping for a break. His eyes gradually turned to red again making me shiver a little, he held the notebook up in front of his face, smiling at his work. Once I heard him chuckle to himself I slid under the covers and tried to forget that ever happened.

I slept by myself for most of the night, he eventually dragged himself to bed at nearly two in the morning, waking me as he pulled me to his chest. "Light? Have you seriously been up this whole ti-"
"Shh,"he whispered, gently closing my eyelids again. He didn't add anything to that and fell fast asleep.

                             *  *  *
The next few days were starting to get scary. I hunched my knees up to my chest and rested my chin on top, just staring into space sadly. I imagined everything would go well once we got home, it's still much better than being stuck at the task force building, but I was beginning to feel fearful. Light's mood has been very tense recently, and he'd often laugh quietly to himself which was unnerving.

We were both sat on the sofa in the living room, I was doing nothing whereas Light was writing in his notebook again. His sister and parents were currently out so he could do it here. As I was lost in my train of thoughts, I started thinking about L. I feel a little guilty remembering those times I was spiteful towards him, he was just doing his job after all and meant no real harm towards us. Light has been considering asking Mikami to kill L now, but I've recently been feeling against this idea. I'm also worried for Light, his new behaviour is disturbing and I feel like I need to help him. I swallowed a little, I need to speak up before it's too late.

"L-Light?"I said hesitantly. He continued to scribble away with his pen, not looking up to see me,"What?" It took me a moment to say it. "Um... I was just thinking, maybe...maybe we shouldn't kill L.."I said. Light snapped his neck up to me when I said that. "Why would you say that?"he asked angrily, now glaring at me. I fidgeted. "He-He was just doing his job and he doesn't even suspect us anymore,"I mumbled. Light slammed his pen down then and shoved his notebook to the side before shouting at me,"Why are you even suggesting this? Who's side are you on?!" I flinched and turned away from him.

I decided to stand up for myself but I still couldn't look him in the eye,"Please don't shout at me." Light then suddenly yelled,"Shut up!" I jumped violently. "Don't tell me what to do, I tell you what to fucking do!" Light got up off the sofa furiously. "Get up,"he commanded. I slowly got to my feet while looking down. Light lifted my chin forcefully,"Don't you ever suggest that again, you're not to have those thoughts and don't even think of trying to switch sides! He cannot have you, you're mine, my possession." Light then grabbed my wrist tight. When I tried shaking my hand away he slapped my face hard making my eyes well up with tears. "Stop hitting me!"I nearly scream.

I shake my hand away for the second time with success, as soon as I was out of his grip I turned and ran to go upstairs with Light right behind me. Light seized my ankle when I was halfway up the stairs, gasping but thinking fast I quickly placed a hand over my stomach to protect the baby and my other hand stopping my fall, I still managed to bump my head on a step though. Light was about to drag me down the stairs until he realised I got hurt. I sat up on one step while holding my head with one hand. "Shit,"I mumbled, a tear rolling down my cheek. "Yes, and you deserved that,"Light said, climbing over me. He pinned my arms down while I began to struggle. "Stop it! You nearly hurt the fucking baby you idiot!"I shouted, but I was trembling at the same time.

Light growled and immediately slapped my cheek again spitefully, I knew I shouldn't have said that. When I just stared at him sadly he suddenly smiled a little and laughed as his grip on my wrists tightened painfully. He brought his lips to mine for a kiss but I tried wriggling away, that only resulted in worse pain. He bit my lip making me whimper from the sore feeling then continued to kiss me. His mood right now was so confusing and frightening for me, I attempted moving my face away again only making him deepen the kiss, choking me with his tongue. I managed to free one hand and pushed his face away,"Stop it!" He smacked my hand away to continue making out. When I broke my hand free for the second time I didn't miss my chance to end this. I shoved his chest weakly to break the kiss and punched his face.

I was stunned from my own actions, I've never hit him before. I suddenly felt small and weak from his expression, he held his hand up to his nose before looking down at his fingers, a bit of blood was left on them. When he turned his gaze back to me his eyes narrowed threateningly and turned red. "How dare you,"he said darkly. I felt a lump in my throat from how scary he looked, I couldn't bring myself to apologise and was too late. He punched my arm hard out of pure rage making me shriek out in pain, tears already spilling down my face. Light stood up when he heard my pained cries, his eyes slowly turning back to normal and a slight look of regret on his face.

He let me run past him, I held my arm while dashing down the stairs and crying heavily. I sat outside on the bench in the garden, holding myself and crying endlessly. Luckily he didn't follow me.

Light's P.O.V

It was like I snapped out of a daze when I heard her cries, she ran away into the garden while I watched in shock. I sat down on one step slowly while putting my hands in my face. Why did I do that? I never meant to hurt her, I'm supposed to protect her. I looked down at my own hands, they started shaking slightly as I thought about what I've just done. I really am crazy.

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