Chapter 44 - Home

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Your P.O.V

A month later Light and I had an early breakfast as usual while I stared at the window the whole time, still wanting freedom. It was weird to say that I'm even missing school, there's nothing to do here. I began to feel anxious now realising how many lessons I've missed but I guess it doesn't matter, I've already taken my exams and did badly. Today seemed a normal day, Light encouraged me to eat and I let him feed me before he got back to work with helping Ryuzaki. It wasn't until lunch time when everything changed for the better.

Ryuzaki asked us to meet him in HQ which was new, Light and I sat on the sofa opposite him to hear what he wanted. "I apologise for keeping you two here for so long,"he said taking out a small key. He uncuffed the chain Light and I were attached to making me gasp in surprise. "You both can leave now." I felt my heart start thudding with joy, is this a dream? I broke out into a big smile and so did Light. Ryuzaki was frowning, probably because he had to start the case from scratch again. He watched Light and I busy ourselves, well he seemed to watch me anyway. We dashed back to our room to pack our things quick, not giving the detectives a second glance nor a goodbye, I was too excited and happy for once. We can go home.

As soon as we had our suitcases packed and got outside I held Light's hand and we ran all the way home. Ryuzaki, or, I guess we could just call him 'L' now, offered us a ride back but we didn't mind going by foot. We missed running freely, the sun on our faces and the wind in our hair made us smile. Light made me walk a bit of the way as soon as I got tired, insisting I'm still not in good health, but as soon as the Yagami household was in view we both rushed to the front garden happily.

We were panting heavily as we burst through the front door, Mrs Yagami turned to us in surprise from our excitement. "I didn't realise you two'd be back today, oh welcome home dears!"she said cheerily. As I took in the familiar surroundings I smiled. It's not where I grew up, but it felt like home to me now. "I'll make you two some tea,"Mrs Yagami said. Light smiled too. "Thanks mum,"he said while taking off his coat. He helped me take off my coat too when we suddenly heard a loud squealing sound. Sayu came rushing down the stairs to jump onto both of us with a huge hug. "I missed you Onii-Chan!!"she sang. "And you (Y/N)." I grinned at her, he's got the perfect sister I longed for, it's lonely being an only child.

Sayu took our suitcases upstairs for us while Light and I took a breather on the sofa. We sipped our tea in comfortable silence, just enjoying the feeling of being back. Mrs Yagami and Sayu made sure to break the silence to catch up with things, but after a while I noticed them glancing at me every few seconds which was confusing at first. I then realised they were looking at my belly, there was still no bump yet but Mr Yagami must have told them. Light saw this too and realised it was time to share the news. He took a deep breath. "Mum...(Y/N) and I are having a baby,"Light said. Sayu squealed again with excitement and her mum smiled which was shocking, they're taking this very well. "I and your father support you Light, I just hope you know what you're doing,"Mrs Yagami said. Light shook his head, about to protest that we can handle it until she said,"-And if you need any help or guidance, don't be afraid to ask." I was amazed from how kind his mum was being, I then thought about my own parents. I don't know how they'd react.

I was lost in my thoughts until Light started shaking my shoulder gently. "Hey (Y/N), you okay?"he asked. I nodded quickly, now realising I spaced out. "I was saying if you wanted to go out now? I can buy you a nice new dress before going somewhere for dinner,"Light offered. Sayu made 'aw' noises making me blush. "You don't have to buy me anything, I have some decent clothes already,"I said. Light kept insisting and to that I'd refuse, he eventually gave in but was still in a good mood. We made our way upstairs before Sayu called,"Wait! Light you can give me money for new clothes if (Y/N) doesn't want it!" She pouted making me laugh.

I rummaged through my side of the wardrobe for something nice to wear, after a while of deciding I picked out a white dress (which I haven't worn in years) that goes down to my knees and a grey jacket to go on top since it's still a little chilly out. I also picked the jacket to hide my wrist, if Sayu or her mother asked about it I wouldn't want to explain. I looked over at the window again, it's the beginning of April, Spring now but the sun is still hiding most the time. I slipped on some black flats while brushing my hair at the same time, in a rush to get ready, I was ecstatic to finally do something.

Light took his time and picked out a fine black suit with a matching black tie, his shirt perfectly white. I blushed a little as he folded his tie, he looked really good in formal clothes. He smirked a little when he saw my pink face but smiled as he took in what I was wearing. "(Y/N), you look lovely,"Light said. "Haven't seen you wear a dress before." I blushed further while looking in the mirror. I then considered wearing make-up for once, but Light stopped me as I reached for some mascara. "You look fine the way you are, you don't need that,"he said. I looked down, doubting his words a little until he gave me a reassuring kiss on the cheek which lifted my spirits again.

I stood still for a moment, just staring around his bedroom. It still felt strange being back here, we've been gone for what seemed like years now. As I slipped my purse over my shoulder Light took hold of my wrist before I could leave the room, pulling me back to him gently. "Wait, you need this before we go,"Light said. Light held me to his chest and began sucking my neck again making me sigh a little, why does he always do this? "Light you don't need to do that,"I said, trying to pull away. He held me back to him, smirking a bit and said,"It's either this or the collar." It took me a moment to understand what he meant, he was referring to the dog looking collar with his name engraved on it, the one he gave me for Christmas. I didn't get why he was possessive all the time but I let him finish and pushed the thought aside.

I saw Sayu raise an eyebrow at the sight of my hickeys but she ended up giggling instead, thinking it romantic. Light held my hand and said,"We'll be back in a few hours mum." Mrs Yagami smiled and nodded to that before returning to her cooking. With that, we left the house again, Light leading the way to a restaurant.

On the walk there I looked up at the sky which was starting to set, the sunset looked lovely but there were clouds moving in making me sigh sadly. I cheered up when we reached the restaurant though, it didn't look too busy and it had a welcoming look, plump cushions on each chair and a glass pot in the centre of each table with a rose peeping out. A waiter took us to an empty table by the window then handed us some menus, I spent a long time on choosing what to eat.

I eventually decided on (F/F) which was no surprise to Light, but he chose the same as me. We had some lemonade to go with it, I ate and drank everything relatively fast, it was the first time in ages I've finished all my food. Light grinned at this and praised me for finally eating normally, reaching his hand to hold mine across the table. I felt a little guilty and sorry for L, he spent ages on this case for nothing, but at the same time I couldn't be happier now things are better.

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