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Your P.O.V

It's September now, the baby is due in a few days and I married Light a month ago. I couldn't be happier as his wife, he's still the sweet guy I fell in love with. He hasn't dared to hurt me since that argument I made and he never once shouted directly at me, he tried out new techniques to calm himself for me and surprisingly it worked. There'd still be episodes where he has dark thoughts and his eyes turn red, but each time I helped him pass it with success. Light even stops spending so much time on writing in the notebook, he knows what's more important. He'd still do it of course, but I managed to persuade him to use it less, he doesn't kill anyone who's committed minor crimes and researches each person individually to understand what their purpose was first. We'd see L every now and then but more as a friend, Light still didn't like him that much but he lets me stay around L anyway. L admitted that he's lowered suspicion on us even further, he told me that he thought if we were Kira, we would have stayed to find out his name and killed him after we left the task force. I guess it was lucky Light never sent that letter to Mikami, he considered my thoughts. We also no longer had Mikami work for us, we didn't need him to. We were content with our lives. Light even gave me the second notebook, I have my own shinigami now (Rem), but I rarely use it anyway, I only keep a piece hidden on me for an emergency - but I knew I'd be fine.

I was lying back on our bed, sitting against a few plump pillows while Light was whispering little things to the baby, stroking my belly as he did so. I glanced to my right, a frame was placed on the bedside table, it was the photo I took of us at the park, the day we got engaged. I smiled then looked over at the wall, Light had hung up a bigger frame in the bedroom, the one of us getting married. It was one of the happiest days of my life, I still remember everything so vividly. I remember mum helping me get changed into my wedding dress (it was really her old wedding dress but she insisted on handing it down to me now), Light's mum helped me with the make-up while Sayu neatly plaited my hair, I asked her to hang small rosebuds from it, I knew Light would love it. I remember blushing a bright pink as we said our vows, Light held my hands while staring into my soul, he said proudly,"I do." I still blush when I think of it.

Light gave my belly a little kiss making me smile, we were prepared and ready for this baby, Light had earned more than enough money at work and I've taken all the advice I could possibly get from my mum. We have a small cot set up in our bedroom already, I felt a little nervous about becoming a mother but I was excited at the same time.

I sat up and stretched a little, I was wanting to watch the TV so Light turned it on for me as I sat down on one of the armchairs he moved up here, he sat on the one opposite me too. I noticed after a minute that Light wasn't even watching the TV, he was focussing on me instead. He was resting his head on one hand as he gazed at me, his brown eyes twinkling. Eventually he smiled and beckoned me to come sit with him. The only reason I didn't sit with him in the first place was because I didn't want to squash him now my belly is sticking out so much, but he still insisted I weighed nothing. I blushed as he embraced me and continued stroking my tummy.

Light's P.O.V

I cuddled up in her hair and smiled to myself, everything is almost complete. I was glad countries were starting to accept Kira, but that didn't seem nearly as important as my family now. I have the wife I wanted and a baby on the way. I considered letting our first born take over for me when I'm old so Kira could live on, but then I decided that it will be their choice, I've learned from (Y/N) that you can't force someone to be something you want. I leaned down to kiss her softly and whispered,"I love you." She smiled back at me and said,"I love you t-" (Y/N) couldn't finish her sentence, she suddenly grasped her front in pain and my eyes widened as I guessed what it was. "What's wrong?"I asked urgently.

Your P.O.V

I couldn't say a word for a moment, I was in shock. Light was starting to look really worried so I breathed out,"I think my water broke, the baby's coming." We certainly weren't expecting this so suddenly, this baby will be early now. Light panicked a little and quickly guided me downstairs, his hands shaking ever so slightly as he unlocked the front door so we could get outside. Light led me to his car as I squeezed his hand (his dad bought him one after we got married and he already had a licence), he was trying to calm me as I got my seatbelt on, I had my first contraction.

We reached the hospital relatively fast and I stayed there for hours in pain as Light comforted me, I found I had to squeeze his hand so hard when it finally decided to come out. My whole face was damp with tears but I smiled when it was done, feeling relieved and happy. Light smiled and watched with admiration as the doctor wrapped the baby up in a blanket, it cried hysterically at first but was now calm. "It's a boy,"the doctor said, gently giving him to me. Our smiles grew and I held him close to my chest protectively, already loving him, Light felt the same and gently stroked circles on the baby's plump cheek. Light scooped up the baby to have a turn cradling him, it was sweet seeing him act fatherly. He had big (E/C) eyes just like mine and tufts of light brown hair like Light's. I rubbed the baby's head gently and said,"He takes after you." Light's eyes seemed to glow then he said,"He takes after you too, look at those gorgeous eyes." I blushed from that, feeling pleased.

Light gave the baby a small kiss on his head before giving him back to me. "Let's have another,"he said happily as he leaned over the bed. I laughed a little at that, even though the pain was unbearable it was worth it in the end. "How many were you wanting exactly?"I asked him, I didn't consider having more since I was an only child myself. Light tapped the side of the bed and looked down a little, he eventually mumbled,"Six." My mouth dropped from that but I found it a little funny at the same time. "Six?"I repeated. "You want me to have five more?" He blushed shamefully so I laughed, he shrugged after a moment, reaching out his hand to stroke the baby's head. "I wanted a big family,"Light said. I kissed Light's cheek and said,"I think two or three will be enough." He smiled at that suggestion, suddenly seeming bold again. He smirked a little and said,"We'll see." He winked making me laugh again.

We then discussed what to name him, we've briefly mentioned a few names that we liked this month for both a boy and a girl, but I wasn't set on a particular name. "How about...Light-Junior?"Light suggested. I raised an eyebrow at him. "Is that the best you can come up with?"I teased. We chuckled at that but we were both set on the idea.

We called him LJ for short, Light and I left the hospital around seven hours later but this time coming home with the baby. Instead of placing him down in his cot, we all cuddled up on the sofa. Light had me curled up onto his lap while I kept the baby comfortably leaning to my chest. Light pulled a blanket over us then wrapped his arms round me, we all felt safe in our cuddle, LJ dozed off peacefully while I leaned on Light's chest, trying to stay awake to watch the TV. Light smiled and gently closed my eyelids. "Sleep if you need to,"he whispered. He rested his chin on my head with a happy gleam in his eye, he loved this new life and so did I.

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