Chapter 10

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" Help me escape?! But how?" The woman just chuckled and began to open the door. "Come on before someone sees us." The woman pushed up the sheet to where nothing was held underneath, so I crawled in and laid there making sure nothing was sticking out. Weird how she didn't get all scared on me, but then again she's helping me escape. I heard the cage door close and we began to move. I wanted to see where we were heading but then again I don't wanna get caught and have her get fired or worse. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard another voice I don't recognize, "Hey Rach, what are u doing will all this stuff?" It sounded like another female. 'How many are there in this lab place?'

"Thank goodness you're here, I need you to stay here while I go get something." We moved slightly and I felt something hard against my back. I turned to see what it was and it looked like a wall, I put back down the sheet and looked forward. "Wait why?" The woman said, it was silent for a few seconds. " Promise me you won't tell anyone.." The Rach Girl said. "Promise." Then the sheet was lifted up and there was a girl that had short green hair with a bit of turquoise and black glasses staring at me with shock in her eyes. I was also surprised but scared at the same time, then she smiled. "It's safe with me, go get what u need, hurry!" The green girl said, footsteps began to rapidly fade away.

A few minutes passed and the Rach girl was finally back, "Alright let's go!" We began to move again. "What's with the box?" The green girl said. "You'll see soon" I heard one of them huff in annoyance, guessing it was the green girl. Diffrent types of footsteps were heard all around me, meaning there is even more of them here, I probably wouldn't of made it out alone if I was able to escape my cage. Luckily I had company with me, Wait.. Xin! I completely forgot about him. I wonder if he's going to be ok... oh no what if he hates me for leaving him here! Guilt began to wash over me, but then replaced with fear as a deep voice was heard in front of me.

"Rachel.. Sam.. aren't u suppose to be at Building 3 in section 45 working on subjects #34 and #12?" The cart than stopped, now I know the green girls name. " Oh yes, but we first these supplies were requested to building 6 this afternoon since they need to work on subjects #23 and #47 with tubing and fusing." The Rach girl said. I was so confused will all these subjects and buildings. "That's gonna be a long drive then since it's the farthest building, whatever, and when u come back I need subject #66 reports on how she's doing in the nursery." The Man said. 'Who does he think he is bossing these girls around?! Who is he their boss?' "Yes Sir!" The Man's footsteps were now fading away and we started to move again.

"What in the world did u just say?" Sam girl said. "NO IDEA!" Rach girl said and they both began laughing. "We're almost out.." Rach girl said, the other one nodded. I began to get excited and lightly waged my tail, the sound of a door opening made me want to jump out of my hideing spot and smell the fresh air but I stood put. The ride got slightly bumpy but that got me even more excited. The sheet lifted up and the Rach girl was smiling at me, so I smiled back. "We're here! Now let's get you in the truck, come on out it's safe." I nodded and stepped out and saw many tall trees hiding the lab place within the forest. I turned and saw the trunk door of the truck open so I easily hopped into the back and made my self comfortable and stretched seeing it wasn't as cramped then the cart from all the curling.

The trunk door closed and a sheet was brought up to me, "Sorry but looks like u have to hide again, we have security to go through." I just nodded and watched as they covered the whole back with the sheet. I still however was able to lay out all stretched with a blanket hovering over me which I didn't mind. The truck then started and off we drove to my freedom, but first security. Security wasn't as hard since all they had to do was show their work card and where they were headin' and off we went again.

~Rachel POV~

We have already passed building 6, but that wasn't where we was going. I drove for about 43 mins till we finally made it to the same forest she was captured in. I felt like crying but I kept it in, a hand was placed on my shoulder and turned to see a smiling Sam. "This is it.." I nodded and turned off the engine, we both got out of the truck and took off the sheet. The Raptor hopped out without hesitation and began rapidly wagging it tail staring into the forest. " Wait before you go!" I yelled out to the Raptor, it turned to me with a confused look and walked up to me. I took the box out of my pocket and opened it. "Do you trust me?"

The Raptor nodded as I showed her the syringes held in the box, I went and grabbed the purple syringe based on what I remember. "Don't worry this will help you transform whenever you want." The Raptor just tilted it's head in confusion. "As in you will be able to go human then back into your raptor self whenever you want, but promise me to never go Raptor incase they are looking for you.." The Raptor looked shocked in what I told her but she nodded in agreement. I then got the syringe and injected the Raptor with it, watching as it's eyes went from green to an amber color.

I took out the syringe and the Raptor put it head against mine. We stood like that for a second and then went to Sam giving her a lick to the cheek which she just giggled. Sam walked towards me as the Raptor slowly turned to face the forest. The Raptor turned to us and we just waved, it smiled then began to swiftly hop into the trees, going from tree to tree till we couldn't hear the rustle of leaves no more. Me and Sam headed back to the truck, but before we did I went to the nearest bush and dug a hole next to it. I grabbed one of the blue syringes and smashed it in the hole covering it up with dirt and leaves. But for the other syringe I knew exactly what to do with this one...


Woo! Double Digits! Almost feels like when I turned 10 but that was 3 years ago... anywho... it seems Kiwi has finally made it home. But that doesn't mean they are all off the hook, seems someone's going to be in trouble soon... stay till the next chapter cause next week one of IisKiwi OC's make an appearance! Cya later my Kawaii Potaturs and see you next Sunday! Bye!

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