Chapter 14

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~Kiwi POV~

I woke up to something wet on my face and pried open my eyes to see blue fluff next to my head licking my cheek repeatedly. "Stop it Nixie...." I lightly pushed her away but she just continued to lick me awake. "Fine.. Fine I'm awake.." Nixie hopped down squeaking for me to hurry.

Remembering from yesterday, I wrapped the blanket around me and began walking around the cabin looking in and out of rooms. "Morning Kiwi" Someone I don't recall ever hearing greeted me in a large room with food cooking. "Uh morning? Do I know you?"

"Not exactly since I was up in my room, but the guys said they have clothes for you when you wake up." I stared at what he was cooking and felt uneasy, "What are you exactly cooking?" The mysterious man looked at me and smiled that gave off a warming feeling. "The leftover bacon we have, sausage and eggs."

They all smelt like meat to me, "Sorry but I don't eat meat." I said not trying to sound too rude. The man just turned to me and smiles, "That's okay, I just started cooking so these will be for the guys and you can have some fruit or toast if you want." He flipped the eggs adding some salt and pepper to them.

"Ok, where should I go change?" I pick up the clothes, examining them. "You can start by taking a shower, after all you were in the forest." He points upstairs, "Take a right and when you enter the hall it's the 3rd door to the left." I nodded and began making my way upstairs.

I managed to find the room with Nixie following behind, locking the door I took the blanket off and felt the cold air hit my exposed body. I look over to Nixie pointing to what I'm guessing the shower, so I hopped on in and then I was lost. "How do you work a shower?"

~1 hour later~

I managed to figure out how to work it by twisting some knobs for the right temperature, and used bottles labeled as body and hair products.

Hopping out of the shower, Nixie held something in her mouth. I grabbed it and followed Nixies orders and was now dry. I held up the clothes and remembered how they looked on the guys. "SUCCESS!" I was proud to no longer be covered in a blanket, but there were two items left.

"What are these?" Nixie facepalmed and tugged at my shirt, "You want me to take it off?" Nixie nodded. So I did as told and watched Nixie put this thing around my lumps and hook it from the back. She also told me to take off my pants, so I did with a sigh and the two extra items were now on.

"Now can I put the clothes on?" Nixie nodded. "How do you even know this stuff.." I watched her write something on a fogged mirror while I was putting on my clothes.

"A house pet? So you actually did live with humans before." Nixie squeaked and wiped the mirror clean. I then saw a human looking back at me with Amber eyes and blonde hair with purple highlights. "So this is what I look like?" I was feeling every corner of my new face, "I'm actually human.."(Picture)

"KIWI BREAKFAST IS READY!" Shouting was heard downstairs.

"Coming!" I replied back, quickly unlocking the door then carefully walking down the steps to the food room where the other guys were.

"I see your wearing clothes instead of that blanket." Xavier commented, drinking some coffee.

I just nodded along with a hum and went to my own little bowl of different yummy fruits. "So your a Vegan, yes?" I nodded once again as my face was full of strawberries, even gave one to Nixie which she enjoyed. I just listened to the guys chat about what they should do now since I'm here, I didn't mind but I honestly didn't want to leave the cozy cabin.

Out of nowhere, I started feeling the urge to vomit but it wouldn't come out. "Woah Kiwi you alright there you nearly fell." The mystery man helped me to the couch to rest.

"I'm fine just a bit queasy." I held my stomach as it also started to hurt but not in a way to make me scream.

Mike then gasped, "When did you get so fat?" He got smacked aside the head... "Oww..." Mike whined. "First off she's not fat, and second it looks like she's pregnant." Alex began examining my now exposed belly, pushing on it gently. He then put his head against it and his eyes went wide. "Definitely pregnant."

At this point I was flipping out, 'I bet that raptor bastard got me pregnant! Damb him!' 

"Stay calm, I consider you get some rest after that fall." The mystery man helped me lay down back on the couch slowly. "Thomas is right, you definitely need to rest before you get to moving again."

'So his name is Thomas..'

 Alex ran upstairs grabbing a much cleaner and softer blanket for me to curl up in. "If you need anything don't be afraid to call any of us..... except Mike."


My eyes were indeed slowly closing on their own, "I will, Night.." I let darkness take over and I was out like a light. Until Nixie woke me up with her sloppy kisses she calls licking.

"Ughh... what now.." Nixie was in no mood and with the most serious face, I slowly followed her to the food room carefully making sure to not fall. I watched Nixie do some parkour up to the counter eating a apple slice and then rushing towards the door. "What was the point of leading me here if you were just gonna eat?" Nixie just rolled her eyes and went through the doggy door.

"Hey wait for me!"


"It's Wednesday's my dude." *Intense scream* 

That's enough of that.. *Cough* Welcome to a "Wonderful Wednesday" or as I also like to call it a, "Why Would We Wednesday" as in why are you reading this, it's pointless. Welp I'll see you later my Kawaii Potaturs. Cya on Sunday! Bai!

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