Chapter 1

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Alright let's see what I can do, and feed(me)back is always welcomed whether it's hate or not, I'm a positive person so hit me with what you got, let's get this started!

Edit: The dialogue will change when you reach Chapter 13, sorry


Kiwi POV (Rarely gonna change)

Where to start... let's just say I'm the most feared predator in the forest, only they know about me and I know about them. They don't take so fond of me but I just ignore them, if they don't wanna be friends then I won't be friends back. I guess that's just how it is now.


I woke up to the sound of water dripping, I guess that's what happens when you live under a waterfall. As I was getting up I felt something fly past me then another was  thrown at me, with fast reflexes I chomped the rock into small pieces. "Hey! Extinctor!" I turned to whoever was making all that racket, and it just had to be him.. "What do you want.." I said clearly annoyed. "Why don't you head back to your kind! Oh wait! their all dead!" Him and his friends just laughed.

Unfazed, I just combed my feathers back and sighed heading off into the forest to find a tasty meal. "You better run, and hopefully you don't come back this time!"His friends laughs were heard from a distance.Rolling my eyes, I sniffed around till I spotted a whiff of deer, "Perfect.." I growled, tracking the herd. After a few twists and turns I found them all stuffing their faces not paying attention to their surroundings. I slowly crept into some bushes, and waited for the perfect moment to strike...NOW! I pounced on the young doe and roared scaring the others away, under me was a frightened deer waiting for its death. Getting closer to its neck I chuckled nearly making the fawn pass out. "Thanks for the meal" I said evilly as I got off the deer, "Now SCRAM!" yelling, making the deer scramble so fast to its hooves into the direction of its herd.

"Man, deer sure knows where the goods plants are, I should follow them more often" I then began eating at the juicy fruits and berries and even some leafs. Once full I did the first thing that came to mind and that was exploring, ever since I was a lost young soul with no one to take care of me I searched and searched for them until I gave up but found lots of interesting places during my quest. "Hmm.. I wonder what I'll find today, probably some useless trash" Shrugging it off, I began my search hopping into the trees, climbing to the top for a better view. Everything looked the same tree, after tree, after tree... "wait what's that." It was shiny and moving to a part of the forest I haven't explored yet, interested I hopped from tree to tree following far behind the shiny thing.

It stopped.. but why, I was able to catch up and hid into the leaves watching it. Living figures began sprawling out of the object looking down at a fallen tree that's blocking their path, 'but where are they going?' I thought. I carefully studied them and their every movement.. definitely aren't raptors, they don't have scales or a tail for that matter. "What's taking so long?!" I heard a voice coming from the shiny thing, till they stepped out and went to its other 'friends'..I'm guessing. Getting closer, I noticed there was about 5 of them. Two were still in the shiny object while the other three was talking near the tree trying to move it, I watch them fail many times till they gave up. One of them went to the shiny thing and it's roaring stopped, I watched as all 5 of them walked over the tree and walked off into the distance.

I kept still till they were no where in sight, I hopped out of the tree and slowly crept towards the shiny thing. I noticed it has writing on the back reading '6JH8T78'(Random Plate :P"Interesting.. but what is it?.." after a quick look around at it I speeded off and found the group in seconds. 'They must be a pack, they don't seem to separate so often' I quietly made my way towards them as I hid in the dark parts of the forest after a long walk, I then nearly drooled at the size of this place. "It's huge!" I whisper-yelled to myself. They entered what looked like a huge cabin, surrounding it was different types of crops that I would die for but I kept my self stable. It was starting to get dark, perfect timing.

I skipped towards the side of the  cabin, blending into the shadows. I looked through a window and watched them as they unpacked, some where drinking while others played board games. I enjoyed watching them till one turn their head towards me, "SHIT!" I moved to the side hoping he didn't see me but to my luck the sound of a door opening alarmed me he did. "Hello? Is anyone out there?" A deep voice male said. I watched as he made his way towards my direction where he last saw me, I scurried to the back of the cabin and held my breath. I listened as the footsteps disappeared, I peeked around the corner to see nobody in sight but to my luck behind me there he was standing with a shock of terror on his face. 'Oh no..'


ALRIGHT! That's gonna be all for today, I'm gonna try and post every week but if it's a miracle maybe in three days but that might not come true since I'm just winging it, if you haven't figured it out yet Kiwi is actually a herbivore but I wonder if "they" know that and no this isn't Kiwi's character I just couldn't come up with a name. Anyways hoped you enjoyed and I will see you later my Kawaii Potaturs...

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