Chapter 8

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'Ugh.... what happened last night?' I slowly got up as my vision cleared. 'I guess I'm back in my cage..' I looked around seeing the same plants, door, and rabbit. I went to stand up but found pain in my stomach, confused I tried not to worry about it too much. I look over to my right to see Xin with a bit of his fur growing back curled up in a corner. "Psst Xin!" Trying to get his attention, but he just replied with a snore "Great.." I cleared my throat for what was coming to Xin. "RRRRRAAAAAAOOOOOOOORRRRRRR" I screeched. Xin woke up so fast I think he was trying to run from the sound but ended up hitting a wall.

"UGHH.... that's gonna leave a mark.." I giggled as he went to shake off any dust on him. "Good morning to you too." I said, his face went into pure shock. "You're alive!" He shouted, making me stare in confusion "Why wouldn't I be alive?" I sat down getting tired from all this standing. "Long story short, it doesn't end well for some..." " Oh.." Was all I could say before clicking was beginning to fill the silence. Both me and Xin looked at  where the sound was coming from and steady ourselves for what was going to occur. But came out was a small, young woman with our food. I completely forgot I haven't ate anything after the rabbit thing, I watched as Xin was being feed some moose this time and waited for my food.

I noticed the woman wasn't scared to approach me as she unlocked the metal door and set some apples and oranges for me, I was too focus on the food so I didn't notice I could try and escape again and possibly fail again but food came first than everything else. As she was leaving I trotted over to the pile that gave off an appetizing scent and digged in. Filling my belly, I let out an amused sigh and left the rest for the rabbit that happened to also be starving like me. "Sucks they only feed us once a week.." Xin said automatically making me feel like shit. "A week?! I can barely go for a day without food!" I spat back, getting slight pain back in my stomach. "Trust me, your body will get use to it." He finished his moose. "So that's why I'm in pain?" I laid down starring at my stomach, Xin than gave me a confused look "Wait pain?" 

~Random Scientist POV~

"How many do you think she will have?" One of my workers said "I hope she has 3 or 4" Another said, they continued to blabber on about if it will be a success or not but I knew it would make the Boss happy anyways. We could always make more.... As I was just about to finish up looking into the raptors DNA we collected, an error came up on the screen and eyes were now on me. I didn't know what was happening but I went to see what the problem had to be, it showed multiple results but all listed it down to one particular one. Human . 'What does it mean?' "Kellie! Abbi! I want you to get the other samples to Ciera so she can inspect them. I have to show this to the Boss." They nodded and went to do as told, while I was making an important call.

"Hello what is it? I'm having an interview with someone so it better be important.." He growled in the phone. "I found something interesting in the DNA samples we collected." I began to type and print out some papers. "On which subject?" He seemed more interested. "Subject #66" The call ended, guessing he's on his way. I continued to type away as I heard doors being slammed open then close, I pushed the hair out of my face and turned to find the Boss with his well-known smirk plastered on his face. "What did you seem to find?" He went to sit in the empty chair next to me. "The computer seemed to have found something in the DNA that was unusual." Handing him the papers, which he reviewed. "Human eh?...." I nodded to his words.

Then came in Ciera with something in a box and some papers. "What is it Ciera?" The Boss was unamused as our talk had ended. "I was given the results and quickly make a serum which will be able to show the Raptors true identity." Ciera unhooked the box and there was two blue syringes and a purple one. "What will they do?" I asked, which Ciera handed us the papers on what their capable of doing. "It says there that a blue one will help the Raptor transform into its human form, while the purple will lead it into being able to change itself from time to time." Ciera closed the box and gave it to the Boss. 

"But why is there another one?" I looked up from the paper. She turned over the piece and pointed at where that information was held. "So if we use another blue one it will transform it back?" The Boss said, getting up with the box under his shoulder. "This will make me-" He coughed mid-sentence. "-us millionaires! There first lab to make a hybrid!" He continued to laugh, it echoing through the empty halls as everyone happened to head home, "Move the Raptor in the Nursery room.. we will use these after her pregnancy" He fixed his tie and slicked back his black hair, "till then, that's where we will take action." He finished walking out of the room, leaving me and Ciera to talk about how this will all be planned out. Let's just hope no one else finds out about this. 

If only they knew one was still in the building to hear their plans.


There ya go, once again I'm sorry but hey I made it up to you guys at least. Luckily I have my chapters all planned out before I write or else this would of tooken longer to write. Welp hope you have a good day, I'll see ya later my Kawaii Potaturs and I will see you next Sunday! Baiiii!

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