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"Finding out the truth hurts like a bitch but it's something we can't avoid forever

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"Finding out the truth hurts like a bitch but it's something we can't avoid forever."

The Mikaelson family were currently walking through Volterra Castle in Italy to have a chat with the Volturi. The Volturi ruled and kept the cold ones from exposing the supernatural world to humans but they have no control over nightwalkers who by the way are so much more powerful.  It was Elijah's idea because the cold ones are like the worst version of them. They killed or turned every human they sank their teeth into. The sun didn't hurt them but instead sparkled. When Kol discovered this, he couldn't stop laughing because how can someone be dangerous and scary when they sparkle in the sun? Kol thought they were a joke. Elijah's made Aro and his brothers in charge because he didn't want to deal with their kind. But the Volturi and every cold one out there knew not to mess with Originals and nightwalkers.

Cold ones were a mistake, made by Esther Mikaelson on the other side. She had tried to make another kind of vampire more powerful to take down her children and their bloodline but failed miserably. Her plan was to make cold ones more powerful to take down her children and then kill the cold ones. Eliminating the world from vampires. But since she was on the other side, Esther was too weak. However, Esther fails and accidentally gives these cold ones gifts.

Klaus and Juliet Mikaelson walked hand in hand through the castle.  Klaus had begged Juliet to stay home but Juliet refused to. She wanted to make sure her husband and family were safe. Klaus wanted her to stay home because she was four months pregnant with twin boys. Hope was so excited to have two little brothers on the way. Hope was already making them gifts and buying them toys. Getting pregnant was planned this time around, having twins was a miracle. To keep her from getting pregnant every time they had sex and having hundreds of children throughout the years. Freya created a protection spell to keep Juliet from getting pregnant and only removes the spell when asked.

Hope Mikaelson was a shock to both parents, they had always talked about having kids but couldn't as they were vampires. They had even talked about adopting when the time was right and Mikeal was out of their lives for good. 

Since Klaus was half-werewolf, it allowed him but it didn't allow Juliet as she was a full vampire. But since Klaus and Juliet are linked, the world created a loophole. After finding out Juliet was pregnant, Freya did a spell and they found out they were having two boys. Kol and Rebekah were the most excited apart from the parents. Kol wanted someone to watch football games with, play sports, and bully. Rebekah wanted someone to dress up and spend time with. Finn wasn't living with them but he and Sage sent a congrats card with gifts.

The whole family was excited, especially Hope who was ready to be a big sister. As Klaus, Juliet, Elijah, Kol, and Rebekah were dealing with the Volturi. Hope was back home in New Orleans with Davina, Marcel, and Hayley. Everyone loved Hope and of course, wanted her with them but her safety always came first. Hope is a very understanding and kind girl, she has the best parts of her parents. Nik and Juliet had no doubt in their minds that she going to grow up to be a strong beautiful woman. Klaus along with his brothers were ready to scare away every possible love interest.

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