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"Her smile could brighten up your day

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"Her smile could brighten up your day. And I don't remember her ever frowning because she used to say 'frowning gives you wrinkles', Juliet Cullen was something special."

The Cullen family were grieving, especially Bella and Edward. Their whole bodies felt heavy and their emotions were overwhelming Jasper. They were craving parents knowing their daughter may already be dead. That thought hurt, the entire family.

After the Mikaelson family and the Volturi left. Everyone else did as well, no one would dare go against the originals. They were known to be ruthless and awful. No one wanted to be close to them, much less go against them.

They all agreed to fight because it was only the Volturi, but once they saw the originals. It was all over, they all knew they had no chance of winning. Everyone knew it but it still hurt Bella and Edward.

Jacob felt depressed, he was supposed to protect her but here they are. All in the living room, not saying anything. Just felt disbelief and numb.

The Cullens were in their house, and Bella had been sobbing dry tears for hours. Edward was holding her but also felt like his dead heart was heavy. The whole family was shocked and sad.

"Carlisle you knew her!" Edward realized looking at his father's figure remembering the events from earlier "Who was she? Maybe we can find her and convince her to give us back Renesmee," Edward said hopefully, not wanting to admit, there is a possibility she was no longer alive.

Every Cullen, Jacob, and his small pack which included Leah, Seth, and Embry. And the larger pack, Uley pack were all at the Cullen house discussing what happened.

All the boys from the Uley pack did not want to be there but this was a serious issue. An imprint was taken and they had to be there for Jacob. although it was hard to focus since all of them were just looking around the house. All a bit curious. Sam also wanted to know what was going on and if they were going to fight.

"The to Klaus Mikaelson, may have been my daughter," Carlisle says softly, looking outside the window. Everyone was looking at him in shock but his thoughts were only thinking of her face. She looked older, stunning.

Juliet had Carlisle's human eyes and blonde hair, even though he saw her from across the field. He would recognize those eyes anywhere, and her face. That face was burned in his memory and not a day goes by he doesn't miss that face. The face of his sunshine.

Esme felt betrayed and hurt. They were mates yet he never told her about it. Carlisle never told her about someone very important to him.

"What? Carlisle you never told us about having a daughter," Rosalie said shocked and a bit mad. Emmett looked between his mate and father figure, his face was giving away his emotions. Which was confusion, Emmett was very very confused. Was this a joke? Are they all playing with him right now?

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