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"I feel so stressed about everything going on, and I'm afraid to learn the truth Nik, I need Hope she always calms me down somehow

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"I feel so stressed about everything going on, and I'm afraid to learn the truth Nik, I need Hope she always calms me down somehow."

Juilet Mikaelson stood next to her family holding hands with her husband as Volturi guards walked behind them. Aro, Caius, and Marcus walk in front leading the way to Forks. Juliet's first instinct was to turn back and go to New Orleans. She had never been this far from her daughter before. Rebekah even offered to go back with her but she knew Juilet wouldn't agree. Juilet had been anxious and nervous to see her father after centuries.  

Carlise Cullen was a wonderful father growing up, he was her best friend. His death was awful, but now finding out he left without a goodbye or letter? Now that's just cruel. A part of her knew she was being childish but the Mikaelsons are known for holding grudges and despite being married into the family, Juliet was no exception.

Hope Mikaelson was their family's hope as Elijah says it. Having another child was actually Hope's idea. Hope had wanted to be a big sister and she knew her parents could never say no to her. However, her uncles are the ones who spoiled her the most. Kol and Elijah normally compete to be her favorite so Hope knows how to use that to her advantage. Her father obviously encourages that behavior because he likes seeing his brothers fight for his daughter's attention.

Nik nudged her softly trying to get her attention, he knew talking to Hope would shake her nerves and make her forget about the issues. Juliet turns her head to see her husband holding the phone to her.

Juliet looked at him with confusion and was about to ask when she heard Hope's soft voice.

"Mommy! I miss you." Juliet immediately smiled and pulled the phone up to her ear. "Hi, baby! I miss you more. How was school today? Did you have fun?" Nik wraps his arm around her listening in on their conversation. 

"It was alright! but Marcel and Davina took me out for ice cream after and it was so good." Hope says happily without a care in the world. Nik and Juliet made sure to keep her away from the supernatural world because they wanted her to have a good childhood. However, she did practice magic with Freya and Davina.

"I'm so jealous, what flavor did you get?" Juliet asks wanting to focus the whole conversation on her.

"I got two scoops! One strawberry, and one watermelon." Hope continues before asking, "Are you almost coming home? Back to school night is in four days and I want to show you all my things." That made Juleit look at Nik who is also grinning. 

"Of course, honey! I promise we won't miss that." Before Juliet could add more, Hope asked, "Can Uncle Kol, Uncle Elijah, and Aunt Bekah come too? I want them to see everything I made." she asked shyly.

Juliet was about to reply when Kol took the phone from her hand looking at his siblings with a smirk, "Notice how she asked for me first." Before pulling the phone to his ear to talk to his favorite niece.

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