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"Are we doing the right thing? Taking a child from her family

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"Are we doing the right thing? Taking a child from her family. I can't help but feel like it's wrong and I know we're doing this for safety. Safety for Hope and the twins but I don't know anymore."

The army became more visible and it's clear that they outnumbered the Cullen's and their witnesses. The Mikaelson's agreed to let Aro take control of the situation but they would be the ones calling the shots. So they were standing on the side, hidden behind the guards in front of them. It seemed no one from the other side had noticed them yet.

Edward Cullen watched Aro carefully as he looked around the group, "Aro's looking for Alice," he announced reading Aro's thoughts.

Juliet Mikaelson was holding her husband's arm as if her life depended on it. Her eyes did not leave her father's figure. She couldn't believe it, her father looked the same. And Juliet wasn't the same girl as before, she was older.

Klaus looked at his siblings who all nodded then at Juliet who understood. They stepped forward standing next to Aro and his brothers.

Cold ones from the other side took a step back regretting their choice at that moment. They were all shocked that the Originals would even have time for something like this. They normally stay away from cold ones' problems letting Aro deal with them.

"The Mikaelson's," Edward whispers shocked, looking at Bell and his daughter. Knowing this wouldn't end as quickly as they originally thought. Edward read everyone's thoughts around him and they all wanted to leave. If Jaspter was there, he would have been able to feel everyone's fear. Mainly because their gifts didn't work on nightwalkers so they were powerless. There was also no way they could win against the originals.

As Aro, his army, and the Mikaelsons get closer, they all see the wolf packs coming out to join the Cullens and their witnesses. Even the wolves were a little nervous and afraid since they had heard stories about the hybrid. Stories of how he wouldn't just stop at killing them but also their imprints if they went against him. 

Jacob was standing closer to the newborn as her children clung to either side of her hip. Aro and his army stand in a line facing the Cullens and their witnesses. Only Carlisle was brave enough and familiar with the leaders of the Volturi to step forward. He also didn't want to talk back to an original but he couldn't let his family down.

"Aro, let us discuss things as we used to. In a civilized manner," Carlisle explains to his old friend, looking around them causing Juliet's heartbeat to increase. She wasn't sure if her father would recognize her. 

Juliet looked around him to see some cold ones had the family crest, her family crest. She owns the necklace Rosalie has around her neck and the bracelet Esme has around her wrist.

"words a little out of place, Carlisle. given the group you've assembled against us," Aro says not really worried because he had the originals on his side.

Original Cullen, klaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now