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"I guess I'm just upset about the whole thing and I'm trying not to explode but I'm pregnant

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"I guess I'm just upset about the whole thing and I'm trying not to explode but I'm pregnant. That's all you need to know."

The Mikaelsons were currently in a hotel room they had gotten after Freya called about Hope getting a vision. Juliet was sitting on the bed lending her head on Kol's shoulder. Klaud and Elijah were talking about changing some cold ones' laws and Rebekah was painting her nails sitting on Juliet's other side. They were all waiting for Freya and Hope to arrive.

"So, have you and Nik came up with baby names?" Kol asked making Juliet smile, appreciating Kol getting her mind off the child next door. She felt guilty about compelling the child to stay in the next room. But they had to make sure the child wouldn't try to run off.

"No, not yet. any suggestions?" Juliet asks making Kol smirk. "Kol Junior has a nice ring to it, don't you think?"

Rebekah rolls her eyes and Klaus glares at him, "over my dead body." he says before Juliet can even respond.

Juliet giggles and shakes her head, "Well I don't know, Kol may be on to something." She teases her husband. Klaus playfully glares at her.

"No way, our family doesn't need another Kol around. One is already too much." Rebekah adds making Kol glare at her, offended.

"Some people find me charming and quite pleasant." Kol snaps back at his younger sister.

Rebekah smirks, "Like who," Kol turns to look at Juliet but Rebekah beats him to it, "Juliet doesn't count, she's your sister."

"I was going to say, Davina."

"She's your girlfriend, you bloody idiot. she doesn't count either."

Kol clenches his jaw ready to reply with an insult but Elijah steps in. "Enough. Come help me get the food downstairs."

They both stand up still glaring at each other and walk out with Elijah. Even if Rebekah and Kol were over a thousand years old, they'd always be siblings who loved to fight with each other. Until one snaps the other's neck or unless Klaus/Elijah steps in.

Klaus walks towards Juliet and sits where Kol previously sat. Juliet immediately wraps her arms around him and kisses him. Klaus kisses back wrapping his arm around her.

Juliet pulls away and smiles, "I know now is not the time, but we have to come up with names for the twins." Klaus smiles back and nods, "We have time," They start kissing again until Klaus gets a call from Marcel.

They pull away, "Go answer that. I'll be here when you get back." Juliet said making Klaus nod and stand up.

Juliet signs and grabs some clothes Rebekah brought her. She changed and was about to grab her phone when she heard a small sob.

It hurt her a little bit, thinking about Hope. Both girls looked around the same age, so Juliet pictured Hope crying next door.

Juliet looked to see her husband was still distracted on the phone so she slowly walked to the closed door where the cold one sat.

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