[5] Sunsets...

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AHHH I DREW THE DRAWING...and it's trash but I wanted to draw it for this...(DONT LOOK AT THE DRAWING TILL I SAY SO!!thank you:)) also I just added a song so you won't get bored.

"Thank god that's finally over" Ban mumbled. You just shrug and looked over at y/n and smiled.
"Hey captain, you should tell her~"
"Tell who what?" You said tilting your head sideways.
"Y/N!" He whisper yelled.
You made an o shape on your lips.
"Also great distracting her during the fighting festival~" Ban said while winking.
"Yup!" You exclaimed.
"Okay I'll talk to her" you said.

Meliodas' POV
You walk up to y/n and talked to her then eventually both of you were on a hill. You had flashbacks to 12 years ago before she 'died'. You knew y/n's favorite thing was to watch the sun go down.
"So y/n do you like sunsets?" You asked already knowing the answer.
"Yea I love them so much!" Y/n said smiling at the sunset. She then turned to look at you.
"Sorry for earlier...I kissed you without asking..." you said even though you enjoyed it while it lasted.
"Eh? It was no big deal really." Y/n said blushing.
You smiled at her blushing face. She was leaning on a tree so you walked over to her and sat in front of her. She looked surprised and nervous at the same time.
"W-what a-are you d-doing?" Y/n said.
"Nothing just looking at you." You said smiling.
She smiled back nervously with a soft blush dusted on her cheeks.
"O-okay?" She replied.
You couldn't help yourself so you placed your lips on her gently. She gasped but slowly kissed back. You pushed her back a little on the tree.(look at the drawing;))You bit her bottom lip and y/n gasped but kissed back again. Both of you were making out. Then you released for air but went back to kissing again. This went on for a while until both needed air.
You looked over at y/n and she was blushing a crimson red. You smiled.
"I like you y/n a lot, so much I could say I love you. Fuck I do love you!"
"W-wha..." y/n said. She looked shocked but slowly smiled and said "I-i love you too Meli!"
You smiled at her and she was smiling back. You gave a small peck on the lips and she kissed back.
"Will you be my girlfriend?" You asked.
"Yes." She replied.
'I finally have her back again...' or so you thought until you would loose her again.

Back at the tavern-
Y/n's POV
'I kissed him...I actually kissed him.' You blushed at the thought of that. You walked up the stairs to yours and Meliodas' room and changed into your tavern uniform. You smiled at yourself in the mirror then went downstairs.
You started to cook when people started to walk in the tavern. You were a good cook but not as good as Ban. Fuck Bans cooking was so good you drooled at the thought of it. You snapped back to reality when you realized you were still cooking. Meliodas walked in and smiled at you, you smiled back and continued cooking.
"Hey y/n do you...want to go on a date tomorrow night?" Meliodas asked.
"U-uh yea sure." Crap he makes you so nervous.
"Okay! See ya then!"
Meliodas walked away with ban and started drinking a little bit of ale. I sighed and walked over to Elizabeth.
"Elizabeth~ I need help..." I said trailing off.
"Hm? Oh hey y/n what do you need help with?" She asked.
"W-well Meli- I mean Meliodas asked me on a date and...I don't know what to wear..."
"OMG REALLY MY SHIP IS HAPPENI-" I put my hand on Elizabeth's mouth.
"Shhhh" I said bring my finger to your mouth.
Elizabeth giggles. "Sorry...Anyway lets go shopping to find you something to wear for your date~"
Elizabeth and I went to a store to look for clothes. I couldn't really find anything I really liked until Elizabeth showed me this f/c dress with a slit on the side showing one thigh. I smiled as I saw myself in the dress. It showed all my curves including some cleavage. I was slightly embarrassed but I walked out of the changing room and showed Elizabeth. When I walked out her eyes were twinkling making me guess she liked it.
"S-So what do you think?" I asked.
"It looks really beautiful! Especially on you,Meliodas is going to fawn over you!" She exclaimed.
I blushed at the thought of Meliodas and I, him wearing a tuxedo and you with the dress you had on.
I took off the dress and payed for it. It was now 6:57pm. I sighed from exhaustion and walked up the stairs to yours and Meliodas' room. I plopped on the bed and almost instantly fell asleep.

Meliodas POV
I saw y/n slightly snoring on the bed I chuckled and got in bed too. When I went on the bed she turned around still sleeping and buried in my chest. I blushed for a second but that went away and I smiled.
"Don't worry y/n I got you..." I whispered then kissed her cheek. I slowly fell asleep soon after.

Y/n's POV
I woke to the feeling of arms around my waist. I looked behind me and it was Meliodas. I smiled then shook him awake.
"Hm?" Meliodas said rubbing his eyes. "Oh hey y/n"
"Hi,good morning sleepy head." I said smiling.
He smiled and then got up and walked downstairs. I then got up and went downstairs as well.
"Hey guys!" I said making everyone look at me.
"Hey y/n what's with being so happy?" Ban asked.
"No reason" I said smiling.
"Hm....okay?" Ban responded.
I went outside to go on a little walk just for a little bit. I walked into the forest just to look at the scenery and gosh was it beautiful. I saw a small waterfall and small trees hiding the area a bit. I walked over there and smiled. 'Hm...I should probably wash off...' i thought. I then started to strip my clothes off then went into the small 'pond'. It was clear and smelled nice. I sighed and let myself enjoy the time I had. After a while I got up and started to dry off then put my clothes back on.
(Oh yea btw I already have 6 sins in here so all we need is Escanor)
I started to walk back to the tavern to see...IT WASNT THERE ANYMORE! I started to panic and look everywhere frantically. Luckily I saw hawks mama walking not to far from where I was so started to sprint. After a while I caught up and yelled "HEY YOU LITTLE FUCKS I'M STILL DOWN HERE!!"
Ban was the first to come out then soon after everyone was there.
"What the fuck did you just call me?!" Ban yelled back.
"I CALLED YOU A LITTLE FUCK!" I yelled laughing a little.
Ban then leaped down and smirked.
"Oh really?" He said with a devilish look. I gulped, I had to be honest I was scared shitless. He then grabbed me by the waist and jumped.
"Oh shut the fuck up y/n I'm bringing you up to the tavern you dumb fuck." Ban said.
"Whatever" You said rolling your eyes.
When we both got there we saw everyone laughing like crazy. To be honest it kind of scared me. Ban and I just stared at them confused.
"BAHAHAHA Y/N CALLED BAN A RAPIST AND A LITTLE FUCK!" King said. Ban glared at them all and shrugged his shoulders and walked in the tavern. I soon after walked in the tavern too.

So~ next chapter you have a date~. Sorry this was sorta a filler and I'm sorry I took forever to update. Love you all byeee~

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