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So I just realized that it's not Captain Jefferson and it Jameson but I already wrote 5 chapters with the name Jefferson so we're just gonna keep it this way.
So far it had been easy.

No big injury's only twisted ankles and a few bruises here and there. Elizabeth had been falling into the same routine as the other men and all in all it wasn't horrible. Although the one thing that was expected but very unwelcome was the touching. She would be walking around the mess hall or during training when there would be a light slap or pinch on her ass which was just infuriating. It took everything with in her not to slap the men that would do this and or turn around and make them remember that she would be the one on the field saving their asses.

The only friend she had at the moment was Matthew; although that was only because they were working together.

Elizabeth was counting the bandages when a young man who looks to be at age eighteen walks in limping.

"Take a seat on the empty cot kid and I'll be right there." She said pointing to the cot that was in the corner of the room.
She walk over after putting away the badges and crouched down to look at his ankle.

"Looks like you fractured it." She said getting up to grab a bandage ironically from where she had just placed them after counting them.

"What's your name kid?" She asked walking over and wrapping his leg.

"Private Sidney Phillips ma'am." He said.

"How did this happen?" She asked getting up to grab some scissors off of the table behind her.

"We were running when I tripped and caught my ankle at a funny angle." He said.

"Alright well nothing major happened so all your gonna be able to do is sit and rest." She said getting up to finish off counting and cleaning some stuff up.

"You got a cigarette on you?" She heard the guy speak up.

She reached into her pant pocket to pull out a pack if cigarettes throwing it at him.

"Keep it, I don't smoke all that much anyway." She said turning around to finish putting everything away.

"How old are you kid?" Elizabeth asked leaning against a table in the tent looking at Sidney as he lit his cigarette.

"Seventeen ma'am. Eighteen in August."

"So damn young." She mumbled.

"What was that ma'am?" Phillips asked.

"Oh nothing." She said coming out of her daze looking at the boy with a smile.

"I hope you don't take this the wrong way Lieutenant Golden, but, what the hell are you doing here?!" Phillips asked confused.

"Making sure you men don't die? Helping you out?" She said.

"But what made you wanna come out here? Why not just stay at a hospital or something?" He asked.

"Your head is filled with questions ain't it, well I needed the cash and life was getting boring." She stated walking towards her desk.

"Here." She said picking up a book she had brought with her and tossed it to the young man.

"What's this?" He asked.

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