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There was another 3 days till they were to land on the shoreline of Guadalcanal and Elizabeth just wanted land. The never ending view of the ocean was annoying and she had nothing to do besides draw write and re-organize everything in the med room. The men had strict training and she barely saw any of them but Chuckler would stop by and say hi to her whenever he could because he was told to take it easy. She had thought about going into see Hoosier because he was strictly told to stay in his bunk all day, she didn't exactly like him all to much but she did make note to visit him and make sure he was healing properly, after all he did stand up for her.

She decided to go on the deck of the ship and draw or write seeing she didn't really have anything else to do.

"Oh sorry Phillips didn't mean to interrupt your prayers." She said as she dropped something making the young boy look at her.

"No problem I was just finishing up any way." He said and then started to stand up off of the bench he was sitting on.

"Aren't you supposed to be training with the others?" She asked.

"Ya but we get a 20 minute break." He stated and the two went into an awkward silence.

"D-do you believe in god?" He asked Elizabeth who was picking up her note book and pencil off of the ground trying to start a conversation.

"Um, my mother does, my father doesn't, and their divorced so it's a lot of back and forth between believing and not so I mean." She said trailing off.

"Your parents are divorced?" He asked some what shocked, It wasn't a common thing for people to get divorced, in fact people almost never got divorced even in a unhealthy relationship.

"Oh, um ya, they weren't happy together and agreed to go separate ways. I love them both and they always remind me that they did it for me so that I know when I'm in a unhealthy relationship that it's better to end it then to move forward with it." Elizabeth responded sitting down on a bench and mentally hitting her head for bringing up the thing in the first place.

She usually kept quiet about her family, not because she hated them, she was in fact happy with them after all they raised her and taught her many things she still uses in her life today, that being said she didn't wanna make them look bad in anyway.

"Tell your parents that they are both very smart and raised you right." Sidney said making Elizabeth surprised. Usually people would tell her that she was raised in a unfit house hold or that they never thought about how it would effect their daughter when in reality it was the exact opposite.

"Don't look so shocked." Sidney stated pointing to her open mouth which she immediately shut.

"Sorry it's just that people usually say the opposite of what you said." She responded.

"Well I mean they did the right thing, took you into account and ended something that they felt wasn't gonna get better." He said sitting down beside Elizabeth.

"You, kind sir, are very smart." She said turning to the young teen boy beside her.

"Thank you ma'am." He said tipping an imaginary hat in her direction making the two laugh.

"EVERY SOLDIER TO THEIR BUNKS!!" The two heard an Officer call out from inside.

"Well that's my cue, see you around honey." He said standing up and walking away with Elizabeth looking down to the notebook in her hands.

"Rori, we're not allowed to have note books. The japs could find out-" Elizabeth had tried to explain to her friend while pushing away the small black note book that was being shoved into her hands.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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