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"Please come out with us!" Runner begged. The boat was holding a 'good luck!' party and the boys wanted Elizabeth to go with them but she had to work in the medical room and also didn't really want to know what would happen if she did go to the party.

"I'm sorry guys, really I am but I have a lot of work to do in the medical room, you boys have fun though." She said waving them off.

"Come on Honey!! Just for an hour?" Sidney asked.

"Your not even supposed to be drinking alcohol at your age! But then again I've been drinking since I was 15." She mumbled the last part.

"Wait, how old were you guys?" Sidney asked and pointed at the three boys.




They all stated.

"Your not just a virgin in sex but also in alcohol?! Damn what did you do for fun?" Elizabeth asked the young man.

"Read and go to church." He responded and Elizabeth chuckled at his answer.

"Okay off topic! Please come out with us honey." Leckie said.

"If I say yes will you stop nagging?" She asked.

"YES!" They all called out and without missing a beat she responded with;

"Tempting but I still can't go out." Making the 4 men let out sounds of annoyance.

"Your annoying." Leckie said.

"I've been told!" She said perky and smiley which made the boys laugh.

"I really can't boys, I'm sorry but if anything happens make sure you come to me." She said.

"Yes ma'am!" They all said and walked away towards the party. Matthew went with his group of friends to the part along with every other man on this ship, and yet she was the one who got orders to not go,

"Lieutenant Golden!" Elizabeth heard someone call out for her in the hallway while she was working in the medical room.

"SIR!" She called out to the officer only to see Hugh Corrigan turn the corner.

"You will not be attending the party tonight because you have to finish up some work in here, I'm sorry." Lieutenant Hugh Corrigan stated with a sympathetic look on his face.

"Captain Jameson doesn't want me there?" She asked.

"Still hates you."


"Well it's fine I wasn't gonna go anyway." This was true, like said earlier, she didn't want to even think about the stuff she would hear while at that party.

"I'm sorry, if it makes you feel better your friends over heard him talking to me about this and tried to change his mind." He said.

Elizabeth turned around and smiled at the thought of the others wanting her to go despite the commands that were given to her.

"Sounds like them. I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to convince me to go." She responded.

"I have to go check on some of the other men; Lieutenant." He said nodding goodbye which she did back.

"Captain Jameson should learn how be more respectful towards woman otherwise he might just die alone." She mumbled after the memory making her crumble up the piece of trash in her hands and tossing it out of anger watching it bounce off of the wall and hit the ground making her let out a grown out of agony.

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