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For some fucking reason the CO's had decided to wake everyone up by setting off fires.
It definitely worked but caused tons of injuries. At one point Elizabeth had thought about begging for them to stop before someone got sent back Home before even starting to fight against the Japs. This topic hand even ended up in Causing a fight between her and Captain Jefferson.

Although her fight with him had somehow made most men gain respect for her, but then again nobody had fought with him like that before.

A week ago

"Lieutenant I need my men to be out there training and not in here resting!" Jefferson had came marching into the medical tent yelling at the female nurses.

"Good day to you too Captain Jefferson!" She said not looking up from putting away bandages.

"My men need to be training not resting I don't care what you say, MEN!" He said then called out to everyone in the medical tent that was told to rest and take it easy for that day.

"SIR!" They all called out.


"SIR YES SIR!" They called out and started to move out.

"Captain by sending them out your making the burins worst which could lead to sending them back to an actual hospital and leaving us with less men, I really don't know about you but I don't think that's the smartest choice, so either you let me do my JOB and you do yours or you stop waking us up with FIRE! Who's fucking idea even was that?!" Elizabeth said raising her voice which lead to most of the men looking at her and Captain Jefferson who was silent and looked angry because he knew he was wrong.

"MEN!" She called out staring at Jefferson.

"LIEUTENANT!" They called out.

"If any of you wanna stay and fight Japs then I suggest staying here and resting for the rest of the day, you can continue with training as normal tomorrow!" She said still looking as Jefferson who huffed and stomped out of the tent while everyone went into groups of people whispering about the girl who out of the corner of her eye saw Sidney Phillips Smiling like a proud dad just watched his son score a goal at a soccer game.

"What ya smiling at Phillips?" She asked.

"I hope you know you just gained a shit load of respect." He said making her chuckle and look at him.

"You think I'll have everyone's respect if I slap him across the face?" She asked the 17 year old boy.

"Honestly, 100%!" He said laughing with the nurse.


Elizabeth had just crawled out of her tent and was standing in front of it like many of the other men had been too waiting for orders when she saw an all to familiar face run past her tent with fire on his pants.

That guy looked a lot like Runner.

"RUNNER?!" She yelled running after the fast man.

"RUNNER STOP, SLOW DOWN!!!" She yelled when all of a sudden he fell into a foxhole that they had practiced digging out 2 days ago with Elizabeth jumping in after him taking off her thin black zip up sweater leaving her in a white tank top.

She took the sweater and wrapped it around the mans leg putting out the fire.

"I seriously wanna know who the hells idea it was to wake us up with fucking fire cause it is getting really boring telling men to SLOW DOWN!" She said clearly mad at the man in front of her for not stopping when she had told him too.

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