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Today is the day that they were all departing and heading off to war. To say Elizabeth was scared would be an understatement. She had grown quite close to her group of friends all of them that is except Hoosier. For some reason the man didn't like to talk with her and or be all to close to her. She didn't want to lose any of her men, even Ollie, and that's saying a lot, the man came of as someone who would beat you up but all he did around Elizabeth was flirt and she was staring to get annoyed with it.

She was gonna be sharing a room with Matthew for the week long trip to Guadalcanal and they got an empty storage room to share with the only privacy between the two of them being their own curtain, it was the best they could do and at this point she could easily say that Matthew was like an annoying little brother to her So it didn't bother her all to much.

"HONEY HURRY UP!!!" She heard Leckie call out. They all agreed to eat dinner together tonight because Elizabeth still had things to teach Matthew to make sure he lives through the hell that war is and she wouldn't have much time to eat with the guys therefore tonight was the only night they could come together and eat dinner together.

"ONE SECOND!" She yelled back from the storage room grabbing a book marker to save her spot in the Nancy Drew book she was reading and ran out of the room.

She jogged down to the mess hall where she saw Runner, Leckie, Sidney and Chuckler waiting for her.

"Hoosier said he wasn't hungry." Sidney said shrugging his shoulders.

"Well he's gonna wish he was when we'll be eating what ever the fuck we find on that piece of shit island." Officer Jamison said as he passed by us.

"What he said!" Elizabeth said pointing at the man who was now lighting a cigarette making the 4 men chuckle.

The food was nothing special, it was chicken with some rice and peas on the side but it was probably better then anything they would serve them while on that crum of dirt.

The conversation was quite normal and then the question of relationship's came up.

"I mean there's this girl called Vera." Leckie said in almost a whisper when Runner asked the question.

"Pretty name." I said taking a bite of chicken.

"Ya, it suits her." He said smiling.

"What about you Phillips?" Chuckler asked.

"There's been one or a two girls in my life." He said.

"But I mean I just graduated high school so it's just been football games and milkshakes." He said and Elizabeth's eyes widened.

"So your still a virgin?!" Elizabeth asked a little bit shocked.

"Well ya I'm only 17, why what age did you lose yours at?" He asked now eager to know.

" I was 18." Chuckler said.

"19" Leckie said.

"I was 18 too" Runner stated and all heads turned to me.

"I mean I was 16 and 6 months when I lost mine." I said shoving another fork full of rice in my mouth while Runner laughed and the other 3 looked shocked.

"I was a month away from being 17 and decided on 'get fucked' instead of 'let's wait a month'." I said and the others started to laugh while Sidney started to gain a strong blush.

"It's fine Phillips, after war ever single woman is gonna wanna be with a man who fought with a gun, not saying they will care all to much that is unless you get lucky." I stated and Chuckle raised an eyebrow at me.

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