Themis kept Anastasia company as Andreas left to go find her Athenian father on Spartan grounds. They would make small talk and make sure Anastasia received all that she needed for a faster recovery. All of a sudden, Themis' ears perked up at the sound of their brother's voice outside the medical tent. They turned their head towards the entrance and watched two shadow figures that looked to be Spartan hoplites pass the third shadow figure a small sack of some sort. Themis just accidentally witnessed an exchange. When Themis notices their brother dismissing the other two hoplites, Themis quickly turns their attention toward one of the medical stations where they had been standing. Not to their surprise, the sound of the tent opening filled Themis' ears, they knew it was Petros who just walked in.
Themis turned their whole body to greet the unexpected guest and as assumed, it was Petros who had entered with a sack of coins in hand. Themis then turned their head towards the blonde woman. Thankfully, she was sleeping so they had time to entertain their brother.
"Themis!" Petros exclaimed without a thought of how late in the night it was.
"Quiet down!" Themis shushed their brother. "There are patients sleeping, have some manners. What is wrong with you?" Themis started walking towards the exit while shaking their head in frustration. "Follow me."
Themis exited the medical tent first with Petros in tow. Petros couldn't comprehend what happened next as it happened so quickly. Themis stopped abruptly to turn around and grab their brother by his clothing to spin him around so that Themis was closer to the entrance. With their other hand, Themis snatched the sack of coins from their brother. "What is this? What did you do in order to earn extra drachmae?" They asked holding the coins up for Petros to see. "I saw that exchange in front of the tent."
Petros threw his hands up in surrender. "Relax little one, it had nothing to do with your unrequited lover," Petros looked at them as if he was hoping that information would calm the doctor down and let go of his clothing to give him some space to explain himself. His look told Themis that he was waiting for them to let go.
Themis reluctantly let go but still held on to the bag of drachmae. Their eyes were stern, waiting for an explanation.
"Open it," Petros nodded.
Themis didn't enjoy the confidence that was radiating off of their brother. Themis was starting to develop a bad feeling in their stomach about this current situation. Nonetheless, they started to untie the brown sack before opening it. Once the doctor untied the knot, they slowly opened the bag before looking inside. Themis' reaction to the number of drachma sitting in that cloth bag said it all. "You could purchase two horses with this type of drachmae," Themis was in disbelief, horses in Greece were very expensive to purchase, usually ranging from two hundred to a thousand and two hundred drachmae. He had enough to buy a third horse, even, if it was on the cheaper side. Themis looked back up, "what did you do to receive all of this drachma?"
"Truly impressive, yes?" Petros said, gloating at his success. His smile told Themis he was so proud of his work. "Do you recall the plan Stefanos had informed you about? Well, that was your dear brother who thought of that plan. But don't fret, I shall share half with you in celebration of our reunion. Finding you again is making me feel generous," Petros smiled at his sibling with confidence that Themis would show their gratitude.
What Petros failed to realize was that he was gone for most of Themis' life, therefore, he didn't have knowledge of the true soul that lies within that androgynous body. "You honestly wish for Sparta to win this bloody war?"
Themis was looking at their brother as if he was crazy for wanting their own city-state to win a war which left a confused expression on Petros' face. "Well... yes... of course. Why wouldn't I?" Petros stammers. Themis' facial expression was making Petros afraid to answer the question.

Athenian Arrow
Historical FictionSet during the Peloponnesian War, Athens and Sparta are battling their differences. While the leader of Sparta argues uncompromisingly with the leader of Athens, the Spartan leader's son, Andreas, is sent on a mission to steal supplies from Athens...