Ze prologue

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So, this is a story about my RainWing OC. Whenever I reply on comments, I'm going to talk like everyone has read this story and they all know what I'm talking about when I mention Jaguar and Lavender and all my other OCs. Enjoy! (This is the first I've written all day and my hand already hurts)

A dark form swept through the rainforest, carrying an egg. This egg was sure to have potential, he knew, or else he wouldn't have stolen it. He had gotten it from the hatchery, the one the least  important dragons of the village keep their eggs. He felt her presence beside him as his RainWing partner caught up to him, having stolen two other eggs from a different hatchery. They both crept around the NightWing  village together. As soon as they were clear of it, they flew as fast as they could, through the cool, nighttime air. The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon as they returned to their cave, the RainWing village now four hours behind them. They entered the cave, dropping the three eggs off in what would soon be their room.

"I still think we should have stolen five," Stelthkiller complained as soon as he put his egg down.

"If we did, they would have gotten suspicious. We would have to take from the third hatchery, and we were already low on time. Plus, do you really want five little dragonets running around the place?" Destiny replied, her scales turning from semi-camouflage to their usual white and gold colour. "Anyway, I'm starving! Nothing like a good stealing session to work up an appetite."

The two of them feasted on jaguar  and fruit. Both dragons worked for an extremely secret organization called the Wings of Authority. The Wings were planning to take over all of Pyrrhia. They had a plan all set up. Because none of the Wings were good enough assassins, they would take the two best they had, which happened to be Stelthkiller and Destiny. Those two had to train some assassins to kill all the queens and female members of the royal family. After that, they had dragons in place to take over the throne. All these dragons would mate with a male member of the royal family, as to keep the royal bloodlines going. Then, they would run Pyrrhia the way they want to. It was an overly complicated process if you asked Destiny, but she was loyal to the Wings and would do anything for them. She was the RainWing chosen to become queen. She went to the RainWing village often, portending to be a normal RainWing citizen. She also was already having an affair with Jambu. He would be her mate.

"Aren't those eggs supposed to hatch tonight?" Stelthkiller asked, snapping Destiny out of her train of thought. "Because I think I heard a crack"

"Oh ya, they are. Let's go watch them," Destiny grabbed Stealth's hand and rushed over to the nursery. Stealth had grabbed an apricot right as he was peeled away from the table. Sure enough, as soon as they got to the hatchery, the egg Stealth had stolen had a huge crack running down its side. In the largest egg, the outline of a dragonet froze as the other egg cracked again. They gathered themselves at the bottom of the egg, which had rolled onto it's side. Suddenly, they rammed their head against the top of the shell. The dragonet kept bashing the top of the egg until half of it exploded, causing the tiny, orange and red female to go skidding across the wooden table the eggs were laid out on. She lept up, ready to fight. Taking wobbly steps across the table, she headed over to Stealth, who still had the apricot in his hands. She jumped on him, climbed over to his talons and snatched up the apricot, devouring it. 

"I'm calling this one Apricot," Destiny said, scooping up the tiny dragon and putting her on the table. Apricot began smashing up the remaining part of her eggshell. It was a goon ten minutes before the other egg cracked again, a tiny hole appearing. Apricot lept up and rushed over to the egg. She peeked in the hole before reaching a talon in there. As soon as she felt the dragonet on the other side, she gave a sharp yank. The other dragonet came smashing out of his egg, the two of them rolling across the table. The new male dragonet turned from acid green to a darker green with teal and sky blue. He looked around at the strange new world he was now apart of before fully noticing the other RainWing that sat beside him. As soon as he got a good look at her face, a light pink spread over his back and wingtips.

"Dare you to name him," Destiny whispered to Stealth.

"Okay, um... Rainbow?" Stealth said.

"Ew no," Destiny stuck out her tongue. "Not for a boy."

Stelthkiller thought back to dinner. "How about Jaguar?" He asked.

"I like that. Jaguar it is," Destiny thought out loud. "I didn't think you could actually name one. Good job."

The two new dragonets played together for about fifteen minutes before the last egg  began to hatch. Some small cracks appeared, pieces of eggshell falling to the ground, until the last dragonet was hatched. She had lavender scales with some darker purple on her underbelly, wings, and ruff. She was going to walk over to the two other dragonets on the table, but she and the others were picked up by the two other bigger dragons standing over them. A golden talon held her, lifting her up to the big dragon's face. 

"I've always liked the name Lavender. I'm going to call her that," Destiny said to Stealth. They put the tiny dragons, who were starting to doze off, into a small, temporary nest on the lowest down rock ledge, so if they fell off, they wouldn't fall very far. Then, the two guardian dragons left the room.

"Can you feel it," Destiny said to Stealth.

"Feel what?" He asked.

"Like this is the beginning of something big." She replied.

They didn't know it yet, but it was the beginning of something big.

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