Oh no. Oh no!: Jaguar.

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"And as I was flying back, I felt a bit weird, but I just assumed that was excitement. Howler didn't say anything, but then again, he was following behind us, like far behind us, so he couldn't really say anything," Lavender retold the story.

"Oh, well, I'm just glad you're back!" Apricot grinned, hugging her.

"I agree. Way more interesting then this dummy," Jaguar joked, jabbing Apricot in the ribs. She responded with raking her claws across his arm. He retaliated by scratching her snout. Lavender kicked his side, before head butting Apricot. The two sisters began fighting, scratching and biting, while Jaguar watched.

"Okay, stop it," Destiny hissed, standing in the doorway. She grabbed the two bleeding dragons and threw them apart from each other. Both hit the stone floor.

"Now that you've all completed your journey, your training is almost complete.  We just need a signal to go from the Wings base. Upon completion of the assassination of the queens, you will be rewarded highly. A meeting will be held in the training cave in two hours to discuss our next move," she hissed, sweeping out of the cave.

"Wow, it's really time," Lavender said wistfully once she was gone.

"It really is," Jaguar agreed. It was strange to think about. They had spent all this time training for this one thing, and now they were finally going to do it. His life as he knew it would be over, and a new life would begin. Was this life better, or would he enjoy his new life more? At least he would have Apricot and Lavender by his side. And he was sure he'd make new friends along the way.

"It's all over..." Apricot frowned. "It's really over."

"Well, to the Wings base, then," Jaguar shrugged. "I need a snack."

"Same," Lavender agreed. The two walked together to the kitchen area, where they shared fruits and compared stories of their travels. After joking around a bit, them and Apricot played games in the games cave until it was time for the meeting. 

"Okay, dragonets. Now that you're six and a half, I believe you're old enough to  complete your mission," Stealth said,  standing in front of them. "Once you assassinate the queens..." He cut off, pricking his ears. Jaguar did the same. He heard... Wingbeats. Lots and lots of Wingbeats.

"Des, can you go see who's there?" He asked the RainWing. She was about to go out, but a loud voice called out.

"Come out with your talons free," a somehow familiar dragon's voice called. "By order of Queen Glory of the RainWings and NightWings!"

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