Credits and thanks for reading and stuff

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So, a year and a half, and 45 chapters not including this one, and this is, like, my least popular story.

Thanks for the two people who read the whole thing. Hope you liked it.

Want to thank Onewhisker for writing their Wings of Fire Ideas! Story. Without it, most of my characters wouldn't have names.

And thanks to the people on the WoF wiki who let me use their characters for those, like, two chapters. 

And yes, there will be a kind of sequel of sorts, involving the place Apricot was talking about. It's going to have new tribes, animals, plants, etc. That won't be out for a while, though. I still got to figure out everything for that.

And wow. I just killed off the character I'm named after. That wasn't part of the original plan for this story. Well, things happen I guess.

So, thanks again for reading, and good luck finding your next story. 

K bye.

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