Wow, this place is beautiful: Jaguar

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"Okay," Ocean said as they swam up to some approaching stone shapes, covered in colourful coral and sea grass. After squinting for a moment, a blue shape swam by, and Jaguar realized it was a town. Those shapes were houses, some with blue and green and purple shapes moving inside of them. 

"Your next task, follow me." The blue and purple SeaWing swam off the opposite direction of the town and ducked behind a small pile of sand and down to the base of the pile. 

On the other side of this pile, Jaguar saw Ocean swishing her tail back and forth, blowing sand off what looked like a large, flat stone. She grabbed the stone and flung it aside, revealing a gap just big enough for a full grown dragon to squeeze into. Jaguar peaked over her shoulder into it. The space was larger then he had expected, with what looked like room to seat about twenty full grown dragons comfortably. But most of the space was already full. This was a vault full of weapons. Knives and daggers and spears and swords and a variety of other weapons were all bundled together in neat piles. 

"Take your pick," Ocean nudged Jaguar's shoulder. "Any weapon you want. In fact, who said you have to stop at one? Take as many as you want!"

Wordlessly, Jaguar swam into the vault, poking his snout around. He chose a few daggers and swam back out, ready for his next task. 

"So, you have your weapons? Then let's go!," quick as a flash, Ocean was off again. Jaguar had to scramble to keep up with her. When they got to the outskirts of the town, Ocean ducked behind a pink coral fan, Jaguar following her. "Alright, can you change your scales to look like a SeaWing? You know, add a glowing patch here, maybe a swirl of darker blue on your wings. Fold your ruff in more."

Jaguar shifted his semi camouflage scales into a teal SeaWing with a darker blue underbelly and wings. The disguise wasn't perfect, but it would pass, especially if you weren't fully paying attention. The gills and webs talons helped as well.

"Alright, you see that park over there. See that little dragonet. The one with the dark blue scales being watched by her parents? Go see if you can kidnap her without her parents seeing you. You can't kill her or camouflage for this task. Now go!"

Jaguar had a plan forming in his head as he swooped down to the dragonet. She was very young, probably only two or three months old. She was pouncing at some tiny crabs that were popping out of the ground. Her two parents, two small, young, blue dragons who looked about ten were smiling and  holding talons as they sat on a bench, there eyes solely focused on this tiny dragonet. Their scales were flashing in their underwater language. Jaguar couldn't understand them, but he guessed they were joking around as the darker blue female was giggling at random times, her green eyes shining. Their dragonet had begun to wander farther away from the happy couple as they laughed at each other's jokes.

"Remember, the parents can't see you take their child," Ocean repeated, watching from behind the same pink coral fan as before.

"Yes, I know, I know," Jaguar muttered, swimming in circles around the couple while acting casual. 

Finally, an opportunity struck. An angry looking green mother was swimming by, dragging her three dragonets behind her. She dropped her dragonets by the small play structures and sat down at a bench right next to another, older dragon, who was also looking annoyed. Putting on a silly, childish expression, Jaguar approached the two younger of the green mom's children. He tapped the two on their shoulders. The youngest, a light green female, turned and smiled at him. Her darker green and blue brother turned around a moment later. Jaguar gestured for the two to follow him, leading them to the bench where the old dragon was sitting. The sister was staring over at another dragonet, the same colour as her. He was the oldest, looking to be about a year old. As soon as he noticed her, he came swimming over. Finally, Jaguar made sure they were all paying attention before he jabbed the old dragon's sky blue tail, gesturing for the three dragonets to do so as well. The sister was the first to do so, taking her tiny claw and jabbing the other dragon's tail. Her brothers joined in. Jaguar quickly swam away and tried to act inconspicuous as he watched the chaos that was about to unfold. 

The old dragon whipped his head around, flashing his glowing scales at the dragonets. The mom noticed them and began flashing her scales at the dragonets as well. The old dragon whipped his head around to glare at the mother, his scales flashing even brighter then before. At this point, the two adult dragons were just fighting with each other, their scales getting brighter and brighter. Everyone was staring at them. No one was paying attention to anything else. That meant no one noticed when Jaguar shot by, snatching his dark blue target and carrying her away.

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