It was all a lie: Lavender

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Before we begin, I have a pic of Termite in my Random pictures book. It's right before the Operation Mistletoe thing.

"... I only said that to get you two out from under my scales. And because you two would make such a cute couple. Think about it, two dragons, who were pretty good friends and seemed to have a spark, were sent away to raise dragonets, alone. Except when I sent over Basalt and Lamprey, because they were also getting under my scales."

"So, you lied to us because you wanted to see us as a couple?" Destiny asked, sounding annoyed.

"And it worked, too! Lamprey did bring back that egg and all," Skystreak grinned smugly.

Destiny's face turned bright red, but she kept her white and gold scales.

"Anyways," she turned to face a red and reddish orange dragon, who was holding three necklaces. It had the same square bead with the same symbol as all the dragons around them. The SkyWing handed each of the dragonets one.

"Thank you, Bonfire," Skystreak grinned. 

He bowed, and rushed off.

"Now that you have your membership necklaces, I'll direct you to Termite, who will teach you how to use them. Destiny, take the dragonets to her cave. 

Destiny led them down one of the winding tunnels, which looked very confusing to navigate. With a small knock one one cave door, a SandWing-HiveWing dragon appeared, with sand yellow scales and HiveWing wings and a HiveWing underbelly.

"Hello... Hang on, Destiny? Destiny! I haven't seen you in forever! How've you been? Where's Stealthkiller? Who are these?" The hybrid asked.

"These are the dragons we've been sent to raise, and we had to make a risky escape, which Stealthkiller didn't make it back from. Although it was all for nothing. Anyways, Skystreak told us to come here for an explanation of how the Wing necklaces work.

"Oh, of course," Termite replied, leading them inside.

"Mom! Who's that? A tiny male dragonet, who looked just like Termite, but with light green LeafWing wings and a leaf shape on the end of his tail instead of a barb, asked.

"This is Destiny. She was a friend of mine before you were hatched. And these are..." Termite looked to Destiny, motioning to the RainWing trio.

"Lavender, Apricot, and Jaguar," Destiny pointed to each as she said their names. "And this is? Also where's Caterpillar?" 

"He's out with friends. This is Leafcutter, and Acacia is around here somewhere. Leaf, do you know where your sister is?" Termite asked the tiny dragonet.

"Right here, mommy!" Another tiny voice squeaked from behind the couch Termite had motioned for them to sit on. A green LeafWing dragonet with HiveWing wings and a barb on her tail walked out. She gave a little squeal at the sight of the RainWings.

"It's okay," Termite picked up the two one-year-olds and placed them beside her.

"Mommy, I'm hungry!" Leafcutter whined.

"No you're not. You just ate. Now..." She picked up the bead on her necklace. "First, you can talk to anyone. You just have to say 'contact' and the dragon you're trying to contact's name. Like," she raised the bead close to her HiveWing shaped smout. "Contact Conifer."

They waited a moment, before a strong, male voice emitted from the bead.

"Hello? Termite?" What is it, babe?"

"Hey, hun." Termite grinned. "Destiny returned from raising those dragonets, and I just needed to show the dragonets how to use the necklaces. Can you call me back? And while you're at it, can you ask Caterpillar to come home?"

"Alright, love ya," he replied, before silence took over.

"Okay, so. When you call, the bead will feel slightly warm until they pick up, or dismiss the call. It will stay warm until they hang up, as well." Termite pointed out, right as the wooden bead started to vibrate.

"And when it vibrates, it means you have a call coming in..." Termite went on, talking about all the functions of the enchanted necklace. Until a LeafWing with a number of SandWing and HiveWing features, such as his HiveWing shaped snout, his orange SandWing frill, and the pale yellow patches in random spots of his body. And that he had a smaller pair of HiveWing wings beside his LeafWing ones.

"Dad said you needed me for something? Who are these?" Lavender felt him looking at her with his pretty, light reddish orange eyes, ones that matched his mother's.

"Remember Destiny? The last time you saw her was when you were, like, one. Not even." Termite grinned at the new dragon.

"Caterpillar. Now there's a face I haven't seen in a LONG time," Destiny smiled.

"Wait, were you the RainWing that did those cool little animated designs with your scales?" Caterpillar asked.

Destiny replied by turning her scales all white, and making several forest animals, including rabbits, deer, and birds, all moving, appear

"I knew you looked familiar. And who are these?"

"Lavender, Apricot, and Jaguar." Destiny replied. "Now, I believe these three already have some idea of how the box thing works, but as you were saying..."

"Wait, how did you know?" Jaguar blurted.

"Every single time you thought you were secretly spying on us, we knew. You aren't the greatest spies ever, but you're pretty decent. We also know you stole the scroll, and enchanted the necklace. I don't see why you needed to keep the scroll, though. Bad move, as we knew instantly you took it." Destiny watched their faces as they twisted into shock and suprise.

"We didn't take the scroll, though," Apricot replied after a moment.

"There's no need to lie now. In fact, I would be quite happy to get it back," Destiny replied, before finishing with her confession. "And if you were wondering, you weren't born with your special little powers. We enchanted your eggs. Apricot got super sensory powers and super hidden camouflage, Jaguar can see in the dark and can squish into tight spaces easily, and Lavender can see other camouflaged RainWings and detect others emotions easily."

"Wait, I never noticed I could do that. The tight spaces thing," Jaguar replied. "I'll have to try that out."

Suddenly, it clicked in her brain. Lavender couldn't see Apricot because of this super camouflage. It now made sense.

"Hang on, I also have really strong gut feelings. Did you give me that power, too?" Apricot asked.

"Oh, that's probably an effect of super sensory," Destiny replied.

One more thing clicked in Lavender's head. Her entire life... Had been one big lie.

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