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Organizing things, keeping everything nice and tidy, to store away the slightest clue...
That made for a peaceful Hakuba.
It wasn't unusual for him to store away the KID cards either, yet he knew for sure if a certain Kuroba would find out he would put on a show once again just to humiliate him. He would never admite it but that wasn't the only reason he kept the cards. It was something personal... Kuroba made them for him, just for him. Keeping them would be the least appreciation he could offer him.

It wasn't until that one fateful day that Hakuba would have needed to worry about this matter.

Flashing a glance towards the clock, "23:57," he muttered, three minutes left to KID's heist. This time he didn't attend tho, as he was busy reorganizing his bedroom. Not that it was necessary but once a month he would feel this incredible urge to clean everything all over again, perhaps browse through old memories stored away in boxes and files, hidden in the furthest part of his wardrobe.
His clock chimed, announcing midnight, a sweet and heavy tone, sending shivers through Saguru's body even tho he already was used to it. He loved this old and heavy clock, he brought it from London, a souvenir if you took it like that.

Only fifteen minutes later the noise of sirens made their way towards Hakuba's ears. Merely rolling his eyes, Kuroba did keep the police at least fit for real criminals, at least he assumed it was him luring them into a chase beyond sanity. He could picture Nakamori-keibu in front of his inner eye, screaming curses like a sailor on KID's trail.
Tho he probably followed a dummy, as usual.
Peacefully minding his own business, he picked out a box tucked underneath a puddle of clothes and reopened it, finding just as predicted his collection of KID cards. Today, he was able to add another personal invitation to his box.

"...Huh. I didn't await that."
Nearly jumping forward into the wardrobe in front of him, Hakuba spun around, eyes locked with no other than Kaitou KID. His mouth opened, closed, he couldn't make a noise.
"Cat's got your tongue Tantei-san~?"
KID reached out, his gloved slender fingers tracing Hakuba's jawline, causing the detective to finally snap out of his daze alike condition as he crawled backwards out of his reach, letting out a faint whimper as his back hit the wall. Raising himself wasn't an option as KID was instantly close again, towering over him with pure amusement written across his face.
"K-KID bloody hell!! Don't bloody startle me like this!!"

He had hoped to distract KID from his small secret but from the looks of it, this wasn't going to happen soon. His signature KID smirk reaching from ear to ear, he crouched down and picked up the box, whistling at its weight. Carefully organized by date and target, from only jewels over to paintings.
Within two seconds Hakuba was back on his feet, trying to snatch the box away from the messy teen, only to be outfoxed by said one due to a swift movement, causing him to stumble a step further.
"Hand it back this instant!! You'll mess it up KID!"
"You wound me, Tantei-san. Say, did you really keep every single card I ever sent~?"
A cry of embarassment emitted from Saguru's throat, that about keeping his cool in front of the magician; he charged once more at him. Again and again the magician avoided him, outfoxed him over and over again.
"I didn't knew they meant so much to you, lovely Tantei-san~"

Hakuba froze in his next attack, letting the thief jump right into him as he was prepared to avoid. With a squeak the box hit the floor, all cards carelessly spread across his expensive red carpet, Saguru at the verge of a meltdown.
"KID!! Oh no, everything is all messy...!"
He dropped to his knees, picking up as many as he was able to, some even finding their place between Saguru's lips as he went to put them back into the box. No. No these weren't all.
Growling he whipped his head towards the cheeky male, his eyes growing wide of seeing him playing with one of the cards: Gently slipping it between his fingers, letting it disappear and reappear inside his skilled hands.
"All messy..." Kaito slowly repeated, childish mischievous in his voice, "I wouldn't be surprised if you would love to see me like this too~"

Hakuba was too busy trying to reclaim his property, his brain needed a moment to progress his words, attaching and connecting the important parts after shreddering them. Abruptly, he froze, his face heating up in the process.
KID inched a step closer, Saguru backed away. This game continued until Hakuba felt his back to hit the wall behind him, feeling cornered with nowhere to run, he knew KID had managed to pin him shut without even touching him. He swallowed dry, his hands trembling in nervousity. Saguru didn't like the cheshire grin on his opposite's face, feeling it inch closer and closer, taking every small bit of his vulnerable situation, devouring his condition.
"Oh please, Tantei-san... we both know about your small bedroom phantasies."
Hakuba started flailing with his arms, his face as red as a cherry by now. Kaito smiled, taking the reaction as his moment of victory, and proceeded to grab the handcuffs lazily hanging down from Hakuba's belt.
"Perhaps even with those? Admite it, you would love to see me bound, at your mercy, the uncatchable Phantom Thief on your bed~"
He made a small 'tsk', shaking his head while Hakuba looked like about to explode any second now, taking every bit of his shame.
"How... dirty~"
Kaito licked his lips as the last word rolled off his tongue, almost a little seductive. With a whimper of embarassment Saguru looked away, his eyes darting across his tidy room for a fast escape, now that he mentioned it he couldn't help but imagine the whole situation.
"I-I don't know what you are talking about."
"Of course you don't know, you never experienced it. A thief like me doesn't only steal jewelry, you know~?"

Hakuba pressed himself only further into the wall, but there was no escape. KID grabbed his chin and forced his lips onto the detective's, a gentle rythm followed. The halfbrit had his mind in an utter mess, what had been working active and clear seconds ago was turned into mush just like that. He rested his hands against KID's chest, pushing and pushing, but his strengh was gone. He felt so weak, so vulnerable, so...
Kaito parted, his breath slightly uneven, a smirk reappearing on his face. Hakuba truly was a view, kiss swollen lips, his blush reaching his ears and his breath just as shaky as he tried not to give in to the arousement coming up.
"You have no idea how good you look right now, Tantei-san..." Kuroba purred, his eyes now wandering down to his chest; Hakuba still had been clinging onto him and never noticed until now. Embarassment taking over his mush of a mind, Hakuba pulled away, a whimper escaping his mouth. Where was his cool?!
"KID you bastard...!" was all what left his mouth at the moment but KID didn't budge to move away, instead he bent forward to lock their lips again. Hakuba knew it was wrong, he couldn't do it, he didn't want- yet he noticed himself kissing back.
KID took the opportunity of a gasp of realization and slipped his tongue into his mouth, exploring the new playground and the sweet treats it had to offer. Hakuba found himself melting into his kiss, letting out a pleased noise in the back of his throat which he immediately wanted to slap himself for.

"I have to take my leave now, Tantei-san..."
He heard it but it felt so far away, so unreal as KID peeked his flushed forehead and disappeared in a poof of smoke.
"C-calm down Saguru..." he heard himself mutter and in the next second he laid on his bed, panting and repeating the events over and over again inside his mind. KID had kissed him. Teased him. Made out with him. Oh god... Hakuba wanted to die for letting it happen without any proper resistance.
A glance towards his box brought the realization that KID indeed had organized everything and put all cards into the usual order. He really needed to calm down... but Hakuba knew from the beginning, he wouldn't be sleeping any bit of the night.

And the worst thing... he needed to face Kuroba Kaito the next day.

Hakuba×Kaito KID/Kuroba Kaito pairingsWhere stories live. Discover now