Witchcraft (Hakuba×KID)

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Night had arrived since long as the detective unlocked his door, his pocket watch gently ticking with every single step.
"3am..." the exhausted Hakuba muttered, his eyes failing to connect any bits or pieces of the dark hallway. In a matter of seconds, his hand had searched and found the light switch, illuminating the eery manor. It was lonely inside this house... His father rarely left his favorite room and every single day he would work from early morning to late at night. It seemed as if Hakuba had taken over this characteristic...
Regarding his return at this point of a day.

The male slid out of his shoes and put his slippers on, then made his way first around the house to make sure everything was locked before he entered his room. He had a personal bathroom connected to his kingdom where he stepped into just after he had gotten rid of his disturbing clothes. The heavy coat settled down inside his wardrobe, pajamas were pulled out from below his pillow and a half naked detective felt himself turning on automatic, following his daily routine.
Once he finally fell into these comfy sheets he let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding in, all stress and thoughts of KID/Kuroba vanishing at once. He burried his head into the pillow and relaxed...

Until his hand touched something.

Saguru jerked up and his other hand searched for his small nightdesk lamp, illuminating his big room. His palm rested upon a weird... stuffie? Toy? Doll? It looked like a doll. Hakuba frowned and shifted into a more comfortable position, picking it up to examine it. It wasn't a good professional one... it looked selfmade. Way too big stiches, the quality of the fabric less than average... and the worst thing, it was dressed like Kaitou KID. A tiny monocle on the head, the top hat sewed against it, a wide maniac grin... Hakuba mentally groaned. Why couldn't that pest of a thief leave him one night without disturbance?! If it wasn't KID himself stealing his nights it was his constant thinking of the magician. Why he couldn't sleep because of KID and Kuroba... he didn't know.
Nevertheless, Hakuba didn't care for today. KID knew he shouldn't leave anything open if he broke into his house and thus, most likely had shut down everything again. And it wasn't like Hakuba would have needed to fear him... KID had never been a dangerous person. Oh well, examining it could wait until tomorrow, too.
He pulled the small present of KID close and turned off the lights, then snuggled back into his sheets and a few minutes later slipped into sleep.

Sunlight announced the day's arrival, Saguru shifted and pressed himself further against this big warm object inside his arms. So comfortable, protected and safe... it had been long since he felt like this. Wait... big warm soft object?!
Hakuba immediately opened his eyes and came face to face with the Kaitou KID. All tangled up inside the detective's grip with literally no room to inch away, he had trapped the Phantom Thief. And over all, he looked asleep!
A wide grin broke across Hakuba's face. No matter how he had gotten himself into this position, KID was his now. He caught the KID. Carefully, he lifted his arm and reached behind himself for the handcuffs on his nightdesk. As quiet as ever he lifted them up and shortly shifted to be able to handcuff his prey.
"...I wouldn't do that in your place, Tantei-san."
Hakuba flinched and watched as these violet eyes fluttered open and fixed Hakuba's. Silence spreaded over these two and finally, Hakuba scoffed and sat up, untangling himself and the thief from each other.
"What are you doing here anyway?! And in my bed?!"

Chuckling, the magician sat up himself and stretched his arms. His face was relaxed but his body language clearly showed how tense he was, after all he sat right next to a detective.
"Well, you took me into your bed, that's not my doing. And... if I told you, you wouldn't believe me anyway. But thanks for saving me, Tantei-san."
Hakuba furrowed his eyebrows and instantly jerked the thief back at his wrist once he wanted to get up.
"No wait, not so fast. You owe me a few explanations."
He flashed a glance towards the spot both had been sleeping upon and frowned, noticing the missing object.
"And where is that little doll? I didn't check it yet. Not my problem you always leave such things at night."
KID breathed out a sigh and, thanks to Hakuba sitting again, made himself a bit more comfortable.
"You can let go of me now Tantei-san..." he muttered, flashing a glance at his wrist. Hakuba seemed to realize he still kept holding onto him and that firmer than intended; he released him immediately.

"Tantei-san... Do you know a girl named Koizumi Akako?"
Hakuba frowned, nodding. Yes, he knew this girl. Sweet, luring, she had something at her which pulled boys all over the place into her claws.
"She isn't too pleased about me, I don't seem fazed by her magic skills and never fell victim to her. And that is the reason she took a liking in torturing me in all ways possible..."
Silence followed, Hakuba didn't know wether to believe him or not. Nevertheless, he motioned KID to continue.
"Lately she managed to figure out a secret about me... and now turned me into doll. I was that doll you found, she put me into your room after my heist."
The detective needed a moment to realize what he had just said. He couldn't help it, Hakuba snickered and bent forward to fix the thief's eyes with his, looking as smug as ever.
"Lets just say I believe you this shameless lie. How did you turn back?"

No way. KID blushed. It was a mere hint of pink across his cheeks but the magician blushed.
"Uhm... Well..." he stuttered, fiddling with his words to put up a well formed excuse.
"Cat got your tongue?" Hakuba teased, feeling for once victorious over the thief. He needed a moment but finally raised himself and made sure this time Hakuba couldn't jerk him back.
"...a kiss. I kissed you when you were asleep. And that turned me back. It's literally the only thing I know for sure which can break black magic. Afterwards... I knew I wouldn't manage to leave without waking you up, so I stayed put and must have fallen asleep."
Now Hakuba knew for sure he was the one turning scarlet. A kiss?! That definitely wasn't a lie. KID had stolen a kiss, and on top of that his first!
KID looked amused as soon as he got a hold of Hakuba's current expression and inched closer, pressing his lips onto his dark red cheek for a gentle kiss.
"Thanks to you... I figured out your secret, too~ Because only the kiss of true love can break a curse."

Hakuba gasped, immediately shooting up from his spot.
"Oh KID...! I will definitely-" POOF!! And KID was gone, leaving a mess of confetti behind.
"...arrest you..." he trailed off, realizing no one was listening to him anymore. The situation sank in, he let out a loud whine. He loved KID... He loved KID... He loved a criminal!
KID was the reason for his sleepless nights, but not in a way he had imagined it. It wasn't the adrenaline which kept him awake, it wasn't the obsession of putting him behind bars... it was love.


A few days later the Kaitou KID returned from a heist, deep in thoughts. Hakuba hadn't been present this time, it was one of the most boring heists he had ever done. The magician sighed deeply and let himself down on the balcony of his house, about to open his secret entrance to his hideout. But as he recognized a small doll on the beton, a deep frown covered his face. Slowly, carefully, he bent down and picked it up, then held it into the moonlight to examine it.
Horrible quality... A trenchcoat... a small pocket watch accessoire... a British Sherlock-hat...
"Oh god...! Hakuba!"
KID panicked and immediately pulled the doll close into a tight hug, not very surprised that it started moving inside his grip. He after all, was able to move in his condition too, even if not so well.
"D-don't worry Tantei-san, I will release you!"
He sat the doll down onto the railing bordering his balcony and cupped its cheeks. He hesitated a moment... and finally inched closer, resting his lips upon the doll's mouth. Smoke started to cover the doll and within a second, he felt the familiar touch of Hakuba's lips on his own. The poor detective let out a squeak and nearly fell off of the edge if it wasn't for Kaito to pull him back. Shaking in horror, the detective immediately started to rant.

"Oh dear god, it was horrible! Koizumi-san caught me on my way home from a case and turned me into this disgusting little doll!!"
"Shh... I'm here..." Kaito murmured, hushing the detective into his embrace which the male gladly accepted, "why did she even do that...?"
Hakuba froze and tensed, finally letting out a silent whimper.
"...her words were 'so you still won't admite it to each other, if I can't have him you can be glad I allow you to step in'."
Kaito blushed as he heard that and pulled the detective closer, groaning out in annoyance.
"Oh god fine Akako! I love you, Tantei-san."
He parted and immediately lowered himself onto one knee, grasping his hand and placing a soft kiss onto its back.
"Please go out with me."

If anywhere in history a detective found himself the object of courting, they hadn't blushed as worse as Hakuba managed to. Stiff and with his heart about to jump out of his chest, he finally accepted the small proposal and pulled the thief into a sweet kiss.
"...I love you as well... But I doubt you don't already know that."
"Haha. The first kiss already revealed it."

Hakuba×Kaito KID/Kuroba Kaito pairingsWhere stories live. Discover now