Evenings like these

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Saguru unlocked the door to his apartment and stepped inside. The noise of a shower greeted him and a small smile appeared on the halfbrit's lips; he left his shoes at the entrance and took on his slippers.
Saguru loved these evenings where he would arrive home, had his boyfriend waiting for him inside the shared flat and could let himself fall into silence.
Calm, peaceful silence.

He made his way to the couch and sank down into the cushions, a deep sigh signalizing for his stress to vanish. He rested there, breathing in the familiar scent of Kaito's vanilla candles he had set up all over the apartment.
"I found out it's a good way to relax," he had explained. Saguru smiled upon his memory, of course Kaito had wanted to cover up the smell of his mistakingly exploded smokebombs. But since then, the magician would place candles into every single room and if he had been honest, Saguru liked it this way.
Minutes later the last noise inside the flat had stopped and Kaito entered the living room, a towel covering his waist and one around his neck.
"Welcome back..." he muttered and both shared a slight brush of lips against each other. The magician sat down and Saguru felt these indigo eyes eying him from head to toe.
He didn't say a word, Saguru knew Kaito wanted this silence to examine his boyfriend and thus, he calmly waited for Kaito to finish his observations.
"Stressful day?" he finally asked, pokerface in place. Saguru exhaled, he had been granted permission to speak.
"Just another homicide case," he replied, eyes darting back at his lover.
"Get dressed already, I will cook dinner."

Kaito complied and shifted off of the couch to go into the shared bedroom while Saguru remained for another minute on the couch, staring after his boyfriend. He had been the luckiest person alive as he had asked Kaito out and he had agreed. Saguru remembered how nervous he had been and how he nearly jawdropped once he saw Kaito blushing.
He raised himself and walked into the kitchen, rummaging through the fridge. What could he possibly make today? Nothing too heavy, he wasn't in the mood for that. Soba? Soba.
He grabbed the marked box of ingredients (Saguru had picked up the habit to prepare meals in his free time or to divide the groceries into boxes of ingredients to make said meals) and heated the stove, then dumped the whole content into the pot.
Kaito wasn't back even after Saguru had finished, so he turned off the stove and set the table, waiting for his boyfriend on his seat. Minutes later, he sighed and turned to head after the bubbly magician.

Saguru hesitated at his door as he heard a quiet dreamy sigh behind it and his hand hovered above the handle for another minute, before he finally gathered his courage and opened the door. Kaito flinched and sheepishly smiled at the private detective.
"Ah, is dinner ready yet? Sorry, I usually forget time at this..."
Saguru didn't answer as his mind still needed to progress what his eyes told him. Kaito, his wonderful boyfriend, stood in front of his mirror in boxers, bent over a chair to add a bit of safety, and his left leg stretched straight up into the air.
Kaito practised his flexibility.
And from his angle, Saguru was perfectly able to see the contents between his legs.
The halfbrit sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose like he often did in especially Kaito's near. How unfair of him. Saguru had trouble remaining the British gentleman but much to his relief, his manners won over his instinct.
"Come into the kitchen, will you?" he finally muttered and turned to leave, Kaito trailing behind him like a lost puppy.

Both settled down a at the table, chopsticks in hand.
Their dinner was silent but comfortable. It spoke of home and comfort, a trait Saguru had missed in his school years. Travelling back and forth from London to Ekoda, a foreigner whereever he went. But here, inside this small apartment he shared with his boyfriend, Saguru felt at home. No one scolded him for butting his nose into other business, even tho that was his job as private detective.
With 21 years, Saguru had found his peace. It surprised him every single time again, that this peace included the secret Kaitou KID at his side.
Golden eyes flickered over to his partner, Saguru had to admit Kaito had grown, too. He never stopped his childish antics and Saguru was grateful for that. But he became... calm. More observant, he almost looked like a fox hunting his prey during these times. If he wouldn't have known better, he had thought he rubbed off on him way too much.
But no, it had been his own personal development during his night job as Kaitou KID. His features had changed, too, his face became sharper and a cunning glim became visible in his eyes whenever he had another evil plan in mind. All in all Saguru was ready to admit, Kaito had become an adult.

"When are you going to tell me who you are?" Saguru finally asked, interest audible in his voice. Kaito, who had made himself comfortable on his lap as soon as Saguru had settled down on the couch again, looked up with innocent eyes.
"I'm Kuroba Kaito, pleasure to meet you," he said with a serious voice and produced a white flower inside his hand. Saguru raised his eyebrows and took it, examining it.
'Mme Le Coultre', a clematis, stands for social interaction but also secrets. It can be held as a promise to keep a secret, but also as a warning to never spill said one. The colour white in addition... An innocent, untold secret. Clever move, Kaitou KID, Saguru thought.
He had deciphered Kaito's flower trick since long and produced now with ease one himself, holding it out to the magician. Kaito took it with narrowed eyebrows and Saguru flashed a weak smile at him.
Anemone coronaria, belongs to the class anemone. Symbolizes mistrust, transience, abandonment and disappointment but also innocence, sincerity, trust and tenderness. In the colour of red, I wish to tell you... Don't you trust me with your secret, Kaitou KID? Saguru thought, eying his companion's reaction with interest.

Finally, Kaito stuck the flower behind his ear and curled up against Saguru's chest. Conversation was over.
The halfbrit tensed and stared frowning down onto his lover. Acceptance? Denial? No, Kaito had accepted the flower. He had accepted Saguru's feelings. The private detective finally relaxed and closed his eyes, hand reaching up to pet Kaito's back. He admitted, he was a little possessive. But with a secret thief as his boyfriend, he needed to pay attention on him.
"Take your time, Kaito... But I'll never drop that," he warned a last time and grinned as he felt Kaito grunting something not nice against his chest.
Yeah, he loved evenings like these.

Hakuba×Kaito KID/Kuroba Kaito pairingsWhere stories live. Discover now