Chapter Four • A New Friend

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Just a quick recap for those who might have forgotten. In the last chapter of the story our shape shifter, y/n, has just left SCP-049's chamber for questioning. She and the scientists just have discovered she can shift into not just animals, but SCP's too. And just to add to her luck, she happens to obtain their anomalous properties as well.

Back to the story :)

Without even thinking, your body suddenly leaps into action. You lunge backwards, ripping the poles out of the two MTF's hands.

At the same time, without even looking, you reach both your arms back and expertly touch the necks of the MTF's with rifles behind you. Before they could even realize you broke out, they were crumpled on the floor motionless.

By this time the other two MTF's were well aware of you and stepped back. One pulled out a small firearm from his belt pocket and aimed it at your chest.

Quickly you sidestepped and with great speed jumped forward and placed your fingers on his neck, causing him to go limp and drop. Focusing your attention on the lone MTF, you smiled behind the doctor mask as you noticed he has no weapons. You raised your left arm and slowly starting walking towards the man, him backing up until he reached a dead end in the hallway.

"I am the cure"

You retracted your hand from the man's face as he stopped squirming and sunk to the ground. Immediately you reached into your cloak and produced a large bag that feels like leather. You place it on the ground beside you and, pulling out a scalpel, position it between the collar bones. Instincts take control and you start cutting.

About half an hour into curing, you hear a loud, deep, and throaty chuckle emanate from behind you. Turning around you are met with a dark and decaying figure emerging from a puddle of corrosion.

"Hey Doc, curing some fuckers?" it says, grinning at you.

A look of confusion crossed your face. "Uhm, who's Doc?"

Now you weren't the only one looking confused.


"Oh!" you exclaim, now realizing your mistake. Quickly you shift into your regular form, causing the strange figure to step back, narrowing his eyes.

Suddenly you were feeling scared. What if he got mad that you tricked him?

"S-sorry" you say nervously, scratching the back of your head. " I'm a shape shifter". You averted your eyes, instead taking interest in the floor.

A few moments later you heard him laugh, but it wasn't the spine chilling laugh you heard earlier. It almost seemed-gentler.

Looking up you saw he had something in his hand and was holding it out to you.

"Gloves. I'm kinda corrosive" he says smirking.

All the nervousness left just as fast as it came. A small grin escaped your lips as you took the gloves and put them on. He held out his hand to shake and you took it. "SCP-106, but you can call me Larry"

"I'm (y/n), or SCP-(f/n) is what the researchers call me. Can I ask how come no one has noticed you are not in your contai-"

"Attention all SCP Foundation personnel. SCP-106 has breached containment and is yet to be found. Please find shelter until our Mobile Task Force Units can recontain the anomaly."

He grinned. "Nice to meet cha'. So I take it you enjoy cutting into people like 049?" he gestures towards the bodies.

"Cut into people?" you ask as you turn where he is gesturing. Covering your mouth in horror you see the men you attacked with large gaps in their chests, stitches littered throughout them. You were never a fan of blood.

"Oh my g-" you are cut short as you heavily gag. One of the men just stood up and started wandering aimlessly, with all his cuts.

"Here, let's go to another room". Larry notices your reaction, grabs your gloved hand, and pulls you down the hallway to another room. "So explain to me how you 'cured' those men but didn't know about it?"

You sighed. "I can only turn into organisms after I have seen them. Then whenever I transform into them, it has to only be for an half an hour or less. The longer I stay in the new form the more the instincts take control. Which I guess was killing those men and doing whatever he did to them, I can't even remember cutting them. The one thing I have to make sure of is that I remember to change out of the form before the one hour mark passes, I.. don't know what would happen after that."

"That.. is definitely an annoying setback.." says Larry. "Wait, does that mean you can become me?"

"Of course". You respond, shifting into his form. Scanning for his reaction you realize how nice it is to not having to look up at him.

"Can you uhm.. change back?" he changes his mind, looking visibly uncomfortable.

You shrug. "sure, why?"

"I.. don't really like you looking like me."

If it was even possible a slight redness was showing on his face.

"Eh, okay?" you say, returning to your form. "We should probably get going if we don't want to get re-contained"

"Yeah, let's go" he says, swiftly walking out of the door, mumbling something you just couldn't hear.

ahhhh sorry I love scp-106. he is going to be a main part of the story from now on.

I'm so sorry that this was extremely late, hope all the excitement of the chapter made up for it.

thanks ily guys

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