Chapter Six • Larry? (Part One)

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(y/n) pov:

Exiting the door that Larry left you ask, "Hey Larry do you know whe-?"

Larry was nowhere to be seen. Almost instantly you become fearful. Why would he leave you? You don't know your way around! "Larry? This isn't funny!" you whisper-yell into the hallway.

Suddenly you hear a slight rustling noise from far off, it sounded like a fight. It was probably a guard trying to make his last moments worth it against whatever monstrosity had decided to play a game of cat-and-mouse with them.

"Get your fucking hands off me!" came a deep, raspy voice, sounding like it was being deprived of air. Only one thought rushed through your mind. Larry. Panic flooded through you like water as you came to the realization that you didn't know where the sound came from. How could you help Larry if you couldn't even find your way around?!

Whipping your head from one direction to the other a small blotch of black on the wall catches your eye. A piece of the wall was also a dark black color and broken clean off.

'Of course the idiot would try to grab onto a wall ', you thought. Obviously if he is able to walk through them grabbing it is the most logical option. In the middle of your little facepalm session for Lawrence, cheering started to sound from down the dark hallway to the left of the stain.

Shifting into the same cat from your encounter with SCP-049, you use the night vision to your advantage and peered into the hallway.

A small mew slips out from your lips at the sight before you. A group of a few MTF's are stood laughing with Larry on the floor, not moving.

A tidal wave of anger came crashing through your body. Stepping out into the middle of the hallway you howled as loud as you possibly could, succeeding in catching the attention of the MTF's. "Hey, what's a cute little kitty doing in a facility like this", said the MTF who was previously standing over Larry as he walked over to you. "Careful", another random MTF called out, "It could be a breached SCP". "Wouldn't they have announced it if another SCP was breached?" the man retorted back. Eyeing his armor you sat down on your haunches and waited for the perfect moment. He was the only one wearing anti-corrosive gloves. Reaching up towards his helmet he lifted up his eye cover and crouched down beside you. "Huh, it probably got lost", he said.


Hissing, you launch upwards and latch your claws onto the man's face through the eye opening, scratching his eyes furiously. "AGH- LITTLE FUCKING SHIT!", shrieked the man. He grabbed you and threw you off him. Luckily, you landed on your feet. Darting away from the man and towards Larry you look him over. He seemed to have no cuts or major physical damage. You put your ear closer to his face and was relieved to find out he was still breathing, though very ragged and strained.

Not realizing the commotion commencing behind you, you only heard the "GRAB IT" a second too late. You were harshly gripped at the back of the neck and held in the air.

"You" your attacker said, directed at another MTF, "Go tend to Lieutenant Harrison's eyes." "You! Get your gun out, your going to shoot this bitch.", he yelled at another MTF.

'Shit, SHIT!' you mentally yelled to yourself. The other MTF was already retrieving his pistol from his belt, you'd have to act fast. Racking your brain you were rapidly thinking of ways to get out of the situation alive, all while trying to distract the men by wiggling and shaking in his grip.

Suddenly your eyes widened and you ceased your squirming. You knew what you had to do. But Larry wasn't going to like it. Good thing he was unconscious.

"Finally ready to die?" the MTF asked, smirking at you. The second MTF was cocking back the pistol, getting ready to fire.

Looking the man holding you in the eyes, you began to change. Slowly you watched the man's expression change from confusion to terror as you rapidly grew till you were staring down at him by a good foot.

"Not quite yet", you gave a sadistic, twisted grin at the shorter man. Instantly his hand retreated from the back of your neck. Sizzling, it was already half corroded. Clutching his hand in horror, the man recoiled from you. Reaching out you flicked his eye cover upwards and grabbed his face. Strangely enough, the now deformed and decaying face wasn't making you gag.


Slowly turning around you saw the second MTF, his pistol pointed right at you with a small string of smoke coming from out of the barrel. He just shot you, and you didn't even feel it... this was going to be fun.

hey guys, I'm so sorry but I have to split this chapter into two parts. I needed more time to add to this chapter and I felt I had already delayed the upload for too long.. thanks for all the reads, almost 1.5k? That's pretty crazy, especially since I'm just writing for fun and am not a professional writer in any way. Thank you all for being interested in this story and helping me out, I really appreciate all of you.

thanks loves,

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