Chapter Five • Unexpected Encounter

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this chapter contains quite a bit of swearing cause, you know, it's 106, you shouldn't expect anything less hah


barbeque sauce man pov:

"Oh fuck me" you mumbled as you walked out the doorway without (y/n), taking a right, "I couldn't speak a damn sentence". You decided it would be better to just focus on walking. Reaching the end of the hallway you noticed it split off in another two hallways going in opposite directions. Two very dark hallways.


Immediately your sharp hearing detected that the sound came from the left hallway. Cocking your head to the left you peered closer into the hallway trying to distinguish whatever made the sound. Assuming it was just another SCP, you turned to head into the opposite hallway. They wouldn't bother you, who would? You are Keter class after all.

clack clack clack

boots. It was the sound of multiple large, heavy boots on the metal floor. Before you had enough time to sink into your pocket dimension an arm roughly roped around your neck, locking you in a chokehold.

"SCP-106 spotted, engaging"

It was the MTF, you realized. Panic settling in, you attempt to grab the arm to corrode it away but something was off. The arm was staying perfectly intact.

"Fuck you and your anti-corrosive gear" you spit out at your attacker.

Chuckling, your attacker tightens his grip and you are quickly losing your breath. Your eyes shooting open you realize you are being dragged around a corner. Reaching both arms out you manage to grab the corner of the wall leaving a black corrosive stain that was spreading ever so quickly.

"Get your fucking hands off me!" you yelled with some of your final breaths at the man around your neck, who was now busy trying to yank you off the wall. Eventually your hands began to slip as your corrosive touch was decaying the wall. With one hard tug from the MTF a chunk of the wall came loose and fell, leaving you again at the clutches of your attackers.

Your arms fall to your sides when the grip around your neck becomes impossibly tight, causing you to start losing consciousness. Your attackers are clearly pleased with themselves as they cheer and holler.

'Why could I not fight back? Why did I rush out of the room so fast? Why did I let my emotions take control? WHY AM I SO DAMN STUPID? I left (y/n) all alone, with no one to help them. What am I supposed to do if they get hurt? If they DIE?!'

Thought were rushing through your head as your eyes closed. The last bit of air you had was stolen from you, and your body went limp..

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