Chapter Six • Larry? (Part Two)

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recap because I've been gone for SO DAMN LONG:

(y/n) was in her cat form and has just encountered a group of MTF who seems pretty friendly with her, but they had Lawrence unconscious at their feet. So naturally, (y/n) decided to claw one of their eyes out when they he approached her. She was about to be shot by a different MTF when she realized she had to morph into Larry's form to survive. She had also come to the realization that she was immune to gunfire and here we are now..

(y/n) pov:

You dropped the half-melted face MTF and he fell like a rock, already long dead. You started slowly walking towards the lone MTF as he repeatedly shot 8 rounds at a time before reloading, all of the shots directed towards you in some way. Man he has terrible fucking aim, despite them not hurting, half of the bullets didn't even touch you. Huh, don't they have training for this shit? He must be a newbie.

Closing in on your target you try to run up to him but he jumps out of the way. Why is Larry so fucking slow? Getting frustrated you turn around, expecting to see Larry still on the floor. Instead, what you see is Larry still on the floor, and a large group of more MTF's coming around the corner with heavy guns. You immediately felt more at ease knowing that guns have no effect on you in this form. As the MTF approached you, you noticed how they all had gloves and visors that were unable to be opened. Smart bastards. The MTF stopped advancing about 10 feet away from you and raised their guns. Interestingly enough the guns didn't seem to have any ammunition magazines. Cocking your head you grinned widely and waited for the guns to fire and the tingling sensation that follows it.


But nothing happened. Only a small zapping sound was to be heard coming from the guns in unison. Cocking your head even further you stopped smiling and backed away. Whatever was happening with those guns you didn't want any part of it. A small circle was protruding from the side of the gun and was spinning, slowly at first but rapidly picking up pace. The small circle began to spin extremely fast and you backed away even further. The MTF began approaching and suddenly a great flash of light came from the guns and electric sparks were flying from the barrels of the guns. Your eyes widened in fear as your feet hit something on the floor causing you to fall backwards on to something else. You realized you had fallen over Larry's body onto the lone MTF's legs. He seemed to have been hiding from the whole ordeal.

The group of MTF's began closing in, their guns still spewing the electricity. Rolling of the man's legs you grabbed Larry and tightly shut your eyes realizing there was nothing more you could do.

You started to cry, for the first time in a long while, tears began leaking out of your milky white eyes. In those few seconds before the MTF would get to you, you felt extremely sad, there was no way to save yourself or Larry, he isn't even conscious right now. What a terrible fucking way to die, without even getting to say goodbye to anyone, gone just like that. The sadness you have now for Larry was so great you felt like you were sinking into a pool of your tears.

Actually, now that you thought about it, it really did feel like you were sinking. Flashing open your eyes you look down to see a large puddle of corrosive goop surrounding you, and you were sinking into it! Larry sinking with you, you felt like you had to take the MTF with you. Grabbing his leg you yanked him down into the puddle with you and Larry all the while he is screaming "This isn't how I want to die!". Pathetic little shit. Now fully submerged in the puddle you closed your eyes, all you saw was darkness anyway. When you opened your eyes you were in a small room with 8 hallways surrounding your little group. It felt so familiar somehow.

Suddenly you had an urge to kill the MTF. Setting Larry down your head snapped back up to stare at the man. Who was awing the area in fear. Turning his head he screamed when he saw you walking towards him. You laughed darkly as he sprinted of into a random hallway. You wanted to toy with the man, make him beg for his life. Walking down a different hallway you came across a red room, with what looked like a throne in the center. You sat down on the throne and willed the MTF to the hallway leading to this room. In this dimension you could do whatever you wanted. In this dimension, you ARE god. Slowly walking into the room, the MTF visibly shook and stood small.

"Beg", you stated darkly, your grin widening as you looked down upon the man. He started to tear up, but didn't speak. This angered you. Instantly you appeared directly in front of him. "I fucking said beg" you snapped, annoyance in your voice. The MTF fell on his knees and started to sob, "please let me go, I don't know what this place is. Please don't kill me!  have a family!"

Feeling satisfied with yourself you decide that you will finish him off quickly, ignoring the pleas from the man. Chuckling darkly and smiling to yourself you went to inform the man of your decision. "No" If it was even possible, your grin became impossibly wider. 'I wonder what would be better, his Achilles Tendon or his Femur? Probably the latter.', you thought to yourself. You began reaching for the horror stricken man.

"(y/n)?", the voice sounded oddly similar to yours. Looking up, Larry was walking over to you, rubbing his neck and a worried look on his face. "what..are you doing?"
WHOOOOO baby that was a long chapter, 1103 words. The wait was pretty long but I think that it's worth it in my opinion. Honestly, I don't know if I should continue this story, I have some upcoming ideas but not very many leads after that. Comment what you think and any ideas if you have them, I will try my best to incorporate them into the story. Also props to you if you know why Larry is slow and what gun that is.

Hope you liked the chapter

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