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Something unusual happened that day. It was something that nobody expected. After finishing their challenges for the day, the campers sighed in relief and hung out nearby the cabins, until they noticed something strange - Courtney and Gwen were no where to be found. Of course, people assumed the worst. For example, everybody knew what kind of person Gwen had been towards Courtney, so they assumed that Gwen had some kind of torture planned for Courtney. Duncan, however, didn't assume much - he just got straight to action. He didn't even stay to hear the assumptions, rather, he went straight to searching. People like LeShawna, Heather, Geoff, and Bridgette came to help search as well. Anybody remember that insane cliff where the cast had to jump from in season 1 episode 1? Unfortunately, that's where Gwen and Courtney were found. The snapping of sharks' jaws could be heard from the bottom, and this worried Duncan deeply. Gwen had that look in her eye that made everyone think she was going to do something terrible, and, she did, until Duncan showed up. Whenever Duncan has that pissed off look - that really means you fucked up. And Gwen fucked up. Bad. She looked around at the people staring at her, unable to find words to defend herself. Gwen really did prove to the world that she truly is a horrible person. Especially when she wants something, or, in this case, someone. But she hated that being a horrible person honestly did wreck her reputation. And before Total Drama, Gwen saw herself as a way better person.
PS I USED TO BE COSMOETIX. just changed my username bc it's been a while :-)
thanks for all your patience folks! more coming way sooner than y'all think! but for now, enjoy ~

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