not lucas; three

134 11 5


me: norahhhhh

norah the explorer : lucasssss

me: surprised you didnt reply with a cold harsh 'what' tbh

norah the explorer: i am a v spontaneous person lucas

me: someomes in a good mood, either that or you're high

spontaneous person: watch your mouth lucas

spontaneous person: and why the heck would i be high?

me: luke*

me: and idk i don't know you, maybe you're actually 12 and you like that sorta stuff idk

spontaneous person: lucas*

me: fuck you

spontaneous person: and i can assure you i'm not 12

spontaneous person: i dont think your mum would appreciate you using that language luke

me: dw she wont be seeing it anytime soon

spontaneous person: and what makes you so sure she wont?

me: my mum died when i was eleven..

spontaneous person: shit luke im sorry

me: its okay, you didnt know...

spontaneous person: yeah but i'm really sorry... idk what to do in these situations

spontaneous person: i'm so sorry.

me: its okay

spontaneous person: ...

me: ....

spontaneous person: ....

me: ....

spontaneous person: ...

me: so.. gonna tell me where you live now? ;-)

spontaneous person: wtf lucas no

me: come on :-(

spontaneous person: no

me: pleeeaaaase

spontaneous person: no

me: please

spontaneous person: nope

me: please

spontaneous person: still no

me: please

me: please

me: please

spontaneous person: no

me: please

me: please

me: please

me: please

me: please

me: please

me: please

me: please

me: please

spontaneous person: ok, ok shut up. i live in australia ok?


spontaneous person: ok ok calm you man tits

me: i just snorted

spontaneous person: and you were calling me high

me: not like that

me: ugh

me: i mean like i made a kinda laughing/ pig noise idk shut up

spontaneous person: are you stable?

spontaneous person: like not to be rude but..

me: yes wth

me: what kind of question is that?

spontaneous person: idk

spontaneous person: ...

me: im happy :-)

spontaneous person: ok

me: are you going to ask why?

spontaneous person: nope

me: well then i'll tell you anyway

spontaneous person: i didnt ask

me: im happy because your actually talking to me

spontaneous person: then i'll stop

me: no what

me: norahhhh

me: come back

me: :-(


i have no idea where this is going tbh...


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