norah; eight

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Norah followed the directions on her cracked iPhone until she reached Luke's house. The one with the red roof, just as he had said. She took a deep breath, trying to wipe away tears from her red cheeks. Taking a deep, shaky breath, she made her way to the front door and knocked lightly.

The door opened seconds later, as if Luke had been sitting there waiting for her to arrive (which of course he had).

As soon as her dark eyes met his gaze, he pulled her into his arms, stroking her hair comfortingly. She couldn't be strong anymore, the tears began to flow freely down her cheeks, which were flattened against Luke's chest.

"Shh it's okay, you're okay." he cooed.

She let out a strangled sob as he continued to stoke her hair gently. She felt safe in Luke's arms, safer then she was comfortable with considering this was their first time meeting. She inhaled his heavenly scent which was a mix between cologne, lavender and a smell that could only be described as Luke. Don't ask me why he smelt of Lavender.

"Do you wanna go inside?" He asked softly, to which Norah just nodded shakily.

"Sorry about your shirt." she laughed half-heartedly, wiping under her eyes.

Luke glanced down at his Greenday shirt that now had a rather large damp patch across his chest.

"Don't worry about it." He smiled, taking her hand in his and leading her to the couch. "Do you want something to drink? Water?"

"A water would be nice, thanks." Norah replied quietly, looking down at her hands that she had intertwined since sitting down.

"No problem." Luke smiled gently, standing up to retrieve a glass of water from the kitchen, but not before placing a swift kiss on the top of her head. The small gesture made Norah's heart flutter but she tried to push the feeling aside.

Around a minute later, Luke arrived back in the living room with a glass of water in his hands.

"Thanks." Norah smile softly, taking the drink from Luke.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Luke asked her gently. He sat down next to her and pulled his knees up to his chest, hooking his arms around them.

"It happens a lot, them fighting." she began, "They often argue about pointless things but this time- this time was a lot worse. I heard them yelling over the water bill, my dad calling my mum a bitch and what not. So as usual, I went to my room and closed the door. Then I -" Norah stopped wiping away a stray tear. Luke took her hand in his and rubbed across the top of her knuckles reassuringly.

"Then I heard my mum scream. That didn't normally happen. The fighting and the yelling was normal, but this had never happened before, so I quietly went downstairs. When I got to the living room she-" she let out a strangled sob.

"hey its okay." Luke said soothingly, tracing patterns on her hand while his eyes kept her gaze.

Norah nodded and swallowed before she began again,

"I got to the living room and my dad had- he had slapped her. There was a red fucking handprint on her cheek and she was clutching the side of her face in pain. He slapped her, Luke!" Norah cried angrily, pulling her fingers from Luke's to wipe her tears. "He is suppose to love her and look after, she's his wife." Norah said softer, sounder more sad then angry now.

Luke pulled her to his chest and wrapped his arms around her again, kissing her hair.

"It's okay Norah, you're safe now." Luke cooed.

"but what about her Luke? What about my mum?" Norah sniffed, snuggling closer to Luke's chest.

"Do you want to call the police?" he suggested, gently stroking her hair.

"No, she's not nice to my dad either. She still doesn't deserved to be slapped though. But I don't want my dad going to prison, I still love them both you know? And now they're splitting up..." Norah whispered into his chest.

"I get it, it's okay." Luke replied softly.

"I don't really know what to do now... I don't want to go back there yet, but I'm going to have to eventually.." She sighed.

"You could stay here?"


hope you guys like this chapter, sorry its short


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2014 ⏰

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