still not lucas; four

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me: norahhh

me: norah

me: hi

me: or is it hey?

me: idk

me: norahhh

norah the explorer: shut up lucas im trying to study

me: luke*

norah the explorer: whatever

me: talk to me noah :-(

me: norah*

norah the explorer: noah?

me: yeah like noah's ark ;-)

norah the explorer: wth lucas

me: speaking of study, how old are you?

norah the explorer: how old are you?

me: i asked first

norah the explorer: suit yourself

me: ugh fine i'm 18

norah the explorer: so you've finished school?

norah the explorer: yes sherlock now how old are you?

sherlock: 17

me: hmm

sherlock: what??

me: nothing, lets play 20 questions

sherlock: lets not, i need to study

me: okay i'll start

sherlock: luke seriously

me: norah seriously

me: what city do you live in??

sherlock: i'm not answering that, now stop distracting me

me: please, come on norah :-( i'm not a serial killer

sherlock: you might be..

me: i'm not. what city?

sherlock: sydney

me: reALLY ?!

sherlock: yes??

me: same! oMF

sherlock: ok?

me: send a photo

sherlock: excuse me?

me: of your face

sherlock: i believe the term you are looking for is selfie

sherlock: and no

me: please norah i just want to see what you look like, i bet your really pretty ;-)

sherlock: no go away luke

me: but pleeeaasse *puppy dog eyes*

sherlock: fine

me: really?!

sherlock: no.

me: :-(

me: meanie

me: *cries*

sherlock: *new picture messgae*

me: fuck

sex god: language lucas

me: you're freaking beautiful norah

sex god: funny guy

me: seriously

sex god: stop

me: now i really do think you're pretty ;-)

sex god: lucas stop you're making me blush *sarcasm*

me: you love it baby

sex god: dont

me: you're no fun :-(

me: your turn

sex god: what

me: 20 questions, your turn

sex god: this is a one off ok lucas?

me: whatever just ask the question baby

sex god: call me baby one more time and i wont play

me: sorry babe

sex god:dont push it lucas

sex god: ok... favourite movie?


who wants lorah to meet up?


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